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Topics for Discussion. Employee Compensation and Benefit Changes For Kalamazoo RESA 2014-2015 school year. School Aid Budget Highlights of State of the State Impact for Kalamazoo RESA Knowns and Unknowns. Program Highlights and New Initiatives Kalamazoo RESA. Legislative Update.
Topics for Discussion Employee Compensation and Benefit Changes For Kalamazoo RESA 2014-2015 school year School Aid Budget Highlights of State of the State Impact for Kalamazoo RESA Knowns and Unknowns Program Highlights and New Initiatives Kalamazoo RESA Legislative Update
Snapshot: Michigan’s Economy Modest growth in revenues anticipated for 2015 (3%) (2014 Revenue estimate has been decreased) SAF Operating budget in deficit in both 2014 and 2015 budget years. Current surplus (fund balance) will be spent with a $15 million deficit remaining at the end of the 2015 budget cycle (house estimates) Consumer Price index shows increase of 1.6% Road funding debate is still in play – watch for tax policy changes that could effect school funding Unemployment rate is expected to improve from 7.6% in 2014 to 7.1% in 2015 Pupil estimates continue to decline statewide Continue to see positive growth estimates in real estate and auto markets Overall employment estimated to be up 1.2% and overall personal income is projected to grow 2.6%
State Budget: Proposal Three varying versions: Executive, House, Senate Major Factors: Foundation allowanceGovernor $83-$111 increase House $56-$112 increase Senate $150-$300 (eliminates many categoricals) ISD State Aid Same as 2013-2014 – no increase anticipated for ISDs (Senate proposal includes increase) Pre-kindergarten expected to see another $65 million increase statewide MPSERS contribution rate 20.96%-25.78%approximate 4% increase to KRESA budget – Governor decreases rate by 1.2 percentage points.
State Budget: Proposal Consolidation of Services Varies from $0 - $5 million Technology Readiness Grants $50 million – same as current year Continues transfers to community colleges and universities Continues most ISD categoricals at current year funding levels Kalamazoo RESA’s strategy is to balance the budget through various approaches
KRESA Budget Highlights • General Fund Revenues • Estimating 1% increase in taxable values • No increase in ISD State Aid • Grant changes – reductions and increases • Restoration of some Federal revenue due to Sequestration • Focus on Fee for Service Models • Special Education Revenues • Estimating 1% increase in taxable values • Foundation allowance increase (used House version) • Restoration of some Federal revenue due to Sequestration
Kalamazoo RESA Compensation and Benefit Changes for 2014-2015 Approved by the Board of Education on May 15 Average of 1% increase in salary schedules Steps granted for all eligible employees No market adjustment have been approved at this time. Some areas have been identified for further study Health Insurance to continue using hard cap limits Performance pay analysis has been put on hold. Waiting for legislation to be finalized related to teacher and administrator evaluation. Total cost to the budget for all recommendations approved by the Board of Education - approximately $ 1,560,000
Costs: Health Insurance Health Insurance Plan decisions implemented for 2014 will remain for 2015. There will be an open enrollment period during the month of November for any changes employees would like to make. Estimated 3.5%-5% increase in employee health/dental/vision/life/long-term disability insurance January-June 2015 for budget purposes Comparison to Cap will be recalculated for 2015 when actual renewal rates are received and any employee contribution adjustment will be effective January 1, 2015 Affordable Health Care Reform – Next phase effective January 1, 2015 KRESA’s measurement period will run from April 2014 – October 2014. Our administration period will be November and December of 2014 and our stabilization period will be January – December of 2015. Continue Tier 2 benefit plan for all new hires afterJuly 1, 2013 Single subscriber coverage for Grades 9-12 Reduced paid time away benefits
Increased Compensation Costs Wages – 1% raise = $ 191,295 Step Increments = $ 465,678 Retirement = $ 323,769 Health Insurance = $ 522,266 Other Benefit Costs = $ 60,562 Increased Costs = $1,563,570 General fund budget projection Total Revenues=35,816,196 Total Expenditures=35,912,848 Excess/(Deficit)=(96,652) Unrestricted Fund Balance =4,506,306 13% Budget: Summary Special Education fund budget projection Total Revenues = 36,253,404 Total Expenditures = 36,253,404 Excess/(Deficit) = -0- Unrestricted Fund Balance = 700,000 2% Combined fund balance = 7% Reduction in $’s paid to LEAs = $2,500,000
Still up in the air State aid revenue? Foundation allowance? Student counts? MPSERS rates? New requirements?
Legislation to watch School Aid Budget Process Waiting for conference committee to be named Governor had set goal of June 1st for completion – did not happen. Hoping for progress in next two weeks EAA Possible ISD Role Roads Impact on School Aid Fund Budget Common Core and SBAC Uncertain future Michigan Merit Curriculum System School Reform Committee Evaluation Models • Teachers and administrators • Council on Educator Effectiveness
Some of the New Initiatives for 2014-2015 Early Childhood GSRP and Head Start Expansions Expansion in work with private providers More collaboration between special education early childhood programs Working with The Learning Network on county-wide pre-kindergarten initiatives Special Education Moving towards graphing all individual student progress data Using research based practices to guide high quality instruction Continued focus on improved outcomes for students with disabilities Early/Middle College Application will be made to the State of Michigan by June 30th Pilot program for 2014-2015 in a limited number of districts Pilot programs will be coordinated with EFE and EFA as well as a liberal arts option Full implementation for 2015-2016 Project Lead the Way Pilot program in place during the 2013-2014 school year STEM focus for Middle Schools and High Schools Funded with donations from business and industry as well as community partners Major expansion for 2014-2015 school year
Kalamazoo RESAStrategic Plan Update A fresh new approach . . .
Why do we exist? • What do we do? To transform lives by inspiring educational excellence Provide educational services and support for students, families, schools and community • How do we behave? • How will we succeed? Through highly talented professionals, successful multi-sector partnerships, innovative practices and a relentless drive to improve Collaboration Innovation Compassion Trustworthy Respect We work together We find a better way We lead with heart We act with integrity We value all people • Five Critical Questions • What are we focused on? Leaders in educational excellence Data driven organizational practices Quality and sustainable infrastructure A continuum of professional development to support high-quality instruction and leadership Visibility and understanding of KRESA programs and services All learners supported through strong collaborative relationships Highly effective employees Positive, safe and inclusive organizational culture All children ready for kindergarten All students transition ready for college, career, or life
Kalamazoo RESAHumanEx Culture Survey What did it tell us about the big picture of KRESA?
& Contact information Dave Campbell, Superintendent(dcampbell@kresa.org) Holly Norman, Deputy Superintendent(hnorman@kresa.org) Questions Answers