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Top 5 Pioneering Healthcare Leaders in 2023

Top 5 Pioneering Healthcare Leaders in 2023<br>

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Top 5 Pioneering Healthcare Leaders in 2023

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  1. April Issue : 07 2023 Kurt Herpel CEO Delta 4 GmbH Empowering Independence The Growing Importance of Home Care in Aging Popula?ons Quality Care in the Comfort of Home Exploring the Advantages and Benefits of Home Care Services Top Pioneering Healthcare Leaders in 2023 HERPEL Revolu?onizing Drug Discovery Through Ar?ficial Intelligence

  2. Where Caring Comes to You

  3. Ed tor’ s Note

  4. Fostering the Leaders of Tomorrow's Healthcare comprehension of patient care, bolstering critical thinking capacities. Empowering the health leaders of tomorrow necessitates cultivating a culture of continuous learning and innovation. I healthcare's future, wield the ability to shape the destiny of medical practices, revolutionize patient care and propel innovation. Equipping these leaders with indispensable tools, knowledge and unwavering support is paramount, ensuring a robust and efficient healthcare system for generations. Mentorship emerges as another invaluable facet in empowering the future torchbearers of healthcare. By pairing aspiring health heroes with seasoned professionals who can offer guidance, sagacity and unwavering support, transformative change becomes attainable. Mentors can assist in traversing career pathways, instilling ethical values, and igniting a profound commitment to patient- centric care. Through fostering these mentor-mentee relationships, we foster a culture of perpetual learning and growth, wherein the wisdom of experienced leaders is passed down to the next generation. n the ever-progressing realm of healthcare, the demand for adept and empathetic leaders has reached a pinnacle. These individuals, the frontlines of Becoming a healthcare leader encompasses a multifaceted journey, necessitating a fusion of proficiency, enthusiasm and visionary ideation. In acknowledging this reality, educational institutions, healthcare establishments and policymakers must prioritize initiatives that empower aspiring healthcare trailblazers to flourish. By providing all- encompassing training programs, opportunities for mentorship, and exposure to real-world hurdles, we can cultivate well-rounded leaders capable of deftly navigating the intricacies of modern healthcare. Moreover, exposing expanding healthcare leaders to the expansive healthcare ecosystem assumes paramount importance. This entails providing opportunities for engaging with policymakers, researchers and industry luminaries. By partaking in conferences, workshops and research endeavors, aspiring health heroes attain a holistic understanding of the challenges and prospects that lie ahead. They can contribute to shaping healthcare policies, advocating evidence-based practices, and driving innovation. Education lays the cornerstone for nurturing the healthcare leaders of tomorrow. Medical schools, nursing programs, and other healthcare training institutions are pivotal in imparting the essential knowledge and skills. However, transcending a purely theoretical approach and embracing experiential learning becomes imperative. Hands-on clinical experiences, simulation-based training and interdisciplinary collaborations facilitate the cultivation of a comprehensive Insights Care's latest edition Top 5 Pioneering Healthcare Leaders in 2023, walks you through the critical leaders for sustainable development and progression of healthcare. Let us unite in investing in and supporting these aspiring health leaders, empowering them to become catalysts for positive change and ultimately enhancing the well-being of individuals and communities worldwide. -Pooja Shah Pja Sh

  5. 20 Cover Story 08 Kurt Herpel Revolu?onizing Drug Discovery Through Ar?ficial Intelligence

  6. CONTENTS 20 Amine Staali Empowering Be?er Health for All 28 Mr. John Sunil Accelera?ng Healthcare Transforma?ons through Key Opera?onal & Strategic Ini?a?ves Articles Empowering Independence 16 The Growing Importance of Home Care in Aging Popula?ons 24 Quality Care in the Comfort of Home Exploring the Advantages and Benefits of Home Care Services

  7. Editor-in-Chief Chidiebere Moses Ogbodo Managing Editor Pooja Shah Executive Editor Saloni, Kedar Visualiser David King Art & Design Head Mrunalinee Deshmukh Co-designer Paul Belin Art & Picture Editor Deepanjali Jena Business Development Manager Emily Jones Marketing Manager Bill Thompson Business Development Executives Anna Smith, Jack Miller Sales Executives Mike, Carl, John Technical Consultants David, Robert Assistant Technical Head Prashanth Hiremath Technical Head Jacob Smile Digital Marketing Manager Alina Sege Assistant Digital Marketing Manager Sagar Lahigade SME-SMO Executives Gemson Research Analyst Eric Smith Circulation Manager Tanaji Fartade sales@insightscare.com April, 2023 Contact Us: Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Survey No.133/134, Brand Square, Office No. 512, Kunjir Chowk, Pimple Saudagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411027. Phone - India: 7410033802, 8956487823 Email: info@insightscare.com For Subscription: www.insightscare.com Insights Success Media Tech LLC 555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017, United States Phone - +1614-602-4132 Email: info@insightscare.com For Subscription: www.insightscare.com https://twitter.com/Insightscare Follow us on : www.facebook.com/InsightsCare/ We are also available on : Copyright © 2023 Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd., All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights success. Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Insights Care is powered by Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd.

