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Changes to Local Policing. Greatest and safest big city on earth. Most effective, efficient, loved & respected force in the UK. Public services and communities tackling crime together. TOTAL POLICING. Why are we changing?.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Changes to Local Policing Greatestand safestbig city on earth Mosteffective, efficient, loved & respected force in the UK Publicservices andcommunitiestackling crimetogether TOTAL POLICING

  2. Why are we changing? The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) is changing to put neighbourhood policing at the heart of what we do, with more officers on the street providing a more flexible service to meet the needs of London’s communities. TOTAL POLICING Date Arial 14pt

  3. Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) Challenge to the MPS - 20% + 20% - 20% Cut 7 priority crimes Boost public confidence Reduce spend TOTAL POLICING Date Arial 14pt

  4. Public Access – Improving how you access police services Contact Points We come to you 24 / 7 We will be opening almost 100 contact points to the public Every borough will have at least one 24 / 7 front counter Every victim of crime in London will get a personal visit from the police should they want one TOTAL POLICING Date Arial 14pt

  5. How can I contact the police? 999 Contact Points Online front counters Homevisits 101 Always dial 999 in an emergency TOTAL POLICING Date Arial 14pt

  6. What are Contact Points? Convenient locations Local Police Opening Times Contact Points are locations for non urgent face to face contact, where the public meet their local police at regular, known times. Contact Points will be located at convenient locations on the borough We are committed to keeping the contact points open at least three times a week Staffed by members of your local Safer Neighbourhood Teams TOTAL POLICING Date Arial 14pt

  7. What can I do at a Contact Points? • Obtain advice about police related matter. • Report lost property or hand in found property. • Collect your found items by appointment. • Discuss community concerns. • Make an appointment to speak to a local officer. • Report a crime. • Obtain crime prevention advice. • Hand in self-reporting forms for road traffic accidents. • Make an appointment to give a statement if you don’t want the police to come to your house or place of work. • Make an appointment to speak to an officer about a complaint against police. Contact Points will be for non urgent face to face contact with the police where you will be able to do the following things: TOTAL POLICING Date Arial 14pt

  8. Safer Neighbourhoods Team Neighbourhood Policing will be the foundation of frontline policing, which will see 2,600 officers moved into Safer Neighbourhoods Teams. TOTAL POLICING Date Arial 14pt

  9. 1 2 3 4 Every ward will have a named PC & PCSO who will not be removed from ward duties Wards & Neighbourhoods Named PC & PCSO for every ward Wards TOTAL POLICING Date Arial 14pt

  10. 1 2 3 4 Officers on Neighbourhoods will investigate low-risk crimes and solve long term issues in the community The Neighbourhood will be managed by a Neighbourhood Inspector Non-dedicated ward officers and PCSOs will work across wards within a Neighbourhood Neighbourhoods are made up of at least four neighbouring wards within the borough Wards & Neighbourhoods TOTAL POLICING Date Arial 14pt

  11. Our Commitments – Your Priorities Safer Neighbourhoods Teams will make 5 commitments that will be addressed each month Our Commitments Ward panel members will decide three priorities, with their Safer Neighbourhoods officers. Neighbourhood Inspectors will review all the ward priorities across their neighbourhood to set neighbourhood priorities. YourPriorities TOTAL POLICING Date Arial 14pt

  12. Emergency Response & Patrol Teams Officers on Emergency Response & Patrol Teams will deal with urgent calls, providing a prompt and effective response TOTAL POLICING Date Arial 14pt

  13. Investigation CID will investigate serious crime Your local Safer Neighbourhoods Team will investigate low risk crime Community Safety Unit will investigate hate crime and domestic violence TOTAL POLICING Date Arial 14pt

  14. Implementation Dates • The LPM will be implemented in two tranches, allowing controlled transition into the new model • Tranche 1 will operate under the new model from 24 June 2013Westminster, Islington, Camden, Barnet, Hammersmith & Fulham, Kensington & Chelsea, Hillingdon, Sutton, Southwark, Bexley, Lambeth, Haringey, Tower Hamlets, Hackney, Havering, Merton* • Tranche 2 will operate under the new model from 16 September 2013Brent, Ealing, Harrow, Hounslow, Kingston, Richmond, Wandsworth, Bromley, Croydon, Greenwich, Lewisham, Barking & Dagenham, Enfield, Newham, Redbridge, Waltham Forest • * Merton will go live on 15 July 2013 TOTAL POLICING

  15. Summary • There will be around200 places to contact police across London including contact points & police station front counters • Every victim of crime in London will get a personal visit from the police should they want one • Contact points will be for non urgent face to face contact with the police • Neighbourhood Policing will be the foundation of frontline policing, which will see 2,600 officers moved into Safer Neighbourhoods Teams • Emergency Response & Patrol Teams will deal with urgent calls TOTAL POLICING

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