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eXtension July 25, 2006 National Videoconference

eXtension July 25, 2006 National Videoconference. Agenda. Summer Update Call for Engagement & Community of Practice Updates. Agenda. FAQ Rollout Update Professional Development eXtension Web Conferencing Center. 2006 Video Conference Schedule. October 24. about.eXtension.org.

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eXtension July 25, 2006 National Videoconference

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Presentation Transcript

  1. eXtensionJuly 25, 2006 National Videoconference

  2. Agenda • Summer Update • Call for Engagement & Community of Practice Updates

  3. Agenda • FAQ Rollout Update • Professional Development • eXtension Web Conferencing Center

  4. 2006 Video Conference Schedule • October 24

  5. about.eXtension.org

  6. Feedback - Questions Phone: (800) 755-7765 FAX: (402) 472-9724 Email: questions@extension.org

  7. iTeam Meetings • Week of • September 19 • November 27

  8. Feedback - Questions Phone: (800) 755-7765 FAX: (402) 472-9724 Email: questions@extension.org

  9. Summer Update • eXtension Web Conference Center • Iowa State University • Volunteer CoP • Pesticide Environmental Stewardship

  10. Summer Update • Communications & Marketing and User Interface - portal • Bremmer Goris (C&M) • Bean Creative (User Interface) • FAQ roll out • Virtual News Room

  11. Summer Update • HorseQuest rollout • New Technologies for Ag Extension Grant • $1.425M • Non-Profit Status

  12. Call for Engagement • 19 Full Applications • Review Panel (13) • July 31, 2006 • August 15-16, 2006 • Louisville, KY

  13. CoP Update • CoP Leadership Monthly calls • CoP Members Monthly Web Conference • Testing application and input

  14. CoP Update • Establishing a review process for content and FAQs • cop.extension.org • Resource Dashboard

  15. CoP Update • FAQs • HorseQuest • Financial Security • Consumer Horticulture • Imported Fire Ants • Wildlife Damage Mgmt.

  16. CoP Update • FAQ and Subject Matter Content • Review process • Copy Editors working

  17. Feedback - Questions Phone: (800) 755-7765 FAX: (402) 472-9724 Email: questions@extension.org

  18. FAQ Rollout Update • Rolled out July 5 • Receiving lots of visits • 100s of edits - quality • New FAQs - not as many

  19. FAQ Rollout Update • Monitor usage • My Stuff and Atom feeds • Promote in your state • Materials on About wiki • Link from your intranets • Development on-going

  20. Professional Development • Schedule of Opportunities • Go to: http://about.extension.org/wiki and search for Schedule of Professional Development Opportunities

  21. Professional Development • Sign up for Email Announcements • Go to: https://lists.extension.org/mailman/listinfo/learn

  22. Professional Development • Sessions open to anyone in Extension • Using Breeze meeting room called “Learn” at: https://breeze.extension.iastate.edu/learn

  23. Watch Past PD Events • For recordings go to: • http://about.extension.org/wiki • Search for Recordings • Or see: • http://about.extension.org/wiki/Past_Breeze_events

  24. Examples • eXtension: Help Wanted
 • Wikis Work! featuring Kris Olsen

  25. Examples • FAQ Orientation • 30 Minute Sessions on various topics

  26. Upcoming PD Events • 30 Minute Session: • FAQ Orientation (all welcome - July 26

  27. Upcoming PD Events • For IT Staff: • Sam Ruby on Atom for Syndication - August 23

  28. Upcoming PD Events • Special Guest: • Jeffrey Veen on Web 2.0 - September

  29. Upcoming PD Events • Other topics announce using the Learn Mailing list and the blog at about extension.org

  30. Web Conferencing Center • Adobe Breeze Meetings • Online meetings and presentations • Computer and Internet connection

  31. Web Conferencing Center • Video, audio, presentations, polling, notes • http://about.extension.org/wiki/Web_Conferencing_Center • FAQ, Meetings, Recordings, Contact, Pricing

  32. Web Conferencing Center • Dustin Hiatt, Floyd Davenport • eXtensionWCC@extension.org • 1-800-478-0057

  33. Feedback - Questions Phone: (800) 755-7765 FAX: (402) 472-9724 Email: questions@extension.org

  34. Questions

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