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You are Invited to be a Part of the Evolution of Style!.
You are Invited to be a Part of the Evolution of Style! A man of style is one who pays acute attention to fine attire, personal grooming details and a refined palate. A man of “True Style” is one who pays equal attention to his internal core values. He is a renaissance man, a teacher, a developer of his talents, a wise and trusted advisor. He is a responsible father, a loving partner, and an honorable son. Our world is moving at a rapid pace. New technology and information are saturating the market place and the need for quality creation and discerning advisors has never been greater. The Men of True Style Fashion Review intends to shine a light on those companies that support the character molding of our future generations’ positive male role models. Over 500 leaders and influencers form the Fashion and Life Style world, will attend the Men of True Style Fashion Review. It will feature a high charged male fashion review, keynote address on the influence of True Style, merchandise showcase, silent auction and bachelor auction benefiting selected charitable organization. To culminate the event there will be a gala featuring entertainment and dancing. As a sponsoring organization, your company will have the opportunity to gain over 800,000 media advertising impressions through viewers, readers and event attendees who are True Style-minded; heart, body and soul. You will also have the opportunity to meet face–to-face with decision makers in the fields of fashion, lifestyle and wellness industries. From an attendee, viewer and reader standpoint, this event will offer educational techniques on great fashion and lifestyle choices for men, A-class networking with peers and a gateway to higher awareness for community contribution. If you are a company that sets trends in fashion and lifestyle choices, this event is a must for you to attend. The time is now to make a difference in the way we demonstrate True Style and how it can play a significant role in positive male mentoring for all generations We look forward to seeing you and to your participation in this most celebrated event.
The 2011 Men of True Style Fashion Review
Why Men of Style “Men of true style know just wearing expensive designer labels does not equal style. Mastering the inside approach is about taking chances and living life to the fullest while everyone else is playing inside the box. It is staying humble in the face of success. It is hailing a cab in the summer and never letting them see you sweat. But most of all, it’s being comfortable in your own skin.” Manifest x.o. 2006
The Main Event Flossin Media Men of True Style Fashion Review Event Location Portland Oregon Event Date and Time Saturday June 18, 2011 ( Father’s Day Weekend) 7pm-until Featuring Unique Merchandising Display Booths Silent Auction Fashion Show Special Music Performance Bachelor Auction Crowning of True Man of Style Portland Television Broadcasting for Flossin TV Event Coverage for Flossin Magazine Pre &Post Entertainment Gala and Social Networking (Estimated Attendance-500 prominent business leaders, local celebrities and dignitaries from the region)
The Pre-Events-(2)The following two pre-events will be used to market and promote the main event I Whip My Hair Back and Forth Runway Competition Location Local Lounge 3536 NE MLK Date and Time Sunday May 1, 2011 6:00-8:30 pm A warm up fashion review featuring men and women hair and fashion show runway competition among soul district hair salons and clothing stores/designers. The purpose is to provide an outlet for the artistic community to educate and interact with the ground level market consumer. (Estimated attendance-175 beauty salon operators and clients, fashion designers, soul district business owners, local celebrities /athletes and fashion press writers) Role Model Youth Program Location Various Oregon Metro High Schools Date and Time May 2011 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Just in time for prom, the RMS will travel to high school to meet with students sharing positive messages on self- images, codes of conduct and healthy options for celebration expressionism (Estimated Attendance-4,000 young people, parents and high school administrators)
We Are Making A Positive Difference Through MAP The silent and bachelor auctions will benefit The Multicultural Alliance for Prosperity (MAP), which consists of the following organizations: The Grassharper Foundation, The Role Model Summit Youth Foundation, The Responsible Fatherhood Program, the Drum Major Scholarship Foundation and the NNEBA Youth Entrepreneurship Program. The Multicultural Alliance for Prosperity The MAP, primarily culturally specific equipped, is a collaboration of multiple non-profit organizations. The MAP provides the guidance necessary on a number of civic and social service aspects that currently overwhelm the current education system preventing the level of success the system seeks to attain. Through this interactive system the MAP can provide the continuum and long term support that the education, community and family systems are seeking. The Grassharper Foundation A grass roots organization dedicated to assist Children, Family, and Community through scholarships, grants, and educational support while instilling Integrity, Honesty, and a Positive Attitude in our children for the enrichment of our community. The Role Model Summit Youth Foundation A program that continues to positively influence, inspire and educate youth/communities- both struggling and emerging. Using successful community role models as motivational speakers, their messages serve to encourage, create access, advise and guide these groups through their challenging situations
