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Colorado River Canal Lining Projects Coachella & All-American Canals

Colorado River Canal Lining Projects Coachella & All-American Canals. ASCE Construction Division West Coast Mega Projects Conference. January 2007. Colorado River Basin. Canal Lining Projects Location. Map Key. Existing Lined. Existing Unlined. New Canal. Coachella. Lake Cahuilla.

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Colorado River Canal Lining Projects Coachella & All-American Canals

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  1. Colorado River Canal Lining Projects Coachella & All-American Canals ASCE Construction Division West Coast Mega Projects Conference January 2007

  2. Colorado River Basin

  3. Canal Lining Projects Location Map Key Existing Lined Existing Unlined New Canal Coachella Lake Cahuilla Chocolate Mountains Salton Sea Coachella Canal El Centro All American Canal

  4. Canal Lining Projects • Components of Colorado River Quantification Settlement Agreement • Settles a water rights dispute and litigation dating to the 1960s • Provides 93,700 ac-ft/yr of water • SDCWA will receive 77,700 ac-ft annually • SLR will receive 16,000 ac-ft annually

  5. History of the All American Canal Lining Project • Congressional authorization of the Project was under PL 100-675, Title II signed into law by the President on November 17, 1988 • Concrete lining was from just downstream of Pilot Knob (~Station 1170+27) to Drop 4, a total of about 29 miles • During preparation of the EIS/EIR the Project was modified to run from Station 1250+00 to Drop 3 due to: • Major environmental issues between Drops 3 & 4 and costs to mitigate such • Wanted to move the starting point away from Pilot Knob, (a sacred area of the Quechan Indians) to eliminate any potential environmental/cultural conflicts • Approved the Record of Decision (ROD) on July 29, 1994

  6. History of the All American Canal Lining Project • Completed and filed EIS/EIR in July 1994 • Reclamation undertook a Re-examination and Analysis of 1994 FEIS/EIR and ROD which determined said documents remained current with the proposed action • California State Legislature passes SB 1765 continuously appropriating $200 million for the two canal projects, with $126 million set aside for the Project. This bill was signed into law by the Governor on September 24, 1998 • California voters in 2003 approve Proposition 50; includes $20 million for the two canal projects; adds $9.65 million to Project for total of $135.65 million • Quantification Settlement Agreement (QSA) and its related documents signed on October 10, 2003 with the Project a key component to reduce California’s water use to its 4.4 million acre-feet apportionment

  7. History of the Coachella Canal Lining Project • Congressional authorization of the Project was under PL 100-675, Title II signed into law by the President on November 17, 1988 • Concrete lining from Siphon 7 to Siphon 32, a total of about 35 miles • FEIS/FEIR was completed and filed on April 27, 2001 • Record of Decision (ROD) signed on March 27, 2002 • Amendment #1 to ROD signed on changing preferred alternative to refined parallel canal • Key permit was the Corps of Engineers 404 nationwide permit received in June 2004

  8. AACLP Project Location

  9. AACLP Alignment

  10. AACLP Project Elements • Construct approximately 23 miles of lined canal adjacent to existing canal • DWR funding up to $135.65 Million • Current estimates indicate significant overrun of available funds • Design is complete. • Construction is expected to be completed in Spring 2009

  11. All-American Canal Typical Section Proposed Lined Section 1.75H:1V side slope Reaches 1 & 2 2H:1V side slope Reach 3 Existing Unlined Section2H:1V side slope 150’ 24’ O&M Road Spoils 130’ +/- 50’

  12. 67,700 Acre-Feet per Year of Water Conserved from Lining the All-American Canal SLR 11,500 ac- ft SDCWA 56,200 ac-ft

  13. How does lining 78% of the canal result in recovering 97% of seepage water? • The seepage recovery by reach is as follows:

  14. Project Challenges Project team has and is working diligently on a fast-track basis to address a number of design, construction, scheduling, and cost issues to minimize costs (construction, environmental, and operations/maintenance) yet optimize the new canal facilities and the required environmental mitigation.

