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Industrial Sectors. Overview of presentation. Pharmaceutical- and other main health related industries Construction Industry Maritime Industry Metals Industry Creative Industries. Pharmaceuticals and health related industries. Health related sectors as part of GDP.
Overview of presentation • Pharmaceutical- and other main health related industries • Construction Industry • Maritime Industry • Metals Industry • Creative Industries
Health related sectors as part of GDP • As of 2009, Industry and construction constitute around 21% of the GDP • Of which construction constituted 12% in 2007 and has collapsed to 4% in 2010 • Manufacturing in general around 16% as of 2010 • Pharmaceuticals constitute an avg. 0,5% of GDP from between 2005-2009 • Manufacture of health related technology an avg. 0,3% of GDP • Small but important high-tech sectors
Market shares in relation to size of enterprises - pharmaceuticals
Market shares in relation to size of enterprises – manufacture of medical instruments
Growth in health related industries • Does not present itself in Value added • Mainly represented in the size and number of enterprises working in health-related fields • Visible in abroad activites • A few strong global companies, with an Icelandic base or history • A growing high-prospect genre, enriched by innovation and entrepreneurship
Health related industries • Pharmaceuticals • Actavis, IcePharma, Vistor • Health-related technology • Össur, specializing in non-invasive orthopaedics and ORF líftækni, a bio-technological innovation enterprise • KÍM – Medical Park, health related innovation enterprises
Össur - Orthopaedics • Founded in 1971 in Iceland – employee: 1 • Produce high-technology solutions for prosthetics bracing and support • Around 250 employees in Iceland and 1800 around the globe • Operating in five continents
Actavis - Pharmaceuticals • Generic pharmaceuticals • Founded in Iceland since 1956, headquarters recently moved to Switzerland • Operates in 5 continents, of which two production plants in Iceland • More than 10.500 employees worldwide and 700 employees in Iceland • Recently gone through expansion, enlarging their operations in Iceland
ORF - Genetics • Founded in 2001 • Produce highly valuable proteins, used for pharmaceuticals, medical research and cosmetics • Use the seeds of barley as carriers for this protein • Around 40 employees • Long-standing roots to the Icelandic Innovation Center and RannÍs
KÍM – Medical Park • Currently, 12 enterprises are stationed at the KÍM – Medical Park • Center for entrepreneurship in health-related technology, providing technical assistance, consultation, guidance and research facilities • A part of the Icelandic Innovation Center (NMÍ), a driving force for innovation in Iceland
Examples of entrepreneurship • Nox Medical, solutions for sleeping disorders, sleep monitoring and diagnostics • SagaMedica, manufactures health products from Icelandic medical herbs, e.g. Arctica Angelica (Is. Hvönn) • Prokazyme, produces enzyme products originating from geothermal microbial ecosystems
Nox medical – T3 a new generation of portable sleep monitors
No. of dwellings under construction and begun during the year
The economic recession !The greatest number of insolvencies in 2009 was in construction. 257 construction companies went bankrupt that year, about 6000 employees lost their jobs (about ½ of all jobs lost in 2009) and turnover fell by about 44%.
The housing market • No. of unsold new dwellings has decreased from about 2.000 at end of 2008 to currently being about 1.300 units as demand is gradually increasing this year – in particular from first time buyers. Prices have probably reached the bottom but fell from about 300.000 ISK (1.820 €)/m2 to about 210.000 ISK (1.220 €)/m2 – or by about 1/3. • Under normal circumstances the demand for new dwellings is somewhat below 2.000 units.
Power- and Industrial plants take 3-6 years in construction and create direct employment for up to 1.000 people. The largest power plant in Iceland has installed capacity of 690 MW and a production capacity of 4.500 GWh/y.
Kárahnjúkar Dam is the largest earth fill gravity dam in Europe 198 m high, 700 m long and 8,5 million m3 in volume
Tunnels for water diversion at Kárahnjúkar are mostly TBM – tunnels about 40 km in length and most of them are about 7 ½ m in diameter
Export of construction services • Following the outset of the crises in Oct. 2008 construction sector sought contracts abroad. • Already in 2009 the export of construction services amounted to 2.330 m.ISK (14.4 m€) • The export of construction services still increased in 2010 • International tenders show that the Icelandic construction firms are fully compatible.
Tax incentives • In order to stimulate the local construction an maintenance industry and combat unreported activities (black economy) the government in 2009 decided to repay to house owners all VAT (with an upper ISK limit) on house maintenance and construction work. • In 2009 12.670 requests for repayment of VAT were received for maintenance amounting to 7.958 m.ISK (50 m€) and 2.135 requests for new construction work amounting to 3.509 m.ISK (22 m€) • Because of the upper limit on the refundable amount this has primarily benefitted private house owners and smaller contractors.
R&D must continue in spite of the recession:Example: Center of Excellence in Cement Based Materials • Concrete is the dominating building material in Iceland. It´s quality and durability in the harsh environment of the high latitude is of major importance for all real estate investments. The Innovation Center Iceland is advancing to be an outstanding research facility, mastering state of the art knowledge within the science of rheology of cement based particle suspensions, including cement paste, grouts, mortars, repair materials and concrete. • The aim is to manage up to date know-how in special concrete areas, such as high performance concrete (HPC), underwater concrete (UWC) and fiber reinforced concrete (FRC). Special emphasis is on mainstream technology like self-compacting concrete (SCC). • Another aim is to design concrete with a minimum use of cement without loosing any desired properties such as strength or workability. This is a part of the eco-design approach.
