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American involvement in Vietnam. “Was it worth the cost?”. French colonialism. Dien Bien Phu. Fortified French garrison taken by the Vietminh. French surrender. Vietnam is divided at the 17th parallel. Containment????. The Folly of the French. “he who enlightens.”
French colonialism. Dien Bien Phu. Fortified French garrison taken by the Vietminh. French surrender. Vietnam is divided at the 17th parallel. Containment???? The Folly of the French
“he who enlightens.” Nationalist or communist leader of Vietnam. Modeled the North Vietnamese Constitution after the Dec. of Indp. and US Constitution. Ho Chi Minh
President of South Vietnam from 1955-1963. Corrupt. Became an embarrassment to the US. Overthrown in a coup in 1963 and assassinated. Ngo Dinh Diem
Destroyers Maddox and Turner Joy are attacked by NV patrol boats. Johnson obtains a “blank check” from Congress allowing attacks on NV without a declaration of war. Tonkin Gulf Resolution - 8/64
US intelligence gathering ship. International waters. US involvement in Vietnam. Released after 11 months of torture. Would the US attack North Korea?
Tactical US victory. “Light at the end of the tunnel.” General Westmoreland Protests. Americans lose faith in the war and in Johnson. 68 election. My Lai Impact of the Tet Offensive
Shifting the Burden Vietnamization: Training and letting the South Vietnamese (ARVN) army fight the war. By 1972, over 500,000 troops were withdrawn. Cambodian & Laoatian problem: • 1970. NVA sanctuaries. Nixon orders US troops and planes to attack. • Strong protest reaction across the country.
The Protest Movement • Mixture of peace and violence. • Kent State. May 4th, 1970. • http://library.thinkquest.org/27942/intro.htm
The end of a long struggle 1973 Paris Peace Agreement. • Wityhrawal of US troops. • Reunification by peaceful means. • Status quo of territory. Communist victories come to Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos by 1975
The Year: 1968. • 1968 Tet Offensive. • 1968 Request for 206,000 more troops. • 1968 Robert Kennedy enters the presidential race. • 1968 Johnson announces halt of bombing over North Vietnam and also announces his intention not to run for another term.
68 continues • 1968 Martin Luther King assassinated, April 4. • 1968 FBI launches a campaign (Code named COINTELPRO) to counter the growing antiwar movement. • 1968 Robert Kennedy assassinated. • 1968 Demonstrations at Democratic convention in Chicago.
68 continues • 1968 Johnson stops all bombing of North Vietnam. • 1968 Richard Nixon narrowly defeats Hubert Humphrey in the presidential election.