  8. Top Pioneering Healthcare Leaders in 2023 Company Description Featuring Person Amine Staali is driven by new challenges and is a critical thinker who delivers his best when facing challenging issues and situations. Amine Staali Co-founder & CEO ProvenMed provenmed.com Dan Schmitz is a future-oriented prototyper of innovative products, business models and new ventures. Dan Schmitz CEO Petal Technology petal.tech Jay has extensive experience in reshaping international health systems and public services to deliver sustainable improvements in population outcomes by applying commissioning techniques. Jay Rebbeck CEO Rebbeck rebbeckconsulting.com John Sunil has strong orientation in finance and exemplary skills in revenue-building strategies that helped him consistently deliver mission-critical results John Sunil CEO Burjeel Holding burjeelholdings.com Kurt Herpel (CEO) is a pharma executive with vast experience in leading organizations. Delta 4 GmbH delta4.ai Kurt Herpel CEO

  9. Kurt HERPEL Kurt Herpel CEO Delta 4 GmbH


  11. A cost-effectively. Unlike the traditionally time-consuming methods that involve many different grueling stages and series of actions from Early Drug Discovery, Pre-Clinical Phase, Clinical Phases and Regulatory Approval –that could take more than ten (10) years to develop a new drug from discovery to approval –,AI is promising a future that is full of actionable hope, with increased probability of success. I has unraveled unlimited possibilities in the way drugs are being discovered due to its ability to analyze vast reams of data, uncover patterns and relationships, and predict effects; helping scientists to develop viable drug targets faster, efficiently, and Co/MSD. The whole time, his goal has always been to help patients, particularly those afflicted with orphan diseases because it’s a very under-served segment. As he puts it, Kurt was around long before AI was as capable as it is today, but the prospect of using AI to improve the development of treatments was an exciting one. Initially, for Kurt, it was a very abstract concept, almost like science fiction. But this was several years ago. Over time, as his career evolved, and technology improved, it became more and more concrete. Although Kurt was involved with several other jobs and initiatives—but to make a long story short—they eventually led him to Delta4. There, Kurt and his team worked hard to combine the best of AI and the talent of the team to discover new drugs and indications for existing drugs for rare diseases. “As you can imagine, I'm quite happy to have aligned my professional mission so closely with my personal one,” adds Kurt. Today, the science and art of drug discovery have advanced beyond one’s expectations as a result of the implementation of Artificial Intelligence techniques—to not only discover new drugs—but also identify new indications for existing drugs with potential therapeutic values, that could help scientists develop better medicines faster, optimize cost, and human resources —and thus improve millions of people's lives. The Need for Developing Effective Treatments While there are several diseases with little to no treatment cure options, Kurt Herpel, the CEO of Delta 4 GmbH is dedicated to accelerating new treatment options and improving the health of patients through the use of AI proprietary computational analytics platform to identify breakthrough drug candidates. In partnership with healthcare institutions, he offers the opportunity to combine their technology with the client’s knowledge to develop treatments faster. As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, the quality of care for patients is also improving, thanks in part to advances in drug discovery and development. From more effective treatments to improved delivery systems, the healthcare industry is making strides to deliver more targeted and effective treatments for its patients. Developing effective treatments is immensely difficult and very expensive. “Recently, all of us had some experience with this as we saw, and are still seeing, how difficult COVID has been to corral. Despite teams dedicated to it around the world, it still required a considerable amount of time, funding, and resources to create a vaccine. It was a nearly unprecedented achievement to have created it so quickly, which puts into context just how challenging the process is,” adds Kurt. Using expert R&D and unique methodology to the core, Kurt Herpel has led Delta 4 GmbH, an AI drug discovery biotech company that utilizes Hyper-C, an AI-powered platform—to discover the undetected relationship between drugs with known safety profiles and diseases—and identify new indications. By operating the platform with a team of highly skilled medical and computational biologists, they can analyze and produce insights and opportunities for new therapy options that are cost-effective and time-saving for improved patient treatment. A relatively recent development that is changing the game in this regard is the advancement and implementation of artificial intelligence to not only discover new drugs but also identify new indications for existing drugs. Let’s learn more about Kurt’s AI measures in supporting drug discovery at Delta 4 GmbH. Kurt’s Inspiration for AI in Drug Development Role of AI in the Drug Discovery Process It all started with a spark of curiosity that gradually grew into a love for technology and a deep passion to help people. Kurt has spent the majority of his career in the pharmaceutical industry, a large part of it with Merck & Kurt believes that Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most promising areas of innovation, offering the potential to revolutionize the way drugs are discovered and developed. In the traditional drug discovery process, scientists use a



