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Writing a Persuasive Essay. Following the Formula. What is a persuasive essay?. Takes a position on a topic (you state your opinion) Provides evidence to support your position Facts, statistics, anecdotes Written to persuade your reader. Step 1 - TOFA.
Writing a Persuasive Essay Following the Formula
What is a persuasive essay? • Takes a position on a topic (you state your opinion) • Provides evidence to support your position • Facts, statistics, anecdotes • Written to persuade your reader
Step 1 - TOFA • Actually write out all four parts of the prompt before you begin prewriting. • Topic • Opinion • Format • Audience
Step 2 - Prewriting • Use a chart (pros and cons list) to determine your position (opinion). • Choose which opinion will be most effective. • Brainstorm a list of evidence (facts, statistics, & anecdotes) to support your opinion (3-4 for your essay).
Step 3 – Thesis Statement • Thesis = Opinion statement • Determine which reasons or arguments are strongest (3-4). • Take your opinion and add these reasons or arguments to develop a thesis statement. • Remember, your thesis statement is the LAST sentence in your introduction paragraph.
Step 4 – Organizational Plan • Use a graphic organizer or an outline to create a plan for your essay. • Persuasion map • Outline • Other graphic organizer • Include evidence on your organizational plan. • Anecdotes • Facts • Statistics
Step 5 – Introduction Paragraph • Attention Grabber (1-2 sentences) • Information about the topic (2-3 sentences) • Thesis Statement (1 sentence)
Attention Grabber • An interesting fact • A quote from a famous person or from someone you know • A related anecdote • A sensory rich description
Attention Grabber - NOTS Do not begin your essay with any version of: • Your opinion • The topic / prompt • A generic statement or question • Examples: Most people have faced challenges in their life. Everyone should volunteer. Have you ever failed at something? • In this essay, I am going to tell you about…
Information About the Topic • No more than 2-3 sentences • Include any background information about the subject • Explain the topic / prompt • Use words from the prompt • Assume the reader doesn’t know what the prompt is.
Step 6 – Body Paragraphs • Each paragraph needs to include • Main idea sentence – one argument / reason • Supporting sentences that include your evidence (facts, statistics, & anecdotes) • Need to address counterclaims • Within each body paragraph OR • As a separate body paragraph
Evidence • Strong evidence (facts, statistics, anecdotes) creates a strong argument. • Do not use hypotheticals – “Ifs” • Hypotheticals are not strong arguments. • Create a story out of the hypothetical to make it stronger. • Avoid generalizations. • Use personal anecdotes whenever possible.
Counterclaims • Imagine someone who disagrees with you. Address that point-of-view and give reasons why someone might hold that view. • Do not dismiss the opposite view as being stupid. • Tell why they are wrong using specific evidence. Make sure you restate why your point-of-view is correct.
Step 7 – Conclusion Paragraph • Do not restate your thesis word-for-word. • Include • A call to action • A solution to the problem, and/or • A final appeal • Do not just summarize your essay. • Leave the reader with a strong impression.
Step 8 – Revise, Edit, Proofread • Check for & mark out the word “you”. • Eliminate any unnecessary information. • Underline your thesis statement. Check for all four parts. • Underline the main idea sentence in each body paragraph. • Make sure your evidence is specific & personal.
Modeling & Practice Prompt 38 In his book All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, Robert Fulghum lists these simple lessons: put things back where you found them, play and work some every day, hold hands and stick together. Do you agree or disagree that these lessons apply to life today? Or is life too complicated for such simplicity? Take a position on the issue. Support your response with reasons and examples.
Practice Step 1 – TOFA T – Simple lessons for life O – Do the simple lessons we learned in kindergarten apply to life today, or is life too complicated for these lessons? F – Persuasive essay A – Hidden
Modeling Step 2 – Prewriting - Chart
Practice Step 2 – Prewriting - Chart
Modeling Step 2 – Prewriting - Evidence • Reason 1 - Put things back where you found them • Everyone - Recycling • My family around the house • Students / myself at school • Reason 2 - Play and work some every day • Good balance • When I have too much work or when I don’t work at all • My dad – too much work / stress • Reason 3 - Hold hands and stick together • Taking care of my friends and family • When my friends and family supported me through cancer (or another challenge)
Practice Step 2 – Prewriting - Evidence • Reason 1 - • Anecdote 1 • Anecdote 2 • Anecdote 3 • Reason 2 - • Anecdote 1 • Anecdote 2 • Anecdote 3 • Reason 3 - • Anecdote 1 • Anecdote 2 • Anecdote 3
Modeling Step 3 – Thesis Statement • DO NOT include “I think,” “I feel,” or “I believe.” • Opinion + reason 1, reason 2, and reason 3. Although life is very complicated these days, I believe people can apply these simple lessons to life today because we should always put things back where they belong, we should work and play every day for good balance, and we should take care of one another.
