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Water into Wine at Cana. John 2:1-12. “On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee . . .” (32). Water into Wine at Cana in Galilee. Time line of Jesus’ Ministry. Ministry transition: John to Jesus. Ministry around Galilee. Judean ministry. Public ministry
Water into Wine at Cana John 2:1-12 “On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee . . .” (32) Water into Wine at Cana in Galilee
Time line of Jesus’ Ministry Ministry transition: John to Jesus Ministry around Galilee Judean ministry Public ministry of John the Baptist Ministry in Galilee Perean ministry Jesus’ baptism and temptation Crucifixion Resurrection Ascension Jesus’ first followers/ first miracle A.D. B.C. W S S F W S S W S S F W S S F W S S F I I I I I 27 26 28 29 30
1:19-4:45 29-42 Jesus’ Ministry: The First Months Note “Location and Linkage” • At the Jordan River: 29-31 • Identifications of John the Baptist and Jesus • Introductions of Jesus’ first followers • At Cana: 32 The first sign – Water into wine • At Jerusalem: 33-36 • Restoration of the temple court for worship • Sign miracles (public) • Interview with Nicodemus • In Judea: 37-38Transitioning of ministry from John to Jesus • In Samaria: 39-42Cross-cultural evangelism
29-32 From the Jordan River to Cana • Day 1:Questions about John’s identity(1:19-28):Was he • The Christ (Messiah)? (Mal 3:1- 5) • Elijah? (Mal 4:5-6) • The Prophet? (Deut 18:15-18) • Day 2:John identifies Jesus. (1:29-34) • The Lamb of God • The Son of God. • Day 3:Andrew and John meet Jesus.(1:35-40) • Day 4:Peter, Philip, Nathanael meet Jesus. (1:41-51) • Days 5-6:Travel from the Jordan River to Cana. (2:1)
29-42 The Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry In what way(s) was each of the events recorded in the Gospel of John 1:19-4:45 introductory of Jesus’ person and ministry? Consider . . . • Who were the people involved? • What action took place? • When did the event occur? • Where did the event take place? • Why was this event significant? “These things have been written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.” -- John 20:31
Bethsaida Sea of Galilee E Peter Andrew Philip Capernaum James John Nathanael (Bartholomew?) Cana Nazareth Sepphoris Jesus’ first five disciples, whom He met where John was baptizing, came from towns in Galilee.
Jesus’ First Miracle in Galilee The Geographical Context • From the Jordan River to Cana: John 1:35-51 • At Cana: Water into wine: John 2:1-11 • From Cana to Capernaum: John 2:12 In what ways were the timing and the location of the water into wine sign related to pre-and post-events?
32 E Bethany Beyond Jordan? Bethany Beyond Jordan PEREA BATANEA Bethsaida Sea of Galilee Capernaum Dead Sea Cana Nazareth Sepphoris Jerusalem Jesus and His disciples (Peter, Andrew, James and John, and Nathanael) travel from the site of John’s baptism (if in Perea) to Cana.
32 E Bethany Beyond Jordan? Bethany Beyond Jordan BATANEA Bethsaida Sea of Galilee Capernaum Dead Sea Cana Nazareth Sepphoris Jerusalem “He found Philip . . . from Bethsaida” Jesus and His disciples travel to Cana from the site of John’s baptism (if in Batanea).
E Sea of Galilee Capernaum Tiberias Cana Nazareth 9 m 5 m 4 m Bet Netofa Valley Sepphoris, “The Jewel of Galilee,” was a city important to Cana (5 miles) and to Nazareth (4 Miles). It was Herod Antipas’ capital of the region until he built Tiberias (A.D. 18-20).
Sepphoris, Herod’s original capital of Galilee, built on a hill overlooking the Acco – Tiberias road
The north and central sections of Sepphoris, a city that dominated Nazareth and Cana in Jesus’ day N Sepphoris
Sepphoris Jewish homes Citadel (Crusader) Roman homes Roman house Amphitheater
Sepphoris Colonnaded Roman street
NE Cana Bet Netofa Valley Cana (5 miles) viewed from Sepphoris
NE Cana Bet Netofa Valley Cana viewed from Sepphoris across the Bet Netofa Valley
N Bet Netofa Valley Site of Cana
Nazareth Nazareth viewed southward from Sepphoris (4 miles)
Seven Sign MiraclesRecorded in the Gospel of John • Changing water into wine 2:1-11 • Healing the son of a royal official 4:46-53 • Healing an invalid at Bethesda 5:1-9 • Feeding the multitude 6:1-14 • Walking on the sea 6:15-21 • Healing a man blind from birth 9:1- 41 • Raising of Lazarus 11:1- 44
E 33 Sea of Galilee Capernaum Cana Nazareth Sepphoris After the wedding at Cana, Jesus travels down to Capernaum with His mother, brothers and five disciples.
32 Sea of Galilee Arbel Cliff The Plain of Gennesaret Valley of the Doves The route from Cana to Capernaum passed through the Valley of the Doves to the Plain of Gennesaret
32 NE Capernaum Sea of Galilee The Plain of Gennesaret
Valley of the Doves Arbel Cliff Tiberias Migdal S N The “Mount of Beatitudes” Northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee
32 Capernaum
Points to Ponder • Why did Jesus not address Mary as “Mother”? (John 2:4) Does this relate to Mary’s statements in vv 2 and 4? • Why did Jesus command the servants to fill the stone water pots? For what was this water used? (Symbolism of the stone water pots?) • Is there a contrast involved in the significance of reference to the waterpot and the drawing of the water that became wine? • Where would the servants have obtained the water for Jesus to make the wine? Why? In what vessels did Jesus probably transform the water into wine? • What would this miracle have meant for Mary, Jesus’ mother? For Nathanael? For the other four followers of Jesus who had come with Him from the Jordan? To His brothers (if they knew about it)?