  14. About the In His Own Words “It’s truly a privilege to get to be the CEO of such a talented team. I think for most CEOs, there is a large list of func?ons and ac?vi?es that fall into the role, but in general, my most important func?on is to help define our mission and strategy and then ensure that all of our ini?a?ves, efforts and ac?vi?es are in alignment. My background in business and the experience that I have in the industry makes me a bit unique in the field. Many of the leaders in this space are scien?sts or come from a technological background. Of course, each background, including mine, has its pros and cons. One benefit of coming from a business background is that I tend to have a sharper focus on driving the assets we’re developing to clinical tes?ng as soon as safely possible, so we can get them to market faster. Fortunately, I can take that approach because of the vast amount of scien?fic and technological exper?se my team brings to the table. I am truly surrounded by a wealth of highly intelligent and capable people. It helps make my job a lot easier.”

  15. trial-and-error approach to identify potential drug compounds that show therapeutic potential. The process is guided by extraordinary amounts of research, experience, and brilliant minds, and to this point has yielded great advancements. However, it’s still very time-consuming, and in the case of diseases that are devastating but don’t affect a large portion of the population, prohibitively expensive. to us and we’re always on the lookout for potential partners who are as committed to quality and precision as we are,” adds Kurt. “We have programs in focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and COVID-induced anosmia that have already begun their clinical phases, thanks to strong cooperation with clinics and Contract Research Organizations (CROs).” Hyper-C—a Key Instrument to Drug Discovery But AI is transforming the drug discovery process by enabling scientists to quickly and accurately identify drug compounds with potential therapeutic value. AI can review vast quantities of data, uncover subtle relationships, generate models and iteratively test variations, highlight safety issues, and do more in a few weeks than a human team could do in a lifetime. Delta4’s platform, Hyper-C, is a key instrument in pioneering AI to revolutionize the healthcare industry. “In more concrete terms, you’ll see this as we develop new drugs faster, identify new indications for existing drugs while also increasing their effectiveness, and most importantly, achieve this while improving drug safety by providing more information on potential drug interactions, side effects, and risks,” adds Kurt. “However, we’re not yet to the point where AI can reliably do this on its own. The process still requires human intellect to verify results and guide the process and outcomes. It’s something we do uniquely well at Delta4, we marry the best of AI and human ingenuity to produce uncommon results,” adds Kurt. “Everything I mentioned, we are already doing. But we continue to improve Hyper-C to make it faster, more efficient, and more effective. At Delta4 we’re aggressively moving toward a future where we can help all patients, including ones with rare diseases.” R&D Operations at the Company The Challenge of Access to Resources When most of the company’s activities stem from an AI- powered drug discovery platform, R&D is pretty much a constant aspect of its operation. “We’re always trying to advance our platform Hyper-C, so that we can offer more applications, repositioning approaches, and do each better, faster and more accurately. It’s the only way to stay at the forefront of this space. However, all of this is just what happens within the platform. That’s an invaluable piece of the process but it’s still only a piece,” says Kurt. One of the challenges of science, and not just in biotech, but in general, is access to resources. In many areas, the industry has advanced to a point where to further research, one needs very expensive equipment—supercomputers, particle accelerators, quantum computers, and related. “In varying degrees, our field is no different. So for us, it’s important to give others access to our AI platform to further their initiatives,” highlights Kurt. He thus partners with pharmaceutical companies and universities so that other brilliant minds can leverage the power of his AI platform. “This is something that we’re quite proud of as it helps accelerate the progress of new research, discoveries, treatments, and, ultimately, the advancement of the healthcare sector.” Kurt and his team have also invested in partnerships with university clinics in Austria and Germany to move forward with preclinical and clinical programs. “These are important Opportunities for Growth Delta4’s biggest challenge has also been the source of much of Kurt’s innovation and has brought the company more opportunities. Thankfully, building up the company has been a very smooth process. Kurt and his team have been able to combine people, processes, and technology effectively and seamlessly.

