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Capability Secure Distributed File Management

Capability Secure Distributed File Management. By Combex, Inc. For More Information Contact Marc Stiegler marcs@skyhunter.com 928-279-6869. FTP, Cracker’s Paradise. Generally no encryption Passwords for everyone Hard to remember Easy to crack. CapDesk. Not just an application launcher

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Capability Secure Distributed File Management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Capability Secure Distributed File Management By Combex, Inc. For More Information Contact Marc Stiegler marcs@skyhunter.com 928-279-6869

  2. FTP, Cracker’s Paradise • Generally no encryption • Passwords for everyone • Hard to remember • Easy to crack

  3. CapDesk • Not just an application launcher • In production use as distributed file manager for 2 years

  4. Copy/Paste/Delete/Edit • Across File Servers • Fine-Grain Grants of Read or Edit Authority • CapDesk Apps (like CapEdit) edit across the network • No passwords • True network-based computing

  5. Ad Hoc VPN • End Users can swap limited authorities in P2P networks: No admin needed • Can be used to create transient or permanent VPNs • Extremely flexible security policies

  6. Thank You • This presentation provided by Combex, Inc. • For more information about capability secure systems, including • E Secure Distributed Computing Platform • CapDesk virus-invulnerable desktop • Capsicomm Web Server • Combex Financial Instrument Exchange • Contact Marc Stiegler • 928-279-6869 • marcs@combex.com

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