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American Board of Cardiovascular Medicine, Inc. (ABCM) P.O. Box 3219, Spring Hill, FL 34611 www.cvncertify.org , jenragan@accn.net (352)293-3131 or (813)394-4968 Dear Colleague: June 17, 2014
American Board of Cardiovascular Medicine, Inc. (ABCM)P.O. Box 3219, Spring Hill, FL 34611www.cvncertify.org, jenragan@accn.net(352)293-3131 or (813)394-4968 • Dear Colleague: June 17, 2014 • We want to inform you about the Clinical Cardiology Review Course and Board Certification Opportunity scheduled at the Gaylord National Resort and Conference Center in National Harbor, MD, September 26-30, 2014. This Course was designed specifically for your continued Professional Development and/or Certification needs. You will not want to miss this Exceptional opportunity. Mark your calendar, and make your reservations today to take advantage of the early bird prices. We guarantee you, hands down, this is one of the Best Clinical Cardiology Courses in existence, and we offer the only Certification in Cardiology available to Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants. • Four Reasons Why You Will Want to Attend this Clinical Cardiology Board Review Course? • First of all, our History of Providing Cardiovascular Professionals, from Physician, to Technicians with Evidence Based Practice Standards of Education, and Certification Opportunities since 1969, is ”Second to None!”Our Late Co-Founder, Henry J. L. Marriott, MD, FACC worked alongside Jonni Cooper in the Development of Standards of Practice and Education for 4 levels of Electrocardiography from basic to advanced, and 4 levels of Practice for Clinical Nurses and Nurse Practitioners. They then followed up by Developing Certification Examinations for all 8 levels of Practice in Cardiology with the assistance of over two dozen Experts in various Subspecialties within Cardiology. Dr. Marriott never accepted mediocrity from his staff, students, or co-workers, and they managed to live up to his standard with great pride. Ms. Cooper the Organization’s Founder, assured Dr. Marriott that we would not waiver from his high standard and made a promise that we would continue to carry on a high standard of practice and education, and continue to strive for Excellence in Education for all Cardiovascular Care Givers through our “House of Cardiology,” a term dubbed by Dr. Marriott Himself. • Second, you will interact and Network with Fellow Cardiac Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistantson a National Level, and you will be led by, and interact with a well informed and Dynamic Course Director and Faculty:David Friedman, MD, FACC, FACP, Attending Cardiologist, Nassau Cardiology of North Shore-LIJ Health System, Chief, Heart Failure Services at North Shore-LIJ Franklin Hospital, Assistant Professor of Cardiology Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine; Candice Harvey Falls, PhDc, MSN, ACNP-BC, CVNP-BC, Acute Care Nurse Practitioner at the University of Kentucky Hospital, Lexington, KY; and Alice Friedrich, MS, ANP, CVRN-BC, a Cardiovascular Nurse Practitioner for the North Shore-LIJ Health System in Woodbury, NY. • Third, this Clinical Cardiology Course was designed specifically for your Professional Development and Provides an Excellent Comprehensive Up-Date in Clinical Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Management for a host of Cardiac Diseases and Anomalies (note the Course Review Topics below). And you will also have the opportunity to validate your Skills and Knowledge in Clinical Cardiology by passing your CVNP-BC or CVPA-BC Board Certification Examination. • And, fourth, if you attend the Course and persuade a Colleague to also attend, you will be given a complimentary ACCNP Membership that you may use when registering for this Course. Join online at www.cvncertify.org under Membership Opportunities at the bottom left panel of our home page. • If our goals are similar, let’s meet at the Gaylord for a highly interactive learning experience and share our knowledge with one another. We guarantee you will leave with a renewed motivation and excitement for learning that you have not felt in a long time. • Do send us an email if you would like to be placed on our list to receive announcements about future programs and developments for Cardiac Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants: jenragan@accn.net. We would also really appreciate your sharing this Course announcement with your local NP and/or PA Network. To download the full brochure and/or to register online, visit www.cvncertify.organd click on Conference Calendar in the top menu panel, scroll down to this Course by date, and then by Title. • Jen Ragan, Secretary to the President Join the ACCNP’s Membership, your Professional CNPNetwork, and Save.