New emphasis on sustainable development and eco-buildings • Buildings consume a lot of heat. The average citizen of Reykjavik uses about 410.000 liters of hot water annually. => Need to improve the energy performance by integration of renewable energy technologies. • The future design must be environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle: from siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition. • This practice expands and complements the classical building design concerns of economy, utility, durability, and comfort. • The Institute of Natural History was designed according to these principles and is accredited according to the British BREEAM accreditation system. • http://inhabitat.com/stunning-icelandic-institute-is-an-ice-frosted-eco-citadel/
Maritime industries: general status 1/3 • The Icelandic maritime industries have primarily served the fishing fleet – and other vessels up to 40 m in length. The number of shipyards has gradually decreased to 8. • 40 companies were classified in 2010 as having their main activity from repairing and maintaining ships and boats. • The shipyards, shipbuilding and steel workshops have over the years suffered greatly from foreign competition, in particular from those that enjoys state aids. • The shipyards employ about 340 people and their annual turnover is about 25 m €. • The industry is in general greatly affected by the availability in fishing quotas, fluctuation in the exchange rate of the currency and cost of borrowed capital.
Maritime industries: general status 2/3 • The industry suffered a serious decline during the period 1987-1994. Then the reduction in turnover (sales volume) of the ship builders and service providers (incl. repairs) was about 60% and number of employees went from 900-1000 to less than 400. • For many years the steel work for the hull and superstructure-shell was contracted to foreign shipyards. Equipment installation and other electro-mechanical work was undertaken in Iceland to the extent possible. • In recent years all the steel construction work has more or less moved abroad – except for the installation of hi-tech mechanical and electronic equipment manufactured in Iceland. • Building of steel ships is basically a thing of the past. • Fiberglass boat construction started in the early 80s - building high speed fishing boats that cruse up to 23 nautical miles/hr. – specially designed for the hardship of the open seas of the high latitude North-Atlantic.
Maritime industries: general status 3/3 • Most fiberglass boats are 5-15 m. long and up to 30 gross tonnage. • Fiber boats are high-tech boats equipped with the best available fishing-, navigation- and safety equipment. • There are tree major fiberglass boat manufacturers in Iceland, in total with 100-150 employees, including subcontractors. Most new fishing boats in Iceland are high speed fiber boats. About 80-90% of the production is exported, mostly to other North Atlantic fishing communities, such as to Norway, Scotland and France but also to S-America and Asia. • The leading manufactures TREFJAR Ltd. has made over 400 boats during the last 30 years. It produces 12-30 boats/year (depending on size) that cost from 1/2 – 1 m. € each
The role of the workshops • Many of the companies belonging to the maritime industry are small workshops that have a great variety of clients. They may be independent producers or provide parts to other equipment producers and some serve the power-intensive industries as sub-contractors. • It is estimated that these companies employ more than four thousand tradesmen and skilled workers .
Yards and steel-workshops without equipment producers and service providers
The mechanical industry • In spite of the general decline of the traditional ship building industry another spin-of sector has been growing - the mechanical industry – which is the aggregate of enterprises engaged in the design, manufacture and marketing of steel-, mechanical- and electronic apparatuses for industrial usage, e.g. for ships. • Several of the companies within this sector are internationality competitive and a few are leaders in it´s field. • MAREL Ltd is the leading Icelandic company. It started as a University research project in the late 80s but has since grown to a leading global provider of advanced equipment and systems for the food processing industry – with operations in more than 30 countries. • HAMPIDJAN Ltd, founded 1934, has evolved to become one of the largest Fishing Gear and Super Ropes Manufacturer of the world, having 14 entities in 4 continents with over 600 employees. --------------------------------- *) Aggregate of enterprises is engaged in the design, manufacture and marketing of mechanical apparatuses for commercial or industrial usage.
The mechanical industry • MARORKA Ltd. is another university spin-off and a leader in cutting-edge environmental solutions for the shipping industry. In a few years MARORKA has become a leading provider of energy management solutions on the international market. It's products and services enable vessel operators to optimize fuel consumption by maximizing the energy efficiency of their vessel or fleet. The results are minimized harmful emissions and reduced costs. The North Atlantic ocean is MARORKA‘s home market. In addition to its headquarters in Reykjavik, Iceland, the company has agents and partners in Norway, Finland, Canada, USA, Greece, Germany, Korea and Dubai. • The DNG computerized jigging reel since 1985 is a typical Icelandic SME. DNG develops and manufactures a highly sophisticated energy efficient fishing device that requires minimum maintenance in the demanding environment. It is programmable and has many different fishing methods in fixed memory.
“It is estimated that fuel usage and emissions from international shipping will more than double by 2020 within the European Union. Similarly, it is expected that SO2 and NOx emissions from international shipping will increase by 40-50% by 2020, as compared to 2000, and even surpass the SO2 and NOx emissions from land-based sources in the 27 EU member states combined.”
Challenges ahead (somewhat like the LeaderSHIP 2015 recommendations) • Secure the access to a skilled workforce to serve the maintenance and repair needs of the steel ship fleet. Improve education and training. • Strengthen RDI for: • New fishing gear technologies • New environment friendly solutions • New innovative solutions for traditional shipyards and the fiberglass boat industry. • Promote new and emerging ICT-based electro-mechanical industries and increase RDI for high tech equipment, systems and services for the global food industry. • Strengthen clustering.