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Populism & the Election of 1896

On a separate sheet of paper analyze the political cartoon in at least 5 sentences of what you believe the author is trying to portray. Populism & the Election of 1896. What were some of the major problems facing farmers during the Gilded Age, What were they like??. Life for Farmers.

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Populism & the Election of 1896

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  1. On a separate sheet of paper analyze the political cartoon in at least 5 sentences of what you believe the author is trying to portray.

  2. Populism & the Election of 1896

  3. What were some of the major problems facing farmers during the Gilded Age, What were they like??

  4. Life for Farmers • Social • Isolated • Especially on the Great Plains • Politically • Ignored • Economically • Poor • Costs increase, price of crops decrease

  5. Deflation • The buying power (value) of money increases • Prices drop • Farmers take out loans • Prices of crops drop • Original loan amount remains • Farmers want inflation • Prices of crops to rise WHY WAS DEFLATION BAD FOR FARMERS?

  6. The Grange Movement • Government • Pressured legislatures to regulate railroads • Reduce Rates of services to send crops • Cooperatives • Farmers agree to charge to the same price rather than compete against one another • Failed- They were too small to influence business and Eastern businesses refused to work with them • What came from the Grange?

  7. The Farmers Alliances • Begun in the late 1880s (Texas first the Southern Alliance; then in the Midwest the Northern Alliance). • Built upon the ashes of the Grange. • More political and less social than the Grange. • Ran candidates for office. • Controlled 8 state legislatures & had 47representatives in Congress during the 1890s.

  8. United We Stand, Divided We Fall • In 1889 both the Northern andSouthern Alliancesmerged into one—the Farmers’ Alliance.

  9. The Populist (Peoples’) Party • 1890 Bi-Election: • So. Alliance  wanted to gain control of the Democratic Party. • No. Alliance  ran 3rd Party candidates. • 1892  800 met in St. Louis, MO • majority were Alliance members. • over 100 were African Americans. • reps. of labor organizations & other reformers (Grange, Greenback Party).

  10. The Populist (Peoples’) Party • Founded by James B. Weaverand Tom Watson. • Omaha, NE Convention in July,1892. • Got almost 1 million popularvotes. • Several Congressional seatswon. James B. Weaver, Presidential Candidate &James G. Field, VP

  11. Omaha Platform of 1892 System of “sub-treasuries.” Abolition of the National Bank. Direct election of Senators. Govt. ownership of RRs, telephone & telegraph companies. Government-operated postal savings banks. Restriction of undesirable immigration. 8-hour work day for government employees. Abolition of the Pinkerton detective agency. Australian secret ballot. Re-monitization of silver. A single term for President & Vice President.

  12. Bi-Metallism Issue

  13. The Panic of 1893

  14. Here Lies Prosperity

  15. Written by a Farmer at the End of the 19c When the banker says he's brokeAnd the merchant’s up in smoke,They forget that it's the farmer who feeds them all.It would put them to the testIf the farmer took a rest;Then they'd know that it's the farmer feeds them all.

  16. The 1896 Election

  17. “A Giant Straddle”: Suggestion for a McKinley Political Poster

  18. Election of 1896 • Republicans • William McKinley • Supported Business Interests • Democrats • William Jennings Bryan • Supported labor and farm interests Populists abandon their party and vote Democratic

  19. The Wizard of Ozby L. Frank Baum

  20. What do you see?

  21. Dorothy represents the American people

  22. The Scarecrow represents the western farmers (Populists)

  23. The Tin Woodsman represents the eastern workers, victims of mechanization

  24. The Cowardly Lion represents William Jennings Bryan (1860 – 1925): Bryan, a Democrat, ran for the presidency in 1896 and lost to William McKinley; thus Bryan had a load roar, but no power.

  25. The Wicked Witch of the East Represents the eastern banking interests

  26. =

  27. The Wizard of Oz or William McKinley (1843 – 1901) 25th President of the United States (1897 – 1901) Or the President

  28. Oz The abbreviation for an ounce of gold or silver

  29. Your Turn • On the white sheet of paper come up with either a political cartoon ad or a political based cartoon strip, in favor of the Populist Party • You must include at least 3 references that the Populist Party stood for ex: Government owned Rail Roads

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