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Division I Basketball Focus Group (BFG) Updates. 2011 NCAA Regional Rules Seminar Abby Grantstein Ken Huber. Introduction. Enforcement Key Points. Investigative body Strive for fairness and accountability and to uphold integrity for itself and for the membership.
Division I Basketball Focus Group (BFG) Updates 2011 NCAA Regional Rules Seminar Abby Grantstein Ken Huber
Enforcement Key Points • Investigative body • Strive for fairness and accountability and to uphold integrity for itself and for the membership. • Among investigators and directors: • 63% former student-athletes. • 25% have worked in the membership. • 14% former college coaches. • 95% have an advanced degree. • 29% master’s degree. • 71% law degree.
Enforcement Key Points • External Outreach • Priorities • Areas of improvement • Internal Review • Operations and systems • Strategically positioned for effectiveness and efficiency
Enforcement Key Points • Key focus on football, basketball and agents. • Improving efficiencies in internal operations and systems. • Three core areas • Development • Investigations • Process • Information Hub • Team Approach
What does BFG do? • The purpose of BFG is to strengthen the enforcement staff’s ability to monitor and enforce rules compliance in men’s basketball through: • Expanded outreach efforts; • Increased knowledge of the specific issues impacting the men’s basketball recruiting environment; and • An enhanced enforcement presence.
NCAA Board of Directors Actions On October 29, 2009, the Board of Directors adopted a staggered implementation plan to address funneling of money issues. • Combination of interpretations and legislation. • Cornerstone is the definition of an “individual associated with a prospect (IAWP).” • Coaching suspensions for specific violations. • Student-athlete reinstatement component.
NCAA Board Interpretations Interpretations adopted (effective Oct. 29): • Camp employment (IAWRP): • Camp operation; • Donations to nonprofits (IAWP); • Consulting fees (IAWP); • 1-900 phone numbers (IAWP); and • Involvement in nonscholastic events on campus.
Individual associated with a prospect (IAWP) • Definition • Anyone who maintains or directs others to maintain contact* with a: • PSA; • PSA’s relatives or legal guardians; or • PSA’s coach. • Whose contact is directly or indirectly related to the PSA’s: • Athletic skills or abilities; or • Recruitment or enrollment at an NCAA institution. (*Contact at any point during athletics participation)
Camp Employment A violation of NCAA Bylaws 13.2.1 and would occur if an institution or men’s basketball staff member employs (i.e., volunteer or paid) an individual associated with a recruited prospective student-athlete at the institution’s or men’s basketball staff member’s camp or clinic. (Official Interp. 11/4/09)
Camp Employment - Effect • Any resulting violation is an institutional violation. • However, the head men’s basketball coach is held responsible and the resulting penalty could include contest suspension(s). • Best practice: Have the head men’s basketball coach and the camp director verify that no camp employees are IAWRPs.
Camp Employment – Team Camps • Scholastic coaches are permitted to accompany and coach their teams at team camp. • Scholastic coaches are not permitted to receive any remuneration for bringing their team to camp. • Reimbursement for mileage or costs incurred. • Compensation for performing duties.
Camp Operations A violation of Bylaws 13.11 and 13.12 would occur if an institutional or men’s basketball staff member’s basketball camp offers a different participation, registration procedure, fee structure, advertisement and/or logistical experience (e.g., lodging, meals, transportation or awards/mementos) than the other men’s/boy’s basketball camps operated by the institution of men’s basketball staff. (Official Interp. 11/4/09)
Camp Operations • Interpretation was adopted to address institutions using camps and clinics as a means to gain an improper recruiting advantage through “elite camps.” • Red flags result in increased scrutiny.
Camp Operations – “Different” • All camps must be operated in a similar manner. • Differences in operation will result in increased scrutiny, especially if a recruiting advantage is derived. • Best practice: If you know a difference in camp operations will occur, contact BFG in advance for collaboration and guidance.
Camp Operations – Red Flags • A high number of recruited prospective student-athletes or elite high school teams at a session. • Different websites/contacts used for registration. • Different advertising used for camps. • Different facilities used (e.g., basketball courts, residence halls). • Pop-up camps.
Camp Operations – Miscellaneous • Pop-Up Camps • Not impermissible per se. • If a pop-up camp occurs, be prepared to answer questions about why the camp “popped up.” • Instructional Component • Avoid a violation of NCAA Bylaw by ensuring that specialized instruction occurs, especially at team camps.
Case Study 1: Advertising State U’s father/son camp and day camps are advertised on State U’s camp website and in an institutional camp brochure. State U’s basketball skills camp is advertised only on the men’s basketball website and through a separate brochure mail out to prospect aged participants. Is the advertising similar or different?
Case Study 1 - Analysis • Red Flags • Skills camp is advertised separately from the two other camps. • The differently advertised camp (skills camp) involves only prospect-aged participants. • The skills camp advertising could give the appearance that the camp is not open to any and all participants. • Question: Why is the skills camp advertised separately?
Case Study 1: Summary • Conclusion • The skills camp is advertised differently from the other camps. • Best Practices • If the institution has a camp Website listing basketball camps, list all basketball camps on that Website. • If the institution sends out a mailing listing all camps, list all basketball camps in that mailing.
Case Study 2: Facilities Used Coach Big Time’s instructional camp uses basketball courts located at the student recreation center. Big Time’s Top Guard camp will use the institution’s arena even though the student recreation center was available. Are the facilities used similar or different?
