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E-Book / Livres électroniques
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Explain what you understand by the term Total Quality Management, paying particular attention to the following terms qua
21 vues
Explain what is meant by a premium brand.b) Describe the difference between an aim and an objectivec) Outline the purpos
17 vues
Explain various cost concepts in decision making.
16 vues
Explain various conditions of Depression.
22 vues
Explain type I and type II error Explain Deming 14 point approach to TQM
36 vues
Explain the various types of option a) Based on activityb) Based on exercise
23 vues
Explain the various issues in problem recognition. Distinguish factors and compulsions forcing a choice between internal
20 vues
Explain the various factors that are to be taken into account for plant location. Discuss in connection with setting up
20 vues
Explain the types of room plans.
26 vues
Explain the two dimensions to CRM – Customer facing and Company facing
19 vues
Explain the thrust areas of the new economic policy.
22 vues
Explain the term 'Break-even analysis'. Draw imaginary BEP chart and briefly describe its merits and demerits.
14 vues
Explain the technique of industry analysis
27 vues
Explain the style of leadership. 08
27 vues
Explain the steps involved in systematic material handling analysis
48 vues
Explain the significance of measuring and managing 'credit risk' in Bank. Also discuss the basic approaches to credit ri
20 vues
Explain the significance of ethics in business planning and decision making.
14 vues
Explain the security measures to be considered for any B2B E-Commerce system.
11 vues
Explain the significance of costing in logistics.
20 vues
Explain the security measures to be considered for any B2B E-Commerce system.
15 vues
Explain the role of supervisor as a trainer
57 vues
Explain the role of reference groups in group dynamics and their effect on buying behaviour of buyers.
35 vues
Explain the role of Power Distance in understanding Hofsted's work on cross-cultural prospective. How does this help in
29 vues
Explain the role of bargaining power in managing negotiations in international business.
35 vues
Explain the role and support of E-Commerce in the following applications (i) Real estate business (ii) Insurance sector
19 vues
Explain the responsibilities of an office supervisor
34 vues
Explain the relation between morale and productivity.
23 vues
Explain the relevance of ecological issues to business environment.
33 vues
Explain the relation between morale and productivity.
103 vues
Explain the processing and recovering procedures for SME sector advances.
17 vues
Explain the product selection and stages involved therein
25 vues
Explain the process of production and serving of any two varieties of lunch items
23 vues
Explain the procedure to be followed to the purchase of a item until the payment of bill.
27 vues
Explain the principles of facility layout Explain the factors which affect the facility location.
31 vues
Explain the objectives of materials management
25 vues
Explain the objectives of communication
34 vues
Explain the objectives and functions of advertisement manager.
36 vues
Explain the most used tools for performing economic analysis.
24 vues
Explain the need for reconciliation between budgeted profit and actual profit.
27 vues
Explain the most used tools for performing economic analysis.
21 vues