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Clone libraries from the Mediterranean Sea ICM, Barcelona-May 2001

Clone libraries from the Mediterranean Sea ICM, Barcelona-May 2001. Overview genetic libraries. Fraction analyzed: 0.2 - 3 µm Extraction. Massana et al. 1997 Amplification: Primers EukA and EukB (Medlin et al. 1988). Large presence of clones of smaller size. PIC-A. PIC-B. A B.

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Clone libraries from the Mediterranean Sea ICM, Barcelona-May 2001

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Clone libraries from the Mediterranean SeaICM, Barcelona-May 2001

  2. Overview genetic libraries Fraction analyzed: 0.2 - 3 µm Extraction. Massana et al. 1997 Amplification: Primers EukA and EukB (Medlin et al. 1988)

  3. Large presence of clones of smaller size PIC-A PIC-B A B

  4. Analysis of clone libraries by RFLP PCR reamplification of inserts with primers EukA and EukB Digest PCR products with HaeIII Run digests products in 2.5% low melting point agarose at 80v for 3-5 h

  5. Affiliation of clones to RFLP-OTUs

  6. Distribution of clones in RFLP-OTUs PIC-A PIC-B

  7. Rarefaction curves and coverage values PIC-B PIC-A Coverage: 54% Coverage: 75%

  8. Comparison between libraries PIC-A PIC-B Novel alveolate DH144-EKD3

  9. Preliminary sequences

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