The Responsible Fatherhood FoundationA organization that encourages men to take seriously their responsibilities to their families andfoster healthy community based relationships The Drum Major Scholarship Program Established to financially support students who have committed to a goal and have made a plan to seek higher education or develop a vocational trade. It is this commitment from the awardees that is most important in honoring the dreams of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and all people who seek and find enlightenment through education. The North/Northeast Business Association Youth Entrepreneurship Program A summer youth business internship program that is facilitated through the guidance of local business owners
Event Impressions • Print Flossin Magazine- 40,000 Fliers-5,000 Additional press-100,000 • TV • You Tube-10,000 viewers • Local Broadcast-650,000 • Outreach Ambassadors campaign 40,200 • Web • www.flossinmedia.com, MAP members’ sites including social network sites-50,000 • On site • Whip My Hair- 175 • High Schools-4,000 • Men of Style Review- 500 • Total Impressions • Print-145,000 • Web/TV-710,000 • On Site-4,675 • Outreach Ambassadors-40,200 • GRAND TOTAL- 899,875
“The Renaissance Man” Presenting Sponsor $10,000This level is available to two non-competing sponsors. Exclusivity is offered at $15,000 On Site Event- • The entrance unit to the event will feature your logo and a “The Renaissance Man” Presenting Sponsor identifier in a prominent location, visible to all attendees and exhibitor entering the event show floor. • Sponsor’s company product on display. • Sponsor Company and recognition as “The Renaissance Man” Presenting Sponsor publicly recognized during the opening and closing announcements of the event. • Sponsor badge recognition to be provided for all sponsor event staff. All employees working the event will receive badge inserts identifying their company as “The Renaissance Man” Presenting Sponsor . • Sponsor will have the choice of one of the two of the following opportunities, based on availability: Keynote Address, Charity Bachelor Auction Co-host. • Table for 8 at main event by front stage recognized as “The Renaissance Man” Presenting Sponsor . • 8 additional passes for the pre and main events. • Product and promotional placement on table. • Lead signage position as “The Renaissance Man” Presenting Sponsor on fashion show stage. • Two drink tickets per guest-main event only ( 32 drink ticket total)
“The Renaissance Man” Presenting Sponsor cont… Print • Sponsor’s logo to have Lead position on the front of the Men of Style invitational ticket- estimated 500. • Sponsor’s logo will have a Lead placement on the cover of the Men of True Style event guide and fliers, which will be distributed by our outreach ambassadors prior to the event -estimated 10,500. • Recognition as “The Renaissance Man” Presenting Sponsor on event guide program sponsor section • All press releases in support of the event will include sponsor’s name and logo, identifying your company as the “The Renaissance Man” Presenting Sponsor . • Sponsor recognized as “The Renaissance Man” Presenting Sponsor “The Renaissance Man” Presenting Sponsor in title of event printed on the cover of the April 2011 issue of Flossin Magazine : A Passion for Music and Fashion. • Two page advertisement spread in May 2011 issues of Flossin Magazine. (Must provide artwork) • Editorial feature in May issue 2011- Men of Style selection • Print coverage and recognition in Flossin magazine events pages follow up magazine August 2011.
“The Renaissance Man” Presenting Sponsor cont… Video • Extensive TV coverage and key executive interviews at the event on Flossin TV 22 minute finished product • 2x30 second ad on Flossin TV post event coverage (Sponsor must provide 30-sec spot). • Verbal and written mention on credits of Flossin TV. Web • Sponsor’s logo and web address to be included on the Flossin Media and charity partners websites, front page. • Sponsor’s logo/name, as “The Renaissance Man” Presenting Sponsor inclusion on event calendar of Flossinmedia.com • Web link to sponsors site • Sponsor’s logo/name in lead placement on Men of Style mass email pr and attendee development campaign. Placement to include brief description of your business. • Sponsor inclusion in web event wrap up photos and write up online editorial • Other • Sponsor’s logo/name to be placed in the lead title position on all Men of True Style forum advertising. This includes any and all TV, radio, print and web-based advertising. • Name inclusion on the trophy of True Man of Style • Name inclusion on the Ticket of Event • Name inclusion in award nomination form
“The Swagger” Fashion Sponsor$3,500 On Site Event • Sponsor product in fashion show. (option to include both main event and pre-event) • Sponsor’s company product on display. • Sponsor Company and recognition of The Swagger Fashion Sponsor role to be publicly recognized during the opening and closing announcements of the event. • Table for 10 at main event near front stage recognized as The Swagger Fashion Sponsor • 4 additional passes for the main and pre events. • Product and promotional placement on display • Prominent inclusion in signage on fashion show stage. • Two drink tickets per guest –main event only ( 24 drink tickets total)
“The Swagger” Fashion Sponsor cont… Print • Sponsor’s logo will have a prominent placement on the Men of Style event guide and fliers, which will be distributed by our outreach ambassadors prior to the event -estimated 10,500. • Recognition as Swagger Sponsor on event guide program sponsor section • All press releases in support of the event will include sponsor’s name and logo, identifying your company as the Swagger Sponsor . • Full page advertisement spread in May 2011 issues of Flossin Magazine. (Must provide artwork) • Editorial feature in May issue 2011- Men of Style selection • Print coverage and recognition in Flossin magazine events pages follow up magazine August 2011.
