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Here’s something to think about: Do you know how the metabolic syndrome is a threat to your health and the health of your children?. What is Metabolic Syndrome anyway?.
Here’s something to think about: Do you know how the metabolic syndrome is a threat to your health and the health of yourchildren?
What is Metabolic Syndrome anyway? • It is a group of medical illnesses which frequently occur together in the same person. It is especially common in Hispanic and African Americans with disastrous effects. Its victims often have no warning symptoms until the situation is serious.
What are the medical pieces of the Metabolic Syndrome? • High blood pressure (Hypertension) • High blood sugar (Diabetes) • Overweight (Obesity) • Cholesterol problems
How Common is this Metabolic Syndrome? • It’s huge: In some groups, up to 28% of Hispanic men and 36% of Hispanic women! In African Americans, 27% of women and 16% of men!
What are the long term effects of the Metabolic Syndrome on health of people like me? All bad: Strokes, heart attacks, leg amputations, blindness kidney failure (dialysis) and early death! Have any members of your family or friends had these problems?
What can be done about treating and preventing the Metabolic Syndrome? • First: Get checked out. Does your waist measure more than 40 inches if you are a man or 35 inches if you are a woman. If so you are at a high risk! Have your blood pressure taken, get your blood sugar and cholesterol checked at local health fairs, at the clinic or doctor’s office, or at the Cook County or city of Chicago health clinic near you so that you will know if this is a problem for you.
What can be done about treating and preventing the Metabolic Syndrome? • Second: If this does seem to apply to you consider Trying the 5-4-3-2-1 approach for your children and even for you: 5 servings of fruit or vegetables a day, 4 glasses of water, 3 helpings of low fat (1% milk) dairy products, less than 2 hours of screen time (TV, video games, computer), More than 1 hour of physical activity a day. All this will help you to lose weight and be healthier
Where can I get more information in Chicago about the Metabolic Syndrome? Lots of places: • American Diabetes Association of Chicago (1-800-3422) • Chicago Consortium to Lower Obesity in Children (312-573-7760) • Access Community Health Network (773-257-6770) • Lawndale Christian Health Center (773- 843-3001) • Alivio Medical Center (312-829-6303) • Community Health Clinic (773-395-9900)