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Thea , theatr. To see, view. Thea ter, theatr ical. therm. heat. therm al. sci. To know. Sci ence, con sci ence, con sci ous. Scrib /script. To write. Tran scrib e, pre script ion. Sed , sid , sess. To sit, settle. Pre sid e, sed entary, sess ion. Sent, sens. To feel.
Thea, theatr To see, view Theater, theatrical
therm heat thermal
sci To know Science, conscience, conscious
Scrib/script To write Transcribe, prescription
Sed, sid, sess To sit, settle Preside, sedentary, session
Sent, sens To feel Sentimental, sensation, sensitive
Sequ, secut To follow, sequence Sequential, consecutive
alt high altitude
arm Army, weapon Firearm, disarm
Anima, anim Life, mind Animation
Ann, enn year Anniversary, perennial
aqua water Aquarium, aquatic
theo god Theocracy, theological, theoretical
topo To place or put Topography, topic
act To do or drive Action, react, activity
Phil,philo love Philanthropist, philosophy, pedophile
path feeling Psychopath, pathology, pathetic
soph wise Sophomore, philosophic
Syn, sym together Synchronicity, symphony, synonym, symbol
phon Sound, voice Telephone, symphonic, phonetic
photo light Photograph, telephoto, photogenic
phob fear Phobia, hydrophobia
derm skin Dermatitis, epidermis
hypo Under , below Hypothermia, hypoglycemic, hypochondriac
mim Copy or imitate Mimic, mime
Gno, know To know Agnostic, knowledge
lith stone Monolith
eu Good, well Euthanasia, euphemism, euphoria
ethno Nation, race Ethnicity, ethnic
geo earth Geography, geological, geometry
hypno sleep Hypnosis, hypnotist, hypnotics
bio life Biology, bio-hazard
Aster, astro star Asteroid, astronaut
Meter, metr measure Metric, centimeter
ortho straight Orthodontic, orthopedic
Gam marriage Poligamy, monogamy, bigamy
baro pressure barometer
hydro water Hydration, hydrophonics
chrono time Chronological, chronology, chronic
cosmo World, order, universe Cosmopolitan, cosmic
Graph, gram Write, record Telegraph, graphic, mongram, gramophone
dem people Democrat, demographics
Crac, crat Rule, govern Autocratic, democracy
pan all Panic, pandemonium, pandemic
micro small Microcosim, microscope
anthropo Human being Anthropology, philanthropist
chrom color Chromatic, chrome, panochromatic
opt eye Opthamology, optic
mor fool Moron, sophomoric
morph Shape, form Metamorphosis