The American Board of Cardiovascular Medicine, Inc.,Marriott Heart Foundation, American College of Cardiac Nurse Practitioners, American College of Cardiovascular Nurses, and John Wiley & Sons Partnering to Present This: CLINICAL CARDIOLOGY BOARD REVIEW COURSE & CERTIFICATION OPPORTUNITY for Specifically for Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, and Masters Prepared Advanced Clinical Cardiovascular Nurse Specialist and Cardiovascular Nursing Educators; Advanced Practice Nurses Welcome!September 26-30, 2014 Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, National Harbor, MD This Clinical Cardiology Course Provides the Essentials of Evidence-Based Practice for a Host of Cardiac Diseases and Anomalies & Core Competency Certification Testing. Let’s All Meet at the Gaylord! Meet us at the Gaylord for a Great Week of Clinical Cardiology
Why select this Clinical Cardiology Board Review Course & Certification Opportunity? • The ABCM’s proven History and Success in the Business of Cardiology Education and Certification is Second to None! • We deliver Evidence-Based Practice Standards and recommend implementation strategies. • We have been Educating all levels of Cardiology Practitioners from Physician to Technician, and have been Developing Certification Examinations for these Cardiac Professionals since 1969; a History Second to None!. The ABCM recognizes that to become one of the best Cardiac Caregivers, one must have strong Intuitive Skills and a Scientific Foundation of knowledge in Physiology, Pathophysiology, Psychology, Sociology, Epidemiology, and Behavioral Science, upon which to develop the “Art of Caring”for Cardiac Patients. This Course will focus on the Essential Evidence-Based Practice Standardsand Core Competencies in Clinical Cardiology, and Provide an Up-Date in Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment options for a host of Cardiac Diseases and Anomalies. Our goal is to assist you in achieving your best in the everyday delivery of Advanced Practice to your Cardiac Patients, and/or to prepare you for the Clinical Cardiovascular Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant Board Certification Exams. The CVNE Exams will also be available to approved Cardiovascular Educators.Whether you are a Nurse Practitioner, a Physician Assistant, Cardiovascular Clinical Nurse Specialist or a Cardiovascular Nursing Educator seeking a ReviewCourse for the CVNP, CVPA, or CVNE Board Certification Examinations, or you simply need a Comprehensive Refresher Course in Evidence-Based Clinical Cardiology, this is the time and place we need to meet! National Harbor, MD – September 26-30, 2014 At the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center! Where you will have the opportunity to interact and network with your peers on a National level, who specialize in Cardiology, and with a very energized and knowledgeable Nationally recognized Faculty. You will also have the opportunity to validate your knowledge and skills in Clinical Cardiology by sitting for one of the Cardiovascular Board Certification Exams offered by the ABCM onsite at the conclusion of this Course: CVNP-BC, CVPA-BC, CVNE-BC, or any level of EKG-BC Certification. Day 1: 8:00am 5:00pm Introduction: When Intuition and Science Meet, we Develop the Art of Caring! Anatomy of the Heart and Great VesselsAtherosclerosis and the EndotheliumHyperlipidemia Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology Cardiac Catheterization and Angiography Nuclear Imaging and Stress TestingEmission Computed TomographyMagnetic Resonance ImagingEchocardiography Electrocardiography – Advanced 12-Lead Electrophysiology Testing Day 2: 8:00am 5:00pm History & Physical Assessment of the CV Patient The Art of Listening to Heart & Lung SoundsCardiovascular Reflexes & Humoral Control of Circulation Left Ventricular Systolic and Diastolic Dysfunction Heart Failure Hypertension Cardiomyopathies Acute Coronary Syndromes: STEMI, NSTEMI, Unstable and Stable Angina Metabolic Syndrome & Diabetes Day 3: 8:00am 5:00pmPericardial Disease: Tamponade & Effusion Endocarditis and Myocarditis Cardiac Trauma Cardiac Tumors HIV and the Heart DiseasePregnancy and the Heart Congenital Heart DiseaseCoronary Angioplasty Coronary Artery Stents Medical & Surgical Therapy for Circulatory Failure, Including Transplant and Myoplasty Pacemakers, ICDs, and CRTs Day 4: 8:00am 5:00pmCardiac Rehabilitation Cardiac Pharmacology Cardiac Arrest CorPulmonale: Acute and Chronic Pulmonary Hypertension Pulmonary ThromboembolismValve DisordersSystemic Disease of the HeartPeripheral Vascular Disease including Stroke Day 5: Cardiology Board Exams: Optional 9:00am – 2:00pm Optional Cardiology Board Certification Exams Available: The American Board of Cardiovascular Medicine (ABCM) will have a proctor onsite for those wishing to sit for one of the Cardiology Exams. Visit the ABCM at www.cvncertify.org for full details on all Exams. The Board Certification Exams are being discounted for those attending this Clinical Cardiology Review Course. The Certification Exams for Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants who are practicing in Cardiology, are a giant step forward in their Professional and Personal Development. Be among the Elite Cardiovascular Practitioners who have already passed their Cardiology Sub-Specialty Board Certification Exams from the ABCM. We launched the Nations first EKG Exams for Physicians reading on Hospital EKG Panels in 1969. From there, we developed Cardiology Board Certification Exams for the entire Gamut of Cardiac Caregivers from the Physicians, to Physician Assistants, to Nurse Practitioners, to Cardiac Nurses, and to a host of Cardiac Technicians. Gaylord National Resort & Conference Center
