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Unit 2 Geodetic Surveying and Plane Surveying 大地测量和平面测量. plane n. 平面 ; adj. 平坦的 n.1. 平面图 2. 可以不计地球曲面投影变形影响的 , 描述小范围面积的地图。通常地图比例尺不应小于 1:5000 。. feature n.1. 特征 2. 可以作为标志的显著特点 eg. design with topographical feature 根据地形特征进行设计 natural features 自然特征点 artificial features 人工特征点.
Unit 2 Geodetic Surveying and Plane Surveying大地测量和平面测量
plane n.平面; adj.平坦的 n.1.平面图 2.可以不计地球曲面投影变形影响的,描述小范围面积的地图。通常地图比例尺不应小于1:5000。
feature n.1.特征 2.可以作为标志的显著特点 eg. design with topographical feature 根据地形特征进行设计 natural features 自然特征点 artificial features 人工特征点
contour n.1.轮廓;轮廓线 2.外形;结构 n.1.等高线 2.地图上地面高程相等的各相邻点所连成的曲线。 eg. contoured / contour map 等高线图 contoured bathymetric map 水深线图,等深线图
Plan n.1.计划,打算,方案 2.平面图,示意图 The plans of the new development are on show at the town hall. 镇公所大厅展示了新开发的平面图。 vt.&vi. 1.计划,打算,设计 I have planned the whole thing to the smallest detail. 我已经把整个事情连最小的细节都计划好了。
chart n.1,图标 2,航海图 The course of a ship is marked on a chart. 轮船的航线已经在航海图上标出。 vt.1,绘制地图,在图上标出 The navigator charted the course of the ship. 领航员在航海图上标出船的航线。 2,记录,记述,跟踪(进展或发展) 3,计划行动 ;制定计划
figure n.1.数字 The above figure did not include workers. 上面的数字没有包括工人。 2.图解,图表;装饰性的图案 The figure on page 22 shows a political map of Africa. 第22页的插图是非洲的政区图。
王之卓: The development of “Surveying and Mapping” in the information era is “Geomatics”.
Types of Surveys 测量类型 • (1) land surveys • (2) topographic surveys • (3) route surveys • (4) city surveys • (5) construction surveys • (6) hydrographic surveys • (7) marine surveys • (8) forestry and geological surveys • (9) photogrammetric surveys
Hydrographic adj.与水道测量有关 of or relating to hydrographics Eg. hydrographic survey hydrographic surveyor hydrographic map Hydro- or dydr- 表示“水,液,流体”,“氢的,含氢的”之义 Combining form 结合的形式 Indicating or denoting water, liquid, or fluid表明或表示水、液体或者流体
Two general classifications of surveys are geodetic and plane. • 目前测量的主要方法分为大地测量和平面测量。 • In geodetic surveying, the curved surface of the earth is considered by performing the computations on a spheroid. • 在大地测量中,地球曲面被近似认为是一椭球来计算。 • In plane surveying, except for leveling, the reference base for field work and computations is assumed to be a flat horizontal surface. • 在平面测量中,除了水准测量,内外业的参考基准面被认为是平坦的水平表面。
curve n.1.曲线,弧线,曲面,弯曲 The population curve has slowed down. 2.曲线状物,弯曲物 The automobile slowed down to go around the curves in the road. vt.&vi.1,(使)完成弧形 2,(使)沿曲线运动;呈曲线形
Curved adj.1,弧形的;曲线的;呈弯曲状的 A large bull with curved horns Curvature n.1.弯曲 curvature of the spine 脊椎弯曲 2.弯曲部分 3.曲率,曲度
tri- “三” trigomometry 三角法 trigonometric function 三角函数 trigonometric identity 三角恒等式 tri-colour Pottery of the Tang Dynasty
freshmen • sophomore • junior • senior
estate n.1.住宅区,工业区,工厂区 2,(通常指农村的)大片私有土地,庄园 This is a tea estate. 3,个人财产;(尤指)遗产 He owns a large estate in Scotland. 4,不动产权,地产权,财产权 5,(人生的)阶段,状况,状态,情况
cadastre n.1,地籍 2,土地的位置、面积、质量、权属、利用现状等诸要素关系的总称 elevation n.1.提升,提高,晋级 2,海拔 The house is at an elevation of 2000 metres. 那栋房子位于海拔两千米的高处。 3,(建筑物的)正视图;立体图 4,高地;高处 5,(水平或数量)提高,升高,增加
plumb n.铅锤,测锤 adj.垂直的 vt.1,用铅垂线校正 2,(为建筑物等)铺设管道 3,当管工 4,用铅锤测量 plumb bob plumb line off [out of] plum 铅锤 铅垂线 不垂直,倾斜;不准确