  15. Design Challenges • New parallel alignment to minimize canal excavation, rights-of-way, and dewatering • Reach 1B is most difficult—a number of alternatives were considered. The embankment in-canal alignment was selected • Project has and will continue to be impacted by increases in fuel, cement, and to a smaller extent steel prices • Working together to ensure that all state funds required based on current schedule are available

  16. Current Status • Design is complete and the project is preparing to begin construction • Current schedule indicates construction completion in Spring 2009

  17. Canal Photos

  18. CCLP Project Location Map Key Existing Lined New Canal Coachella Lake Cahuilla Salton Sea Chocolate Mountains Coachella Canal Existing Unlined El Centro All American Canal

  19. CCLP Alignment

  20. CCLP Project Elements • Construct approximately 35 miles of lined canal adjacent to existing canal • Construction began October 2004 • Project expected to be completed April 2007 • DWR funding up to $83.65 Million • Construction awarded for $71,198,900 • Current estimates for environmental and other areas indicate available funds will be exceeded

  21. Coachella Canal typical sections Proposed Lined Section1.5H:1V side slope Existing Unlined Section2H:1V side slope 55’ Spoils 40’ – 46’ 16’ 20’ O&M Road

  22. 26,000 Acre-Feet per Year of Water Conserved from Lining the Coachella Canal SLR 4,500 ac-ft SDCWA 21,500 ac-ft

  23. Design/Construction Challenges • With parallel canal, raised the invert of the canal 4 feet (from 2 feet below existing canal invert to 2 feet above existing canal invert) • Developed a large mammal safety and water source strategy • Performed ecological value assessment to meet environmental commitments in an economically sound manner

  24. Current Status • Construction is slightly ahead of schedule • Construction is approximately 97% complete • Lining of the canal was completed in August 2006 • Tie-ins to existing canal completed in November 2006 • Water cutover occurred on December 4, 2006 • Total excavation – 5.6 million cubic yards (approx.) • Structural concrete – 37,000 cubic yards (approx.) • Concrete lining – 1.3 million square yards (approx.) • Fencing and electrical work is in progress

  25. Canal Photos

  26. SDCWA Funding • Working together to ensure that all state funds required during the construction phase is available • Will ensure that all state funds are used prior to the need for SDCWA funds for costs over $83.65 million for CCLP and $135.65 for AACLP • This will reduce financing costs to SDCWA and the project

  27. AACLP Project Organization All American Canal Coordinating Committee (Voting Members) • IID – Michael King • SDCWA – Kenneth Steele • Chairman – Joseph Summers IID/DWR AACLP Funding Agreement IID Executive Program Manager Participants (Non-Voting) Kirk Dimmitt • Reclamation – Russ Reichelt •DWR – Chuck Keene •San Luis Rey – Clyde Romney •CVWD •PVID Parsons Project Manager Uli Kappus Design Coordination Construction Management Environmental Activities Design Bookman-Edmonston Coordinator – Rick Cox Environmental Coordinator – Michel Remington, IID Construction Manager – Tim Larson Project Manager – Wayne Dahl • Geotechnics, Inc. •TESCO • Montgomery Watson Harza •Various Consultants - Canal Design - Dewatering - Sedimentation - Soils - Flow Measurement/ Operations - Cost Estimating - Construction Techniques • AFM Affiliates Cultural Resources •Dr. Paul Krausman Large Mammal Surveys •EcoSystems Restoration Associates Wetlands Enhancement •RECON •Parsons

  28. AACLP OM&R Coordinating Committee Voting Members IID CVWD SLR SDCWA Member Jointly Appointed Non-Voting Member USBR IID prepares O&M plan for All-American Canal

  29. CCLP Project Organization Coachella Canal Coordinating Committee (Voting Members) • CVWD – Patti Schwartz • SDCWA – Kenneth Steele • Chairman – Joseph Summers SDCWA/DWR Funding Agreement CVWD Executive Program Manager Participants (Non-Voting) Kirk Dimmitt • Reclamation – Russ Reichelt •DWR – Chuck Keene •San Luis Rey – Clyde Romney •IID – Paul Peschel •PVID CVWD Project Engineer Dan Charlton Design/Construction Management Montgomery Watson Harza – Bookman-Edmonston Environmental Activities Environmental Coordinator – Monica Swartz, PhD Project Manager – Wayne Dahl •ASM Affiliates – Cultural Resources •AMEC – Biological Manager, Construction Environmental Monitoring •Project Engineer – Janet Atkinson •Construction Manager – John Dahl

  30. CCLP OM&R Coordinating Committee Voting Members CVWD SLR SDCWA Member Jointly Appointed Non-Voting Member USBR CVWD prepares O&M plan for Coachella Canal

  31. Thank You Questions?

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