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A puzzle game with a sense of humor An onClick adventure featuring ninjas, zombies and cupcakes Simple design, original graphics and clever commentary. Captain Danielle Dyer. CAS Senior Journalism major Computer Applications and Creative Writing minor
A puzzle game with a sense of humor • An onClick adventure featuring ninjas, zombies and cupcakes • Simple design, original graphics and clever commentary
Captain Danielle Dyer • CAS Senior • Journalism major • Computer Applications and Creative Writing minor • 2 semesters of Java programming, 1 semester of Javascript • Very familiar with HTML. Familiar with XML, and CSS. Has been designing web pages and sites for 8 years. Proficient with Adobe PhotoShop and ImageReady, as well as Macromedia Dreamweaver. • Responsibilities: Team captain. Chief script monkey and maker of pretty pictures.
Allison Bean • CAS Senior • Journalism major • Cinema Studies minor, pending Computer Applications minor • 1 semester of Java programming • 8 years of HTML and web design experience. Familiar with CSS. Proficient with Adobe PhotoShop and ImageReady, as well as Macromedia Dreamweaver. • Responsibilities: PowerPoint presentations, writer of HTML and CSS, and assistant script monkey.
Eblyn Felix • CAS Junior • Computer Science major (no minor) • 5 semesters of programming (4 of Java, 1 of C, some Assembly) • 1.5 years of experience with HTML and web design. Somewhat familiar with CSS. Familiar with Adobe PhotoShop and Frontpage. • Responsibilities: Assistant script monkey and graphic maker, and journal writer.
Game Overview You’re a ninja mercenary, hired to take care of a zombie situation in a small town just outside of Boston. You discover that while most of the town has been destroyed by the zombies, one building, Coffee Of Doom, remains untouched. You decide to investigate the premises. Drawing your sword, you slip inside the establishment, ready to cut up any lurking zombies. Suddenly the door slams shut behind you, trapping you inside--at least until the zombies figure out how to break through the windows and turn you into one of their own.
Game play • Click the map to move and click the room to find objects • Use items in inventory to solve puzzle and advance game • Uses lots and lots of functions onClick and via hyperlink
Victory Conditions • You win the game when you solve the puzzle. • If you win, you get to add your name to the hall of fame, see a pretty picture, and find out what happens afterwards. • If you give up the zombies win and take over the world. • The fate of the world is in your hands, gamer.
Group Dynamic As Captain, Danielle kept group members on task, assigned duties, created most of the graphics, coded a large portion of the game and checked everyone’s work. Ph33r her. Allison was responsible for the Intro/victory pages, most of the CSS and HTML, finding item images & music and basic coding. Eblyn coded the journal and did some other basic coding. He also helped create the graphics and argued with Danielle about code efficiency.
Challenges • Using Objects: how the heck do we do this? • Showing that Objects are selected: why is CSS evil? • Cross-browser compatibility: IE is stupid and FireFox hates scrollbars! • Trying to get all of our ideas into the game: no, there are no yetis in Boston.