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Civil Rights

Civil Rights. Rachelle Dunlap Civil Rights Specialist. Civil Rights Statutes, Laws and Executive Orders. Protects access to benefits of federal programs Non-discrimination based on race, color, national origin, or age Access to housing and financial assistance

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Civil Rights

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Civil Rights Rachelle Dunlap Civil Rights Specialist

  2. Civil Rights Statutes, Laws and Executive Orders • Protects access to benefits of federal programs • Non-discrimination based on race, color, national origin, or age • Access to housing and financial assistance • Provides opportunities for training and employment for low income persons • Provides non-discrimination in employment • Accessibility for handicapped persons • Protects access to employment and non-discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin • Prohibits excessive force

  3. Areas of Compliance

  4. Equal Employment Opportunity • Equal Employment Opportunity means that no one shall be denied the opportunity for employment on the basis of race, color, handicap, religion, sex, or national origin.

  5. Equal Employment Opportunity

  6. Equal Employment Opportunity

  7. Affirmative Action Through affirmative Action all CDBG grant recipients and contractors are required to make efforts to employ minorities and women, and to maximize opportunities for minority and female-owned (MBE/WBE) firms to participate in CDBG contracts. Also to the greatest extent feasible, preference for economic opportunities that arise through HUD-assisted projects shall be directed toward Section 3 residents.

  8. Affirmative Action

  9. Affirmative Action

  10. Affirmative Action

  11. Affirmative Action Missouri Minority/Women Business Enterprise Program Directory http://www.directory.oswd.oa.mo.gov/ • New Search Screen—enter type of commodity—e.g. construction and other criteria. • Can export results to excel • OA’s Office of Supplier and Workforce Diversity also provides information on how to obtain MBE/WBE status: http://www.oswd.mo.gov/

  12. Affirmative Action

  13. Affirmative Action

  14. Affirmative Action

  15. Affirmative Action • Soliciting Section 3 Businesses: • Use MoDOT’s DBE (Disadvantaged Business Entity) site: http://www.modot.mo.gov/business/contractor_resources/External_Civil_Rights/mrcc.htm • The office is responsible for the certification of firms owned and operated by socially and economically disadvantage individuals. • Although you can be socially disadvantaged for many reasons such as MBE/WBE, they do review finances as part of their criteria.

  16. Affirmative Action • Reporting Section 3 • Submit Updated Tables C & D at close of project • Section 3 Reporting Form is now part of close-out packet. • Please submit EVEN IF NO SECTION 3 AWARDS/HIRES WERE MADE! • Simply provide an explanation as to why no Section 3 hires/awards were made in Part III of the form.

  17. Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973 & ADA • Section 504 provides for nondiscrimination solely on the basis of handicap in benefiting from any public program or activity. • Section 504 calls for a self evaluation by public entities of any services provided and their relation to persons with disabilities.

  18. Section 504

  19. Section 504

  20. Section 504

  21. Fair Housing • Fair Housing is a law guaranteeing access to housing without facing discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, familial status. • This right applies to purchase, lease, rent, or otherwise obtain real property.

  22. Fair Housing

  23. Fair Housing

  24. Fair Housing

  25. Fair Housing An action to affirmatively further fair housing is one in which a person is ensured the right to gain access to fair housing and is made aware of that right.

  26. Fair Housing • An action to reduce an impediment to fair housing is one that attempts to break a barrier or something outside of the law that is preventing them from exercising their right to Fair Housing.

  27. Excessive Force Requires all grantees to adopt and enforce a policy of prohibiting the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies against any individuals engaged in non-violent Civil Rights demonstrations and adopt and enforce a policy against physically barring the entrance or exit of a facility or location which is the subject of such non-violent civil rights demonstration within its jurisdiction.

  28. Excessive Force

  29. Excessive Force

  30. Civil Rights Complaints • If a complaint is made regarding civil rights in a CDBG funded project a full report of the complaint should be sent to the CDBG office. That information will then be sent to HUD and a corrective action will be decided on. • All grantees are to have local policies in place which provide a mechanism for processing complaints within their jurisdiction. • To contact the Missouri Commission on Human Rights: • 1-877-781-4235 • TDD: 314/340-7590

  31. **Civil Rights Helpful Hints** • Refer to page V-7 for a complete compliance list. • An activity to further fair housing is not the same as an action intended to reduce impediments to fair housing choice. The grantee must produce one activity for each per year that the grant is open. • Make sure your construction bidders complete the Section 3 forms. • Document all direct and indirect beneficiaries, by reporting category, in preparation for the close-out.

  32. Thank You!

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