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Healthcare Leaders & Healthcare Reform

Healthcare Leaders & Healthcare Reform. An Vu. Agenda. Introduce Critical Issue Diagnosis/ Identify Issue PEST analysis Action Plan Pros and Cons Alternatives Conclusion. Healthcare Leaders Unprepared for Healthcare reform. Lacking tools and skills necessary

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Healthcare Leaders & Healthcare Reform

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Healthcare Leaders & Healthcare Reform An Vu

  2. Agenda • Introduce Critical Issue • Diagnosis/ Identify Issue • PEST analysis • Action Plan • Pros and Cons • Alternatives • Conclusion

  3. Healthcare Leaders Unprepared for Healthcare reform • Lacking tools and skills necessary • Put in position from clinical role • Behind the curve due to changing nature of health care

  4. Who Were the First Healthcare Leaders? • Clinical leaders put in administrative roles • First requirements were: • Responsible for business financial aspect • Provide most basic social service (patient care) • Maintaining Moral and social order

  5. Healthcare Administration Roles • Relatively new, not until 1968 was there actual accreditation • Curriculum includes: • Accounting • Statistics • Management • Economics • Social sciences

  6. Why is this a Critical Health care issue? • Health care leaders need to about the reform • Effects decisions and actions • Effects those they manage • Has become an issue because of the nature of the health care industry

  7. Nature of Healthcare industry • Lucrative industry • Dynamic industry • Under reform • Environment Changes

  8. Environmental Changes • Legislative changes

  9. Environmental Changes • Economic Changes

  10. Environmental Changes • Social and Demographic changes

  11. Environmental Changes • Technological changes

  12. Environmental Changes • Competitive Changes

  13. Changes .. And more changes • We have • Changes in healthcare administration roles • Changes in healthcare industry • Changes in environment factors No wonder we can’t keep up!

  14. Surveys prove point

  15. How do we analyze and fix • PEST analysis • Create short term 5 year action plan

  16. PEST analysis

  17. Action plan • Form a strategic vision where healthcare reform is headed and how managers can adapt to the changes • Setting objectives for healthcare managers to obtain necessary foundation skills • crafting a strategy to achieve the desired outcome by surveys from employees and management • Evaluating the success of the goal and making any necessary corrective adjustments.

  18. Action Plan

  19. Pros • Prepared educated healthcare managers! • Compliance with health care reform Cons • Health institutions buy in • Healthcare managers not high priority

  20. Alternatives • Do nothing! • Healthcare managers have adapted when something has come up • Thinking upstream is a radical change

  21. Conclusion • Healthcare managers still unprepared • Action plan only short term

  22. References Busari, J. (2012). Management And Leadership Development In Healthcare And The Challenges Facing Physician Managers In Clinical Practice. International Journal Of Clinical Leadership, 17(4), 211-216. Crow, S. M., Hartman, S. J., Brockmann, E. N., & Henson, S. W. (2002). The Educational Needs Of Healthcare Managers And Executives In The Key Strategic Areas Of Healthcare. Hospital Topics, 80(3), 1 Embertson, M. K. (2006). The Importance Of Middle Managers In Healthcare Organizations. Journal Of Healthcare Management, 51(4), 223-232 Gelatt,H.B. 1993. Future Sense: Creating The Future. The Futurist 27(5):9-13. Gumus, G., Borkowski, N., Deckard, G. J., & Martel, K. J. (2011). Healthcare Managers' Perceptions Of Professional Development And Organizational Support. Journal Of Health & Human Services Administration, 34(1), 42- 63. Haddock,C. Mclean,R. Chapman,R. (2002) Carreers In Heatlhcare Management: How To Find Your Path And Follow It. Chicago: Health Administration Press. 1-7. Klein, J., Cleary, K. M., & Dolinsky, A. R. (2013). Health Sector Braces For Wide Impact Of The New Hitech Omnibus Rule. Intellectual Property & Technology Law Journal, 25(6), 10-15. Nursing Education. (N.D) Emergence Of American Nursing Schools:1892-1930’s. Retrieved From:Http://Nursingeducationhistory.Org/Files/Emergence_Of_Nursing_Schools_Through_Depression.Pdf Nunez, R., & Kleiner, B. H. (2012). Development Of Managed Healthcare In The United States: Lessons For Managers. International Journal Of Management, 2929-35. Stefl M. Common Competencies For All Healthcare Managers: The Healthcare Leadership Alliance Model. Journal Of Healthcare Management [Serial Online]. November 2008;53(6):360-374. Available From: Business Source Premier, Ipswich, Ma. Accessed November 25, 2013. Swayne, L.E., Duncan, W.J., & Ginter, P.M. (2008). Strategic Management Of Healthcare Organizations (6th Ed.). San Francisco, Ca: Jossey-Bass.

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