Clinical Cardiology Board Review Course and/or Certification Exam Application : September 26-30, 2014 at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, National Harbor, MD To Register by mail, send your check or money order made payable to ABCM, Inc. to P.O. Box Spring Hill, FL no later than September 15th, 2014. You may combine your course and exam fees in one check or two separate checks. To Register online with your credit card, visit www.accn.net, then go to Conference Calendar at the top menu panel, then scroll down to this conference date and location to register.Registration is not complete until your course and/or exam application and payment is received by 9/23/2014. After that date, you will be considered a walk-in and will pay a $100 late fee for your registration at the door in the form of cash, check, or credit card. For course and or exam contact info by email: info@accn.net For course and or exam contact by phone: 352-293-3131 Application for Course and/or Certification Examination Fill in every question below and please print clearly. First, Middle, and Last Name: _____________________________________ qMale q FemaleTitle and Credentials: ____________________________________________State of Issue and Professional License #(s): _________________________ Complete Home Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________Name and phone number of Practice Administrator or Supervisor: _____________________________Home Phone Number: _______________________Work Email: _________________ Home Email: ____________________ Your primary areas of interest in Practice: qAdult CD qCardiac Surgery qFamily/General Practice qInternal MedicineqPediatricsqRadiologyqCV Educator, qCardiovascular CNS qOther: _____________________________ I wish to sit for the qCVNP Exam qCVPA Exam qCVNE Exam qCVRN Exam on Tuesday September 30th, 2014 at 9:00amqUndecided, I will let you know onsite. “Ladies and Gentlemen, the HeartWrites a Best Seller, Learn To Readit Well.” Quote from our late Co-FounderHenry J. L. Marriott, MD, FACC Faculty: David Friedman, MD, FACC, FACP (Course Director) Candice Harvey Falls, PhDc, MSN, ACNP-BC, CVNP-BC, & Alice Friedrich, MS, ANP, CVNP-BC CE/CME Information CE credits for this course are offered by the American Board of Cardiovascular Medicine, who are approved by the FL State Board of Nursing’s CE Broker #50-14076 for 32 CE credits hours. CME credits for this course have been applied for through JohnWiley and Sons who are accredited by the ACCME for Continuing Medical Education for Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, and Physician Assistants for 32 CME credits hours. General Information:This Gaylord Resort is a no smoking resort. The ABCM does not allow any video or audio taping of the Course, or any unauthorized photos to be taken during the course. Faculty may change and topic timing may change due to faculty changes without notification. Cancellation Policy There is a cancellation fee of $150 regardless of when you cancel by email or in writing. No phone calls are allowed for cancellation, it must be in writing in an email or letter. If you do not show up without a written notification, your entire registration fee will be forfeited by the ABCM. If the ABCM cancels the course for lack of participation or some other unforeseen event such as a storm, etc. They willprovide you a full refund, but will not take responsibility for any travel expenses related to this course that you have incurred. Hotel Info Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, 201 Waterfront Street National Harbor, MD 20745, 301-965-4000. A block of rooms has been reserved for you at a daily rate of $209 plus local taxes. The room block will cut off at these rates after 8/29/14 at which time the room rates are higher and on availability only. Please register for your room early to ensure your room and identify yourself as a participant of the Marriott Heart Foundation Course. Join the Cardiovascular Nurse Practitioner Network of Members where you will learn, share, and save at the same time. Bring a Colleague obtain a FREE ACCNP Membership.
Clinical Cardiology Review Course and/or Exam Registration Fees Group Rates Available: Send two staff and receive an additional 2% off; send three and save 3%, send four and save 4%, send 5 and save 5% off each course registration. Bring a colleague and get a FREE ACCNP Membership. Course fees include: Evidence-Based Practice Guideline Updates, Course Syllabus, Opportunity to interact and share with an Expert Faculty and colleagues from around the country, Earn 32 CE or CME Credits Awarded, 4 Continental Breakfasts, 4 Afternoon Refreshment Breaks, and an Opportunity to Become Board Certified in Your Sub-Specialty in Cardiology.