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Lesson 10 How do enzymes help digestion?

Lesson 10 How do enzymes help digestion?. Your body is a chemical factory. It makes many kinds of chemicals. Some of the chemicals your body makes are called enzymes. You could not live without enzymes.

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Lesson 10 How do enzymes help digestion?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lesson 10 How do enzymes help digestion?

  2. Your body is a chemical factory. It makes many kinds of chemicals. Some of the chemicals your body makes are called enzymes. You could not live without enzymes.

  3. Some enzymes help you digest your food. They are called digestive enzymes, and are made in glands. Many tiny digestive glands are found inside the digestive tract. They are within the walls of the stomach and small intestine.

  4. When the glands are inside the organs, the enzymes empty directly into the organs. Some digestive glands are found outside the digestive tract. They are the salivary glands, and the pancreas.

  5. The pancreas is found near the stomach. The three pairs of salivary glands are found near the mouth. Enzymes from these glands enter the digestive tract through tiny tubes. These glands help with digestion, even though food never touches them.

  6. The digestive tract, along with its helping glands make up the digestive system.

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