Case Summary 2 - Analysis • Fact-specific circumstances • Facility availability • Number of camp participants • Question • Why are the facilities used different for the two camps?
Case Study 2: Summary • Conclusion • The Top Guard camp uses a different facility from the instructional camp. • Best Practices • Obtain facility event calendar. • Confirm number of camp participants.
Case Study 3: Registration Coach Huber’s basketball camp brochure directs participants to register either online or by mailing the registration information to the basketball office. However, registrants for a pop-up camp in June are directed to call the director of men’s basketball operations. Is the camp registration process similar or different?
Case Summary 3 - Analysis • Red Flags • Pop-up camp. • Participants directed to contact men’s basketball staff. • Question: Why is the registration process different for the camps?
Case Study 3: Summary • Conclusion • The camps have different registration procedures. • Best Practices • If the institution has a procedure for camp registration (e.g., through a camp Website), all camps should follow that registration procedure.
BFG Camp Monitoring • BFG will be monitoring camp operations. • Institution may not be contacted prior to a camp visit.
Nonprofit Donations A violation of Bylaws 13.2.1 and/or 13.15.1 would occur if an institution or a men’s basketball staff member provides money to a nonprofit foundation that expends funds for the benefit of a nonscholastic team, prospective student-athlete(s) or an IAWP. (Official Interp. 11/4/09)
Nonprofit Donations • This prohibition on donations to nonprofits extends to: • Donating items; • Attending an event without pay would be deemed to be a “donation” because the nonprofit organization derives a financial benefit from the fact that NCAA Division I coaches are present; or • Coaches using personal funds.
Nonprofit Donations – Best Practices • Resources • http://foundationcenter.org/findfunders/990finder • http://www2.guidestar.org • http://www.irs.gov/app/pub-78 • Annual Disclosure • Men’s basketball staff members required to affirm in writing that no personal or institutional funds donated or solicited for a proscribed nonprofit. • Disclosure subject to NCAA Bylaw 10.1 (Ethical Conduct).
Coaching Clinics • Not a part of the October 29, 2009, Board of Directors actions. • Need to determine whether the coaching clinic is tied to a proscribed nonprofit organization. • If yes, then go through nonprofit donation analysis. • If no, then go through a Bylaw 13.2.1 (recruiting inducement) analysis.
Coaching Clinics • Bylaw 13.2.1 (recruiting inducement) analysis red flags: • Recruiting nexus. • Speakers are all recruiting the same prospective student-athlete(s). • Speakers have a similar sponsorship affiliation. • Clinic operator is an IAWP.
Coaching Clinics – Best Practices • Ask your coach who contacted him to speak at the clinic. • Determine who else is speaking at the clinic. • Determine who benefits financially from the coaching clinic. • Contact BFG (after completing “Before You Call” Checklist).
Recruiting Scouting Services(Effective January 16, 2010) NCAA Bylaw 13.14.3 – Established minimum standards before an institution may subscribe to a recruiting service • No prohibition on subscribing to a service affiliated with an IAWP if the service meets the minimum standards, unless: • Cannot purchase more than one subscription to the same service per year.
Recruiting Scouting Services • Need to determine whether the scouting service is tied to a proscribed nonprofit organization: • If so, then go through the nonprofit donation analysis.
Case Study 4: Recruiting Scouting Services Facts: • Scouting service is run by founder and executive director of local nonscholastic program. • Nonscholastic program is part of a nonprofit youth basketball organization that provides benefits to PSA’s. • Tax Identification number on scouting service invoice is registered to the nonprofit youth basketball organization.
Case Study 4 – Summary • Because the scouting service is tied to a proscribed nonprofit organization, the nonprofit analysis applies. • Conclusion: It is impermissible to subscribe to this recruiting scouting service.
Recruiting Scouting Services – Minimum Standards For Subscription NCAA Bylaw 13.14.3 • Same rate to all subscribers (across divisions); • Publicly identifies rates; • Disseminates info quarterly; • Publicly identifies scope of service; • Provides analysis on individual PSAs (more than demographics or rankings); • Provides samples for review prior to purchase; • If video, restricted to HS, Prep or 2-year contests (nonscholastic events prohibited).
Recruiting Scouting Services – Minimum Standards for Subscription • Reminder – • Academic and Membership Affairs controls all of the interpretations on whether the minimum requirements have been met for scouting services. • Note: See Official Interpretation, 4/1/11 – Definition of a Recruiting or Scouting Service.
Recruiting Scouting Services – Best Practices Obtain information about the recruiting scouting service through: • Conducting basic Internet searches. • Obtaining a sample report from the service. • Communicating with the men’s basketball staff.
Recruiting Scouting Services – Red Flags • Different invoice rates. • The scouting service provides only demographic information and rankings. • The general comments provided for prospects are not enough to be considered individual analysis. • Tax identification number provided is tied to a nonprofit foundation that expends funds for the benefit of nonscholastic team, prospective student-athlete(s) or an individual associated with a prospective student-athlete.
Recruiting Scouting Services BFG as a Resource • Best Practice • Always communicate with BFG. • New process coming soon.
BFG Outreach In order to develop a better understanding of the men’s basketball recruiting environment, BFG is reaching out to: • College coaches; • High school coaches; • Nonscholastic coaches; • Prospective student-athletes; and • Parents.
BFG Outreach • Scholastic events; • Nonscholastic events; • Coaching clinics; • 2-year institution games; and • Outreach triggers.