  16. His attention is now on scaling up to aggressively develop Delta4’s pipeline. However, doing so requires securing additional funding and with a global recession looming, this is a bit more challenging than usual. common it’s that—every day we come into work excited that today could be the day we make a breakthrough that improves the quality of patients’ lives around the world. And if it doesn’t happen today, we’re excited that we’re a bit closer to helping them tomorrow.” At the same time, this temporary dearth of resources has motivated him to think outside the box and find innovative strategies to streamline Delta4’s processes so that Kurt and his team are uncompromisingly geared toward bringing shortlisted compounds into clinical testing. Looking Ahead Kurt believes that the year 2023 is an exciting one for the company. “We have a planned Series-B investment that we will utilize to zealously advance our in-silico pipeline into the clinical phase. We have several fascinating assets in our pipeline that we’re certain will yield wonderful and lucrative opportunities,” highlights Kurt. The company has also been able to leverage grant opportunities and use this time to get laser-focused on driving higher quality and differentiating its offering to attract clients. It’s been a very successful approach and Kurt has been very pleased with the results. “We are also ramping up our sales effort to grow our work with pharmaceutical companies. Pharma companies are interested in leveraging our platform, Hyper-C, for a variety of different objectives. During these projects, our team uses the platform to conduct research and/or asset development on behalf of a client. For us, they are beneficial because they allow us to continue to refine our process and algorithms and yield revenue that we can reinvest into our pipeline.” Advice to the Budding Enthusiasts The healthcare sector is a big space with a lot of different opportunities and work. It’s also a very difficult space. In that, the challenges are large and rife with complexity. “The setbacks are painful because we’re dealing with people, often in sensitive conditions, and in many cases, hefty hopes are hanging on the outcomes,” mentions Kurt. “Between these two initiatives, we’re very excited about everything we will accomplish in 2023 and how it will position us for continued success next year,” he concludes. “So, my advice would be to make sure that you are passionate about helping people. At our company, we have people from many different backgrounds, with experience in varying fields. But if there is one thing we all have in

  17. April 2023 Empowering Independence The Growing Importance of ome Care ith age, the several body functions are affected with their eyesight, and physical movement is slower and weaker. In such cases of senior citizens, there is a rising need for nursing and medical treatment to be provided at their residences itself. With the increasing number of senior citizens who need these medical services regularly at their residences. Looking into the need, modern medical professionals have started providing home care to senior citizens addressing their individual needs. in Aging Populations W Physical Support A nurse or caregiver gives good physical support through his continuous presence with the senior citizen. These strong individuals can physically support and guide the elderly to move quickly within the house. Several older adults cannot visit the washrooms and are given in-bed service by immediately cleaning their faeces and disposing of them. The basic requirements of regularly changing mattresses, bedsheets, and clothes are essential for the person's health. Senior people staying alone or whose close relatives away need support in their primary activities. They are provided dedicated support and care by professionally trained caregivers, nurses and medical professionals. Home care is critical as it offers various benefits and merits. Great Convenience Several senior citizens must visit the doctors for minor checkups, which puts them in a lot of inconvenience and 16

  18. April 2023 17

  19. April 2023 tension. Regardless of the support, they prefer having the doctor visit them instead. The doctors have a hectic and volatile schedule making it difficult to visit the patients for the checkup. They require some supporting assistance who can undertake the tasks diligently. Modern home care providers are qualified and experienced professionals who can carry out all these procedures and communicate with the doctor accordingly. The doctor talks to the senior citizen over the phone or video call and understands the conditions. Professional caregivers also emphasize encouraging and supporting seniors' active participation in daily routines. Home care enhances their overall well-being by involving older adults in activities such as meal preparation, light household chores, and social engagement. This engagement fosters a sense of purpose, preventing social isolation and promoting mental and emotional well-being. The best part is that these services can be tailored to address specific health conditions and mobility challenges that seniors may face. These services, from skilled nursing care to physical therapy, ensure that older adults receive the necessary support to manage their health effectively and prevent unnecessary hospitalizations. Understanding the Challenges of the Aging Population The world is experiencing a significant demographic shift, with the number of older adults aged 60 and above projected to reach 2.1 billion by 2050. This demographic transition poses several challenges, including an increased burden on healthcare systems and limited availability of institutional care facilities. Moreover, studies consistently show that seniors prefer to age in their homes, surrounded by familiar environments and loved ones. The slower movements, and depletion in their hearing, remembering and digesting capacities make them feel helpless. They prefer the convenience of their homes where they are aware of everything. Relief to Families The importance of home care extends beyond the individual. Family members and communities benefit greatly from these services. Home care alleviates the burden on family caregivers, who often juggle multiple responsibilities while caring for their aging loved ones. By entrusting the care of seniors to trained professionals, families can find peace of mind, knowing their loved ones are in capable hands. The caregivers enable communities to support aging populations while promoting social cohesion. By keeping older adults in their homes, communities can preserve intergenerational connections and tap into the wisdom and experiences of their senior members. This fosters a sense of inclusivity and strengthens community bonds. The Role of Home Care Home care services today play a pivotal role in meeting the needs of aging populations. These services encompass a range of personalized assistance, including help with daily activities, medication management, companionship, and healthcare support. Home care promotes independence, autonomy, and a higher quality of life by enabling older adults to remain in their own homes. Making Life Worthwhile Home care services are becoming increasingly vital as the world's population ages. By empowering independence and enabling seniors to age in place, home care contributes to the overall well-being of older adults. The personalized support and healthcare services offered by home care providers benefit seniors and alleviate the strain on families and communities. Embracing the growing importance of home care in aging populations is crucial for creating a society that values and supports the well-being of its senior members. Empowering Independence One of the key benefits of home care is its ability to empower independence in aging populations. By providing personalized care in the familiar surroundings of the home, seniors can maintain control over their lives and decision- making processes. Home care services are intended to be flexible, allowing seniors to receive assistance based on their individual needs and preferences. This approach fosters a sense of empowerment and self-determination. -Kedar Borgaonkar 18

