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Review of Changes to the American FactFinder and census Websites

Review of Changes to the American FactFinder and census.gov Websites. American FactFinder (AFF) Enhancements. I’m there @ AFF but I can’t find what I’m need. New Enhancements Released 4/2012. 4/2012 Release Highlights.

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Review of Changes to the American FactFinder and census Websites

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Review of Changes to the American FactFinder and census.gov Websites

  2. American FactFinder (AFF) Enhancements • I’m there @ AFF but I can’t find what I’m need 2

  3. New Enhancements Released 4/2012

  4. 4/2012 Release Highlights • Modified the Geographic Overlay to include a "List/Popular Tab" that will organize the most popular geographies in a hierarchical fashion. • Provided quick links on the AFF Main Page to the FTP site. • Provided a popular searches component to allow users to quickly access frequently requested data on AFF. • Provided an easier way to access Data Profiles and other commonly requested data. 4

  5. Added More Search Components and Navigational Links 5

  6. Added New Component to Spotlight Data Profiles 6

  7. Simplified Geography Selection 7

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