Practice Step 3 – Thesis Statement DO NOT include “I think,” “I feel,” or “I believe.” • If you include any of these, make sure you delete them before you put it in your introduction paragraph. Your opinion because reason 1, reason 2, and reason 3.
Modeling Step 4 – Organizational Plan
Practice Step 4 – Organizational Plan Complete an organizational plan using either the persuasion map or the persuasive essay diagram.
Modeling Step 5 – Introduction Paragraph Attention grabber - I only remember a few things from kindergarten. The most vivid memory I have is hitting my head on the toilet paper holder and having to get stitches. Another vivid memory I have is getting out my blanket and pillow from my cubby to take a nap. I miss those naps. Life was much more simple back then.
Modeling Step 5 – Introduction Paragraph Information about the topic - Robert Fulghumwrote his book All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergartenabout how the simple lessons we learned as children can be applied to life today. As I grow older, life seems to get more complicated.
Modeling Step 5 – Introduction Paragraph Thesis Statement - However, people can apply these simple lessons to life today because we should always put things back where they belong, work and play every day for good balance, and take care of one another.
Practice Step 5 – Introduction Paragraph Write your own introduction paragraph using all three parts: • Attention grabber • Information about the topic • Thesis statement
Modeling Step 6 – Body Paragraph 1 Life would be so much easier if everyone put things back where they found them. At home, I often find clean clothes in the dirty clothes hamper, games in the living room floor, or dirty dishes on the end table in the living room. I am just as guilty as my kids and my husband; I do not always put my shoes back in my closet or clean up the bathroom sink after I get ready in the mornings. However, if everyone at home took care to put everything back in its proper place, our home would be much neater, and we would not have as many arguments. Since we are constantly looking for lost keys or shoes or coats, we might even be able to get places on time if we all put things back where they belong.
Modeling Step 6 – Body Paragraph 2 The stress in our lives would be greatly reduced if we all strived for a good balance between work and play. As a working mother, I find it difficult to find time for things I enjoy, like playing with my kids, reading, or photography. Most days, I spend most of my time going from one task to another. However, this schedule is not good for my mental well-being, and I am not a good teacher or mother when I am too stressed. I get frustrated very easily and will yell or snap at anyone who adds to my stress. If I took time every day to relax and do something I enjoy, I could be a better mother, wife, teacher, and friend.
Modeling Step 6 – Body Paragraph 3 We would all be happier and healthier if we looked out for one another and stuck together. I have endured many challenges in my life, and my family and true friends have supported me through them all. When I had cancer, for example, several of my friends got together and coordinated meals for my family. Once or twice a week, one of my friends brought over a full meal for my family. Because I was undergoing radiation, I was tired all of the time. These meals gave me a night to just relax when I got home. This simple rule, hold hands and stick together, has helped me through some difficult times.
Practice Step 6 – Body Paragraphs Write your own body paragraphs. • Make sure your first sentence is your reason stated as the main idea for the paragraph. • Make sure your supporting sentences contain evidence (anecdotes) that is specific and personal.
Modeling Step 6 – Body Paragraph 4 - Counterclaim To some, these lessons may seem too simple for today’s complicated world. As I have grown older, life has gotten more difficult, to be sure. We live in a selfish, fast-paced society where we are pressured to be doing something every minute of every day. It seems there is not enough time in the day to worry about putting things back where they belong or to take the time to relax or even to take care of each other beyond sending a brief text message. However, it is important to slow down each day and remember why we exist. Focusing on these simple lessons will help my family do just that.
Practice Step 6 – Body Paragraph - Counterclaim Write your own counterclaim paragraph. • Make sure to include a main idea sentence. • Make sure to address the opposite opinion and tell why it is incorrect.
Modeling Step 7 – Conclusion I want to teach my children to have respect for their belongings, for their own health, and for one another. To help in this quest, these simple lessons, putting things back where they belong, working and playing some every day, and holding hands and sticking together, will guide my kids on their journey through life.
Practice Step 7 – Conclusion Write your own conclusion paragraph. • Make sure to include one of the following: • Call to action • Final appeal • Solution to the problem • Make sure to restate your opinion.
Addressing the Reader Do not use “you” in your essays, unless it is used in dialogue or in creative writing. You don’t know your reader. You Your You’re Y’all
Do Not Use • Contractions • Abbreviations • Slang – Teen-speak • Colloquialisms
Words to Avoid • Things • A lot / lots • Stuff • Anyway • Everything / Nothing • Fine • So • Nice • Good / Bad • Many • Really • Very • Love / Hate • Always / Never
Non-Words • Ain’t • Kinda • Gonna / Gunna • Coulda • Wanna • Alot • Hafta / Half to • Shoulda
Sentence Starters to Avoid • Well, • So, • First, • Second, • Third, • In my opinion, • Also, • And also, • Lastly, • Finally, • In conclusion, • I think, I feel, I believe