  20. April 2023 Amine Staali Co-Founder & CEO ProvenMed 20

  21. Amine Staali innovation, vision and dedication to improving patient outcomes. Amine Staali, the Co-Founder & CEO of ProvenMed, is one such leader whose journey in healthcare began over a decade ago. His passion has always been reflected in his experience working in a variety of roles, including as a healthcare consultant and as the co-founder of a medical device startup. April 2023 Top 5 Pioneering Healthcare Leaders in 2023 Empowering Be?er Health for All A s the healthcare industry continues to evolve and adapt to new technologies and methodologies, there are certain leaders who stand out for their Following are the highlights of the interview: Brief us about yourself and shed some light on your journey so far. What inspires you to serve the healthcare industry? Several years ago, a friend of mine suffered from prostate cancer. He was a respected man, a friend of many. But after his diagnosis, he virtually disappeared from our social circles. When I spoke to him, I learned that he suffers from urinary incontinence. And he was embarrassed to be in public. In 2017, Staali co-founded ProvenMed intending to create a platform that could help healthcare providers improve patient outcomes and reduce costs. ProvenMed uses AI and machine learning to analyze patient data and provide personalized treatment recommendations to healthcare providers. This innovative approach to healthcare has already garnered recognition, including being named one of the Top 10 AI-Powered Healthcare Solution Providers by Healthcare Tech Outlook in 2022. He cannot live the active lifestyle he once had. He was embarrassed to go in public with adult diapers. And, it was too painful and uncomfortable for him to use catheters. So he stayed at home. That time I realized that it is a blessing to have full control of our bladder. Imagine, would you leave your house if you are scared to wet yourself? It is a fear and stress that haunts millions. And what can we do about it? Wear a diaper? That must be hard on self-esteem. For those of you who don't know, urinary incontinence is the loss of bladder control. It means you can't control when you urinate. It's a common and often embarrassing problem that affects more than 423 million people around the world. I tried to help my friend but there was no solution in the market. Under Staali's leadership, ProvenMed has continued to grow and expand, helping more and more healthcare providers improve patient outcomes and reduce costs. His vision and dedication have earned him a reputation as a pioneering healthcare leader, and his insights into the future of healthcare are highly sought after. Staali is a true innovator and visionary. As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, we can expect to see Staali and ProvenMed at the forefront of the field, driving innovation and improving patient outcomes with their cutting- edge technology and patient-centered approach. As a friend, I knew that I had to do something. I'm a fixer, a product nerd. But most importantly, I'm a human. I stayed with my friend, empathized with him, and closely understood his daily struggles. And I set off to create a humane solution. In an interview with Insights Care, he talks more about his work at ProvenMed which is making a real difference in the lives of patients and healthcare providers alike. This led me to design our first product for the marketplace. A product fuelled and inspired by compassionate empathy and designed completely from the patient's perspective. A solution to help him not only to manage leakage but also to have his confidence and dignity back so he can enjoy his active life to the fullest. That's when ProvenMed was born, with the first solution of its kind ActivGo® to help all those people who suffer from this problem in silence. 21

