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Participants of SPIE Student Chapters Meeting

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Participants of SPIE Student Chapters Meeting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2004Meeting of SPIE Student ChaptersSaint-Petersburg State University of Informational Technologies, Mechanics and Optics University (ITMO)M.V. LomonosovMoscow State University (MSU)Saratov State Universitywithin the frameworks of the International Congress “Fundamental Problems of Optics”www.ifmo.ru/bpo2004(Russia, Saint-Petersburg, October 19 –21)Chairs: P.A. Petroshenko (University ITMO), V.O.Militsin (MSU)Scientific Secretary: N.V.Yastrebova (University ITMO) chloory@mail.ru ; nat_yastrebova@mail.ru

  2. Participants of SPIE Student Chapters Meeting Scientific advisors of SPIE Student Chapters: prof. S.A. Kozlov (ITMO), prof. Kandidov (MSU)

  3. Presidents of SPIE Student Chapters: V.O.Militsin (MSU) , P.A. Petroshenko (ITMO), V. Lychagov (SSU)

  4. Tea-brake and making scientific reports

  5. Theatre… interchange of addresses… cafe… night club…=)

  6. Walking and seeing the sights of Saint-Petersburg

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