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Overview of Fiscal Year 2012-13 Proposed Budgets. Livingston Educational Service Agency. LESA Mission: LESA provides highly valued service through leadership, innovation and collaboration. Overview. Process for LESA Budget Adoption LESA Revenues Primary Budget Assumptions
Overview of Fiscal Year 2012-13Proposed Budgets Livingston Educational Service Agency LESA Mission: LESA provides highly valued service through leadership, innovation and collaboration.
Overview • Process for LESA Budget Adoption • LESA Revenues • Primary Budget Assumptions • Maintenance of Effort • Budget Summary • Budget Comparison • Expenditure Detail LESA Mission: LESA provides highly valued service through leadership, innovation and collaboration.
LESA Board of Education • Mrs. Julie Hill, President (Howell). Elected June 2003. Term expires June 30, 2015. • Mrs. LuAnn Loy, Vice President (Brighton). Elected June 2005. Current term expires June 30, 2017. • Mr. Harold Fryer, Secretary (Fowlerville). Elected June 2001. Term expires June 30, 2013. • Mr. Gary Kaiser, Treasurer (Pinckney). Elected June 2001. Current term expires June 30, 2013. • Mr. Donald K. Cortez, Trustee (Howell). Elected June 2011. Current term expires June 30, 2017. LESA Mission: LESA provides highly valued service through leadership, innovation and collaboration.
Process for LESA Budget Adoption Section 624 of the Revised School Code created an approval/disapproval process of the LESA general fund budget by local boards. While the law only specifies the general fund budget be reviewed by local boards, LESA will also submit its special education fund budget for review. The following calendar outlines the steps and deadlines for the process: LESA Mission: LESA provides highly valued service through leadership, innovation and collaboration.
LESA Revenues Fund #1 Revenue: General Education Fund • Local-Allocated Property Tax Levy (0.0670 mills) • State • State Aid (not per-student based) • Grants (Early Childhood, School Readiness, Great Parents-Great Start) • Federal-Grants (Head Start, Vocational Education, Nutrition) • Consortium & Transfers (Regional Transportation Collaborative, Data Processing, Career & Technical Education, Homebound Instructional Services, Substitute Placement Services) LESA Mission: LESA provides highly valued service through leadership, innovation and collaboration.
LESA Revenues LESA Mission: LESA provides highly valued service through leadership, innovation and collaboration.
LESA Revenues Fund #2 Revenue: Special Education Fund • Local-Special Education Tax Levy • 3.31 mills approved in 1962, 1974, and 1988 • Due to Headlee “rollbacks” the current millage levy is 2.2691 mills • Using a taxable value of $6.4 billion, a “Headlee Override” could generate in the neighborhood of $6.6 million per year. LESA Mission: LESA provides highly valued service through leadership, innovation and collaboration.
LESA Revenues Fund #2 Revenue: Special Education Fund • State • State Aid-Reimbursement for qualified special education costs at 28.6% of actual and transportation related costs reimbursed at 70.4% of actual • Medicaid • Federal-Individual Education Improvement Act (“IDEIA”) • Transfers-Indirect grant revenue LESA Mission: LESA provides highly valued service through leadership, innovation and collaboration.
LESA Revenues LESA Mission: LESA provides highly valued service through leadership, innovation and collaboration.
Primary Budget Assumptions General & Special Education Revenues: • Taxable Value Decrease of 3% with a Millage Reduction Fraction of 0.000 • General Fund Section 81 Categorical has potential 5% cut if 4 of 5 best practices are not implemented • Elimination of ARRA funding • Special Education Fund reimbursements consistent with expenditure level LESA Mission: LESA provides highly valued service through leadership, innovation and collaboration.
Primary Budget Assumptions General & Special Education Expenditures: • Retirement Rate 12% increase from 24.46% to 27.37% • Self Funded Health Care Costs to reflect 25% increase in premium and continued 20% employee contribution • “Operational Support” to increase by 2.7% based on the 2012 “Headlee” Millage Reduction Fraction formula • Reduce 4.2 FTE Professional Staff • Reduce Paraprofessional Staff to required levels based on actual fall enrollment (estimated reduction of 3 FTE’s) LESA Mission: LESA provides highly valued service through leadership, innovation and collaboration.
Maintenance of Fiscal Effort (MOE) In summary, Maintenance of Fiscal Effort requires that a minimum threshold of spending occur. The consequence of not spending to the minimum levels to maintain effort requires a dollar-for-dollar return of Federal grant dollars. The deficit in the Special Education Fund reflects the estimated minimum threshold of spending and therefore additional expenditure reductions would result in the return of Federal Grant Dollars. LESA Mission: LESA provides highly valued service through leadership, innovation and collaboration.
Budget Summary LESA Mission: LESA provides highly valued service through leadership, innovation and collaboration.
Additional Information • Additional Information is available by contacting R. Michael Hubert, LESA Deputy Superintendent, at hubertm@livingstonesa.org • Or, visiting the LESA website at www.livingstonesa.org