  22. April 2023 motivated to go to the next level and make the best technology and solutions for patients to feel better, and confident and can live their life to the fullest. Empathy is needed in every piece of the journey of care. Sometimes, patients feel be?er by just having someone to listen to and talk to with a positive a?itude. I believe the whole healthcare system needs to be redesigned with empathy at its core." In what way do you consider technological advances to be a pathway in conducting care and treatment services effectively? the company/hospital's At ProvenMed, we have redefined the incontinence care practice. With our products, we have created a new category of solutions that didn't exist before and we aim to make it mainstream for all people who suffer from urinary incontinence in the world. What endeavors are you currently pursuing to improve the care measures for your patients? We are working on a disruptive solution for ladies who suffer from stress incontinence. The solution will be the first of its kind to help women be active, and comfortable and avoid all UTI's risks. We are also working on a smart patch that predicts strokes, kidney failure and dehydration to save lives. Can you elaborate upon the core values, vision, and mission based on which your services are aligned with ProvenMed? All our Values are: Empathy & compassion Promote self-management Integrity Inclusion Sustainability Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ What are some of the challenges you face when conducting projects and how do you turn them into opportunities for growth? We are dealing with a taboo problem. People who suffer from the problem feel very embarrassed to talk about it. Studies show that 50% of those people don't even visit a doctor. We need more awareness and inclusive channels to support patients and change the status quo. Mission: We exist to innovate smart medical devices through compassionate empathy that empower people and improve their lives Vision: We strive to be a trusted and leading innovator of life-transforming smart medical wearable devices Share with us some of the strategies that have helped you in your position as a leader. How do you keep up with specific responsibilities at What areas in your opinion, does the health system struggles with, when it comes to caring for patients? ProvenMed ? My strategy is simple, focus on making the best product that changes lives for the better. Rest will follow. In our today's world, patients have just become numbers. The protocols of receiving care are being standardized till losing their human touch. The same thing when it comes to making products that help patients. Those products are made to help companies make more money but not elevate the quality of life of patients. Empathy is needed in every piece of the journey of care. Sometimes, patients feel better by just having someone to listen to and talk to with a positive attitude. I believe the whole healthcare system needs to be redesigned with empathy at its core. What advice would you like to give to budding entrepreneurs and enthusiasts who desire to venture into the healthcare sector? Be genuine, seek help from the right mentors, and focus on making the best product. How do you envision scaling your services and operations in 2023 and beyond? Please highlight your roles and responsibilities at ProvenMed. We have recently signed large distribution contracts in Canada and Saudi Arabia, and we are in the process of signing UK, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Australia. I'm Co-founder and CEO of responsibility is to make sure my team are inspired and ProvenMed . My 22

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  24. April 2023 Exploring the Advantagesand Benefitsof ome Care Services A s the global population ages, the demand for quality care for older adults is rising. While many seniors prefer to age in the comfort of their homes, they often require assistance with daily activities and healthcare needs. Home care services have emerged as a crucial solution, providing personalized support to seniors while empowering them to maintain their independence. degree of patience and understanding about these people. Generally offering services in fixed time slots of 12 hours of the night or full day, they are extremely flexible and adaptable, prioritizing the health and convenience of the senior citizen they are deputed to. Knowledgeable Professionals The professional nurse studies the senior citizen for their health condition, food and diet, observes the senior person to be looked after and offers the right and timely service. Working with focus, these caregivers are experts in time management. They understand the patient's routine, medicine doses, and all food and eating habits and then give their highest dedicated service to the senior citizen. The nurses communicate with the doctor for their observations and seek advice in giving the best and most effective service. Let us explore the advantages of home care services and the benefits they provide in making the lives of senior citizens comfortable. Highly Trained and Experienced Most caregivers are well qualified with nursing degrees and courses from theoretical, practical and social perspectives. Being adept with the elder care procedures, needs and requirements, the caregivers are professionals with a high 24