“The Swagger” Fashion Sponsor cont… Web •Sponsor’s logo and web address to be included on the Flossin Media and charity partners websites, front page. •Sponsor’s logo/name, as Swagger Sponsor inclusion on event calendar of Flossinmedia.com •Web link to sponsors site •Sponsor’s logo/name included in Men of Style mass email pr and attendee development campaign. Placement to include brief description of your business. •Sponsor inclusion in web event wrap up photos and write up online editorial Video •Inclusion in TV coverage and key executive interviews at the event on Flossin TV 22 minute finished product •1x15 second ad on Flossin TV post event coverage (Sponsor must provide 30-sec spot). •Verbal and written mention on credits of Flossin TV.
“The Metropolitan Man” Accessories Sponsor $3,500 On Site Event • Sponsor product in fashion show. (option to include both main event and pre-event) • Sponsor’s company product on display. • Sponsor Company and recognition of The Metro Man Accessories Sponsor role to be publicly recognized during the opening and closing announcements of the event. • Table for 10 at main event near front stage recognized as The Metro Man Accessories Sponsor • 4 additional passes for the main and pre events. • Product and promotional placement on display • Prominent inclusion in signage on fashion show stage. • Two drink tickets per guest –main event only ( 20 drink tickets total)
“The Metropolitan Man” Accessories Sponsor cont… Print •Sponsor’s logo will have a prominent placement on the Men of Style event guide and fliers, which will be distributed by our outreach ambassadors prior to the event -estimated 10,500. •Recognition as The Metro Man Accessories Sponsor on event guide program sponsor section •All press releases in support of the event will include sponsor’s name and logo, identifying your company as the The Metro Man Accessories Sponsor . •Full page advertisement spread in May 2011 issues of Flossin Magazine. (Must provide artwork) •Editorial feature in May issue 2011- Men of True Style selection •Print coverage and recognition in Flossin magazine events pages follow up magazine August 2011.
“The Philanthropic” Contributing Sponsor $1,000This sponsorship level are for those who want to help bring to light the dreams of those participants making this wonderful event happen – A 501c3 tax deductable receipt will be available to all interested supporters • On Site Event • Table for 10 at main event recognized • as “The Philanthropic” Contributing • Sponsor • 4 additional passes for the main and • pre events. • Product and promotional placement • on display • Two drink tickets per guest –main • event only (20 drink tickets total) Print • Sponsor’s name and logo will have placement on the Men of Style event guide • Recognition “The Philanthropic” Contributing Sponsor on event guide program sponsor section • All press releases in support of the event will include sponsor’s name and logo, identifying your company as “The Philanthropic” Contributing Sponsor • 1/4 page advertisement in April or August 2011 issues of Flossin Magazine. (Must provide artwork)
Table and Tickets $500 Table Sponsor 10 guest 1 drink tickets per guest 3 wine bottles at table Food service Program viewing Auction inclusion VIP Seating Section $35 General Admission Ticket Food service and program viewing Auction inclusion
Event Contacts Fawn Aberson Michael Harper Executive Director Flossin Media State Farm Insurance fawn@flossinmedia.com, meharpersr@comcast.net 971-388-3117 503-349-8733 John Washington Dr. Jay Klusky CEO Flossin Media Managing Director Flossin Me Jwashington@flossinmedia.com jay.klusky@comcast.net 503-881-7134 503-265-8235 Travis Pollanz Joice Taylor Run of Show Committee Run of Show Committee tspollanz@yahoo.comjtaylorgm@cs.com 503-621-4679 503-789-7074 Mikki Ohmae Eric Holden F&B Committee Chair Run of Show Committee mikkiohmae@gmail.com eric.holden33@gmail.com 808-348-5344 971-270-6528