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Mardi le 26 mars Au printemps -Jacques Brel : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgYfE_h4kEI.
Mardi le 26 marsAu printemps-Jacques Brel:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgYfE_h4kEI Easter is celebrated in France much as it is in America, with various religious ceremonies commemorating the rebirth of Jesus, and cultural customs having to do with rabbits, chocolates and eggs.The predominant religion in France is Roman-Catholic (90%). No city, village or town is without a church. Many of them date back to the twelfth century or before. Most churches have a bell, which is rung joyfully throughout the year marking various events and the passage of time. On the Thursday before Good Friday, all church bells in France are silenced in acknowledgement of Jesus' death. In fun, children are told that the bell's chimes have flown to Rome to see the Pope. Easter morning, the bells ring out once again in celebration of the Resurrection, declaring that Jesus is alive again. In some villages, people kiss and embrace one another when they hear the bells ring. Easter morning is a happy time for children who wake to look for colorfully decorated Easter eggs (les oeufs de Pâques) hidden in their gardens, homes and playgrounds.
French language week:Poster contest! • La Semaine de la Langue Française et de la Francophonie est célébrée tous les ans partout dans le monde le 18 au 24 mars. Poster contest! Create a poster celebrating French or Foreign Languages! +10 on a double quiz grade and there Will be prizes for top 3! Due April 8th!
French club-this Wednesday! • Cheese & drinks tasting! • Games! • 2:30-3:30 in room 405!
F 2 • Tues: Work on verbchart-30 minutes 2. Make-up/late work: quizzes? Book test (pg. 194-95) due now---ONLY if you were absent. If there’s time, we’ll go over the answers today. Recipe/list of 20 foods- due today for 70% unless absent on Friday. Today is the last day, unless you were absent Thursday or Friday! H/W: Finish verbchart if not done already. Borrowed words “E” due tomorrow for Bonus 100. Work on your 5 famous Frenchies-due 4/1
Present tense • Er: e, es, e, ons, ez, ent • Ir: is, is, it, issons, issez, issent • Re: s, s, -----,ons, ez, ent • Weirdos-units 1-4 (Etre, boire): MEMORIZE!
Past tense (passé composé)-composed with 2 parts: Helping verb +99%-Avoir J’ai Tu as Il a Nous avons Vousavez Ilsont OR: (17 Etre verbs!!!)-suis,es,est,sommes,êtes,sont PAST PARTICIPLE: ER-é IR-I RE-u WEIRDOS: Boire-bu PLUS
NEAR FUTURE ALLER (conjugated in the present tense) WHOLE INFINITIVE!!!!!!!!!! (GOING TO VERB) Je vais DORMIR! (I’M GOING TO SLEEP) PLUS
F 2 R & PreAP due dates Wed. 3/27 Borrowed words “K” for bonus (PreAP-required) Mon.4/1-Five famous Frenchies on LMS. Thurs. 4/11-Test 4A April 1-4 STARR 9,10 April 22-28 TAKS 11 May 6-10 STARR 9,10 AP 10-12 May 13-17 STARR 9,10 AP 10-12
F 2 PreAP • French Confiseries and Chocolatiers As always, the French take great pride and joy in their food, and no village is without at least one or more confiseries (candy shops). Easter is the perfect time of year for master chocolatiers to display and celebrate their delectable wares. Great attention to detail and years of practice result in chocolate eggs that look more like works of art than anything edible! They are truly beautiful, and many people enjoy strolling the avenues peering into the shop windows as if they are at a museum or art show. http://french.yabla.com/player_cdn.php?id=60&tlang_id=en • Grade V/C-on board • Borrowed words due tomorrow!
F 3 • French Confiseries and Chocolatiers As always, the French take great pride and joy in their food, and no village is without at least one or more confiseries (candy shops). Easter is the perfect time of year for master chocolatiers to display and celebrate their delectable wares. Great attention to detail and years of practice result in chocolate eggs that look more like works of art than anything edible! They are truly beautiful, and many people enjoy strolling the avenues peering into the shop windows as if they are at a museum or art show. • Le chocolat: http://french.yabla.com/player_cdn.php?id=60&tlang_id=en 2. Traduisez “La Parure” dans les groupes. Je vousdonnerai les compositions !
F 3 Due dates & test dates • 3/7 Test 3A • 3/18 Poems • 4/1 Essay-final copy due-typed & printed! • 4/8 Skit and also know 50 of the 150 phrases video! • 4/11 Test 4A-possible test date April 1-4 STARR 9,10 April 22-28 TAKS 11 May 6-10 STARR 9,10 AP 10-12 May 13-17 STARR 9,10 AP 10-12
F 1 • Tues: Topics-finish up 13-24 in 30 minutes, then oral review. See next slide for date changes. • If time: Review vocabulary unit 2/3- www.classzone.com H/W: Borrowed words “E”. Today for 105%, tomorrow for 100%. Write Part of speech on left, definition on right. Must be hand-written. Monday for 80% Work on your scrapbook-due April 8th!
F 1 Dates • F 1-Tues. 3/26 & Wed. 3/27=ORAL GRADE-THIS has been moved to April 8th week! • Wed. 3/27 Borrowed words “E” • Mon. 4/8-Scrapbook & oral grades all week • Mon. 4/15 Test 4A April 1-4 STARR 9,10 April 22-28 TAKS 11 May 6-10 STARR 9,10 AP 10-12 May 13-17 STARR 9,10 AP 10-12