  25. April 2023 Quality Care in the Comfort of Home 25

  26. April 2023 Offer Interesting Company Enhanced Safety and Well-being The caregivers and nurses offering the home care services are trained in one-to-one interpersonal skills. They are positive people with an open mindset who easily befriend the patient and talk with them, listen patiently and offer good engaging company. They sit next to them, read out the newspaper and books and help them operate mobile phones. Due to age limitations, many things that are difficult to do are made easier and possible with these professionals. Professional home care providers are trained to identify potential hazards within the home environment and implement appropriate measures to mitigate them. This includes fall prevention strategies, medication management, and assistance with mobility, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. They can provide valuable peace of mind to family members concerned about the safety and well-being of their aging loved ones. With regular visits and check-ins, home care professionals can monitor the senior's condition, identify any potential health issues or changes, and address them promptly. This proactive approach to healthcare reduces the likelihood of emergencies and hospitalizations. Adept with Emergency The stay-in nurses know the rules and protocols in patient care. They regularly observe the patient's health and update the relatives and doctors regarding the developments. Keeping track of the patient, they are always on their toes to take precautionary measures whatever and whenever are required. Trained from first aid to critical care, the caregivers are certified and experienced professionals who can handle any emergency with smart actions and quick decisions. Cost-effectiveness and Customization Nowadays, receiving care at home is more affordable than moving into a home or assisted living facility. Home care services allow older adults to access the specific care and support they need, avoiding the costs associated with full- time institutional care. Act as Doctor's Support The caregivers know the basic medical responsibilities while caring for the senior citizen. Keep track of the medicine, maintain hygiene, observe the patient's condition, understand the patient's requirements and serve as a technical bridge for monitoring the patient's health status. Checking the temperature, oxygen level, blood pressure, sugar level, observing appetite, checking urine and stools, water consumption, etc. Going forward, the home care services can be customized to address the specific needs of each individual. Home care providers can tailor their services accordingly if a senior requires assistance for a few hours a day or round-the-clock care. This customized approach ensures that seniors receive the right level. Friends Indeed Personal Care and Attention Home care services provide numerous advantages and benefits for seniors who wish to age in place. The personalized care, maintenance of independence, enhanced safety, and cost-effectiveness make home care an attractive option for older adults and their families. By providing quality care in the convenience of home, these services promote well-being, improve quality of life, and foster a sense of familiarity. As the aging population continues to grow, the importance of home care services in supporting seniors and enabling them to age gracefully in their own homes cannot be overstated. Home care professionals develop individualized plans tailored to clients' needs and preferences. Whether it's assistance with daily activities, medication management, or specialized healthcare services, home care providers ensure seniors receive the personalized support they require. Being cared for in one's own home allows for a more focused and dedicated approach to caregiving. Home care professionals can build strong one-on-one relationships with their clients, fostering trust, companionship, and emotional well-being. This approach ensures seniors receive the attention and support they need to thrive physically, emotionally, and mentally. -Kedar Borgaonkar 26

  27. Top 5 Pioneering Healthcare Leaders in 2023 April 2023 Mr. John Sunil t is not the destination but the journey that matters. As I Sunil is an accomplished business leader with 28+ years of experience creating value for stakeholders. Accelera?ng Healthcare Transforma?ons through Key Opera?onal & Strategic Ini?a?ves growing presence in Oman and the GCC, I am fortunate to be at the forefront of cutting-edge healthcare innovation and delivery. the CEO of Burjeel Holdings (one of the UAE's leading private healthcare service providers), Mr. John I draw inspiration from the visionary leadership of Dr. Shamsheer Vayalil, Founder and Chairman of Burjeel Holdings, who has blazed a trail of success in the region's healthcare industry. Working in healthcare is rewarding as it offers the opportunity to positively impact people's lives. With new technology and treatments emerging, this is an exciting time to be in the industry. I am thrilled to work alongside dedicated and compassionate healthcare professionals in advancing healthcare and finding innovative solutions to complex healthcare problems. In his position, Mr. Sunil is accelerating healthcare transformation in emerging markets and beyond, through key operational and strategic initiatives. His strong orientation in finance and revenue-building has helped him consistently deliver mission-critical results in terms of growth, revenue, operational performance, and profitability. In an interview with Insights Care, Mr. Sunil shares his leadership journey in making high-stake decisions relying on experience-based judgment, pursuing a solid work ethic and leading with irreproachable integrity, which makes him an inimitable leader in the healthcare industry. Can you elaborate on the core values, vision and mission based on which your services are aligned? As one of the leading healthcare providers in the MENA region, Burjeel Holdings works to deliver exemplary medical care by combining state-of-the-art technology with highly skilled medical experts. We strive to treat every human life in our hands with the utmost care as we work to raise healthcare standards every day. Following are the excerpts from the interview. Brief us about yourself and shed some light on your journey so far. What inspires you to serve the healthcare industry? In a career spanning more than 28 years, I have worked in various capacities in the finance and operations domains in India and the UAE. In 2012, I joined Burjeel Hospital as Finance Manager and made my way up the organization through roles including Financial Controller, Chief Operations Officer, Regional CEO of Burjeel brands, and finally the CEO of Burjeel Holdings. Today, as the Chief Executive Officer of Burjeel Holdings, one of the UAE's leading private healthcare services providers with a As the CEO, my work is to translate the Group's vision and purpose into actionable priorities. I consider this role an opportunity to lead with purpose while openly and continually communicating our values of balance, unity, respect, justice, efficiency, empowerment, and leadership with my colleagues. I feel a shared sense of values drives our performance, helps us cement our presence, and even navigates change more successfully. 28

