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Marine Oil Spill Contingency Planning FMEM Interface

Marine Oil Spill Contingency Planning FMEM Interface. 22 nd May 2014. Objectives. To discuss Local Co-ordination, Crisis Management Team and On-Site arrangements during an oil pollution emergency Legal Framework & declaration of a major emergency

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Marine Oil Spill Contingency Planning FMEM Interface

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  1. Marine Oil Spill Contingency Planning FMEM Interface 22nd May 2014

  2. Objectives • To discuss • Local Co-ordination, Crisis Management Team and • On-Site arrangements during an oil pollution emergency • Legal Framework & declaration of a major emergency • Link between FMEM & Oil Pollution Plans • Discuss the On-Scene / On-Shore response • Capabilities of County Council / other agencies • Highlight the media response

  3. Key References: • County Council Major Emergency Plan Pollution is an Identified Hazard & a ‘Likely Risk’ Mandated to Plan & Prepare on the Risk Matrix • County Council Oil Spill Response Plan • Appendix ‘Roles, Responsibilities & Response’ • Protocol 7 ‘Land Based Response to Marine Emergencies’

  4. Major Emergency • Incident poses a threat to public safety or health, social and economic functioning, damage to infrastructure, property or to the environment on a scale that requires a co-ordinated response • Lead Govt Dept convenes the National Co-ordination Group.

  5. Role & Responsibilities MEM • Lead Govt Department DTTAS • Principal Support Role IRCG Local Authorities Support Roles AGS HSE Harbour Masters Port Authorities DoD CIL

  6. Major Emergency • Declared by PRA • Lead Govt Dept nominated to manage national level issues to ensure information is provided to the public • Strategic Emergency Planning Guidance Document • Role is to initiate the relevant national emergency crisis response and to provide the mechanism for appropriate co-ordination of a national level response and linking the local response as appropriate.

  7. Response StructureFMEM Oil Spill Plan Protocol • Lead Govt Dept • Local Coordination Centre Tier 3 • Crisis Management Team • Shoreline Response Centre Tier 2 • On site x ? Tier 1

  8. What can go wrong? Collision Grounding Fire & Explosion Sinking Mechanical & structural Failure

  9. CONSIDER Type Bulk Carrier Tanker oil/LNG/LPG Chemical/ Ore Bulk Oil Container Vessel General Cargo Passenger Size Construction & Layout WT compartments Loading discharging fac Power sources Cargo Type Dangerous Goods Quantity Liquid/Solid How to shift Fuel/Bunkers

  10. Clipper Cheyanne SAR-Containment-Clean up-salvage

  11. Shoreline Response Centre SRC Planning Logistics Finance Operations Media communications Protection Containment Recovery Waste Disposal ONSCENE

  12. Information Centre Incident Facts Update Weather Tides SR/SS Others 1 Situation Map Resource Status 2 Objectives Organisation Other 3 Incident Facts 1 Safety & Health considerations, Mass Balance, Sensitive Areas 2 Enroute, Assigned, Available, Out of Service 3 Operational Period, Schedule of Meetings, Medical Plan, Communications Plan

  13. Shoreline Response Centre Layout Information centre Situation Unit Information Centre Media Unit Planning Operations Logistics Command Finance

  14. Shore line Response CentreProtection Containment Recovery • Local Authority / Harbour Master • Tier 2 responder company

  15. Sutton How would you manage? Irish Coast Guard - Garda Cósta na hÉireann

  16. Groups as follows: 1. Local Co-ordination Group, Crisis Management Team Media Liaison Team County Council Principal Response Agencies, Irish Coast Guard* Experts*, Other Agencies* • Shoreline Response Group inc Other Agencies 3. On-Site • Observers – please engage with 3 Groups as required

  17. Scenario • 5 days ago a medium sized single hulled Russian oil • tanker collided with a trawler, off the Irish Coast. • 250 Tonnes of Light Crude Oil escaped from the MV • Roman Abramovich before the leak was temporarily repaired. • The Trawler sank and crew rescued. • The Coast Guard has been monitoring the oil mass • with assistance from the Air Corps (CASA CN-252) • and the Naval Service( LE Ciara) • Light winds and strong currents are forcing the oil towards • the Irish coastline.

  18. Oil Trajectory Model – Day 1

  19. Oil Trajectory & Oil fate + 2 days

  20. Scenario • The oil mass is circa 3 miles long varying in width from 100 metres to 800 metres • It is a low viscosity oil (flows freely). • It is largely un-weathered and has not dispersed • It has a specific gravity of 0.87( floats easily & is very buoyant ) • It has a relatively low asphaltine content – does not emulsify easily

  21. Oil Trajectory + 3 days

  22. Oil Trajectory & Weathering + 3.5 days

  23. Oil Trajectory

  24. Scenario • The Coast Guard (IRCG) has been briefing local authorities on the coast twice daily • Heavily oiled seabirds are appearing on beaches • This morning the IRCG informed the County Council that a large segment of this crude oil would most likely come ashore in the area of Port Beach / Clogherhead / Dunany Point / Dundalk Bay Current Situation: • Council personnel on-site are reporting that oil is coming ashore on Port Beach in Co Louth

  25. Oil on Shore + 4 days

  26. Extent of Pollution

  27. Landfall

  28. Inject 1

  29. Group 1 please consider the following questions in respect of your Group: A spokesperson will present your findings at the end of the group discussion in 30 minutes • Is this event a Major Emergency or Major Incident? • What strategic assistance is required? • What practical assistance do you require? • What are the key issues? • What are your strategic priorities? • What actions are required? • Media Statement required in 30 minutes • Feedback to Group: • Nominated Spokesperson / Media Brief

  30. Inject 2

  31. Inject 2 • Group 2 please consider the following questions in respect of your Group: • Response Management: Where is the On-Site (Shoreline) location? • Shoreline Cleanup – Who and How? • Environmental Issues – waste oil and sand • Wildlife issues & Response • Financial Records / Insurance Claims • Liability & Compensation • Responder Welfare – who supervises? • Voluntary Bodies – who supervises them? • Health & Safety Management – practical issues (Worksite) • Security of Site? • How does HSE / AGS act in a support role? Feedback to Group: • Nominated Spokesperson

  32. Inject 3

  33. Inject 3 • Group 3 please consider the following questions in respect of your Group: • Site assessment • De-contamination & Clean Up • Security of Site? • Record & Log Keeping • Temporary Storage & Disposal • Waste Transfer from Site • Media Relations • Deactivation and Post incident • Review & Report Feedback to Group: • Nominated Spokesperson

  34. Conclusion Questions? Closing Remarks

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