  28. April 2023 As the CEO, my work is to translate the Group's vision and purpose into ac?onable priori?es. I consider this role an opportunity to lead with purpose while openly and con?nually communica?ng our values of balance, unity, respect, jus?ce, efficiency, empowerment, and leadership with my colleagues. Mr. John Sunil CEO Burjeel Holdings 29

  29. April 2023 What role does compassion play in caring for patients in need? In what ways do you ensure that the company/hospital delivers it? We prioritize compassionate care at our facilities by practicing empathy and active listening, offering holistic care that addresses each aspect of the patient's needs, and providing support and training for our staff so they can cope with the challenges of caring for patients in need. Through our service Burjeel Darak, a one-of-its-kind long-term care and rehabilitation facility, we place equal emphasis on offering compassionate care to patients at every stage of the recovery process and patients with end-of-life conditions and terminal illnesses. Compassion is the foundation of the patient-centered care we practice at Burjeel Holdings. We strive to create a compassionate care environment in our hospital that fosters healing, comfort and hope for our patients in need. The philosophy of compassionate care guides every touch point from the call center to registration, reception, clinic, and billing. You will often find members of the senior leadership team on the floor interacting with patients and ensuring they get the best possible care and attention. 30

  30. are also focused on achieving asset growth, driving patient yield, and elevating operational efficiency through centralization and digitalization.Our key areas of focus are oncology, nuclear medicine, orthopedics and spine, women's care, fetal medicine and pediatric specialties, organ transplant, bone marrow transplant, and stem cell therapy, which allow us to ensure a higher reach and build on our expertise in complex care to address unmet medical needs. What are some of the testimonials or recognition that accurately highlight your position in the market? What are some of the challenges you face when conducting projects and how do you turn them into opportunities for growth? The COVID-19 pandemic jolted the entire healthcare system. Under the guidance of wise leadership in the UAE, we were able to quickly swing into action through significant testing, early detection, and dedicated facilities and wings for patients. We were at the forefront of supporting the UAE government in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic from the beginning. The group conducted over 2 million PCR tests, administered over half a million vaccines, and treated over 10,000 in-patients across the UAE and Oman for COVID-19. Another challenge was developing and implementing ground-level plans to successfully manage bio-secure bubbles for the first time for several international sporting events. We developed unparalleled expertise in the medical management of international sporting events, including the Indian Premier League, T20 Cricket World Cup, Formula 1 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix and UFC, to provide highly integrated medical services and bio-secure bubble management. Each project was evaluated on various parameters, with swift action taken to drive improvement and growth opportunities. In 2021, Burjeel Medical City became the first private hospital in the UAE to perform a kidney transplant. The procedure was conducted on a patient from Kazakhstan with end-stage kidney failure. In 2022, Burjeel Medical City's bone marrow transplant unit successfully performed the very first bone marrow transplant from a donor to a child in the UAE. The highly advanced, matched sibling transplant treatment was successfully carried out on a five-year-old girl from Uganda whose donor was her 10-year-old sister. To date, the hospital has performed 59 Bone Marrow Transplants including 24 pediatric and 35 adult transplants. In 2022, as part of a collaboration between the renowned Prof. Kypros Nicolaides and Burjeel Medical City's fetal medicine department, the Kyrpos Nicolaides Fetal Medicine and Therapy Center were opened. In 2022, in collaboration with the renowned orthopedic surgeon Dr. Dror Paley, The Paley Middle East Clinic was opened at Burjeel Medical City to offer complex orthopedic procedures to patients in the region. In 2023, Burjeel Holdings partnered with IFEM Endo to set up a specialized clinic for endometriosis and offer highly advanced minimally invasive surgeries for endometriosis. How do you envision scaling your services and operations in 2023 and beyond? Elevating utilization across our world-class assets and adding to our service portfolio are our priorities. We have adopted a unique hub-and-spoke model to lift patient yield by expanding our focus area of high-value complex medicine. We look forward to geographic expansion across key markets in the region and beyond that will enable us to offer specialized and highly personalized medical care to more patients. To this end, we have stated our intention to invest up to USD 1 billion to establish and expand healthcare offerings in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We In 2023, Burjeel Holdings partnered with OncoHelix Inc. to establish a cutting-edge laboratory in Abu Dhabi to provide advanced molecular genetics, cellular and immunological profile testing to patients in the country. Over the years, Burjeel Medical City has developed into a regional hub for oncology care that offers the most advanced services through world-class doctors. The hospital has a track record of treating the most complex cases, including a patient with SCID or 'bubble boy disease'. 31

  31. Helping Seniors Lead Comfortable Lives Lead Comfortable Lives

  32. A passion for putting patients first

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