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Gawker Knocked Up Campaign AdInsights Campaign Research. June 2007. Objectives and Methodology. The Process. AdInsights SM : The Process. Test/Exposed Segment. Attitudinal Impact. Online Survey. Web Site Audience. Control/Unexposed Segment. Stages of Advertising and Brand Development.
GawkerKnocked Up CampaignAdInsights Campaign Research June 2007
The Process AdInsightsSM: The Process Test/Exposed Segment Attitudinal Impact Online Survey Web Site Audience Control/Unexposed Segment
Stages of Advertising and Brand Development Stage 1: Consumers are aware of your brand and remember your ads Stage 2: Consumers recognize your message and specifically relate it to you Stage 3: Consumers develop feelings toward your brand, and they compare your brand to others Stage 4: Trust develops and consumers plan to visit, purchase, or take other action Stage 5: Consumers purchase and prefer your brand over all others—developing loyalty and long-term relationships Number of Individuals Unaided and Aided Awareness & Ad Recall Message Association Increasing Complexity and Value Brand Attitudes & Favorability Intent Preference
Key Findings • Overall, the campaign was very effective at building awareness metrics and persuading consumers to be more favorable towards the movie • Respondents became more top of mind aware that Knocked Up comes out June 1, more aware of the movie and of recent online advertising, more likely to associate the director as the director of The 40-Year-Old Virgin and more favorable towards the movie • In addition, exposure to the campaign made consumers more likely to agree with every attribute about Knocked Up • Frequency of exposure played an important role in the success of the campaign • 3-4 Exposures were needed to significantly increase all of the Brand Metrics and Attributes, including Purchase Intent • Respondents in both the primary and secondary age group targets experienced multiple significant increases in the metrics and attributes • Females were most influenced by the campaign, as seen through significant increases in every Brand Metric and Attribute • Respondents who see movies at least once a month or a few times a year were most influenced by the campaign as seen through multiple Brand Metric and Attribute increases • Though they did not experience any significant increases, respondents who see movies at least once a week had very high baselines • Defamer drove more significant increases than Gawker, though both media properties drove multiple Brand Metric and Attribute increases
Recommendations • The campaign was very successful at building the Knocked Up brand during a short time frame • Campaigns for brands like movies have a unique challenge since the campaigns run for a short time, ending when the movie is released in the theater. This campaign was successful at enhancing knowledge about Knocked Up and positively persuading people • Campaigns that are very successful at increasing brand metrics often contain the following creative qualities: • Consistent and prominent logo placement in all frames of animation • If a consumer is visiting a site and only glances at the creative for a moment, marketers should ensure that the marketing opportunity is not wasted • If the logo is too small, people may not be able to see if, especially if viewing the site on a small computer such as a laptop • In vertical units, such as a skyscraper, place the logo at the top of the ad. If a consumer does not scroll down to the bottom of the unit, the branding opportunity may still be successful • Simple and concise messaging that highlights the value proposition of the brand • Messaging that is clever and cryptic and designed to entice people to click does not always lead to strong brand metric increases
** Significant change at 95% confidence # Significant change at 90% confidence Brand Metrics • Overall, the campaign was very effective at educating and persuading consumers, as seen through increases in awareness, association and favorability metrics • Respondents noticed the online advertising and were influenced by the messaging, leading to increases in awareness that that Knocked Up comes out June 1, has the same director as The 40-Year-Old Virgin and became more favorable towards the movie + 14.1 pts ** + 6.4 pts ** + 5.8 pts ** + 5.5 pts ** + 19.8 pts ** Sample Size c=510 e=723
Brand Attributes ** Significant change at 95% confidence # Significant change at 90% confidence • In addition, all of the attributes significantly increased after exposure to the campaign, including “is a movie I really want to see” and “is a movie I would recommend to a friend” • Perceptions about brands are very difficult to change and the results show that the campaign was clearly persuasive at shaping consumer’s opinions about Knocked Up + 5.3 pts # + 7.2 pts ** + 7.0 pts ** + 5.9 pts ** Sample Size c=510 e=723
Exposure Frequency: Awareness Metrics ** Significant change at 95% confidence # Significant change at 90% confidence • At least three exposures to the campaign were needed to significantly increase the awareness metrics • Respondents were actually less top of mind aware that Knocked Up comes out June 1 after only one or two exposures to the campaign - 6.8 pts # + 22.9 pts ** + 11.9 pts ** + 9.1 pts ** + 26.5 pts ** + 6.0 pts ** + 19.8 pts ** Sample Size c=510 1-2Exp=157 2-3Exp=156 5+Exp=410
Exposure Frequency: Association and Persuasion Metrics ** Significant change at 95% confidence # Significant change at 90% confidence • Again, at least three exposures to the campaign were needed to significantly increase the association and persuasion metrics • Levels were maximized after three or four exposures to the campaign + 13.3 pts ** + 5.7 pts ** + 9.9 pts ** + 10.2 pts # + 5.6 pts ** Sample Size c=510 1-2Exp=157 2-3Exp=156 5+Exp=410
Exposure Frequency: Brand Attributes ** Significant change at 95% confidence # Significant change at 90% confidence • As seen with the persuasion metrics, at least three exposures to the campaign were needed to significantly increase the Brand Attributes, however, levels were maximized after three or four exposures to the campaign + 15.5 pts ** + 10.0 pts ** + 6.4 pts ** + 7.0 pts ** + 13.3 pts ** + 12.9 pts ** Sample Size c=510 1-2Exp=157 2-3Exp=156 5+Exp=410 + 8.0 pts **
Target Audience • 61% of exposed respondents were in the primary target audience of age 18-34 and 36% of exposed respondents were in the secondary target audience of age 35-54 Sample Size n=723
** Significant change at 95% confidence # Significant change at 90% confidence Target Audience: Brand Metrics • The secondary target audience was more influenced by the campaign • Both the primary and secondary target audience experienced significant increases in the awareness metrics, and the secondary audience also experienced significant increases in Director Association and Brand Favorability • The baselines for the primary target audience are higher, which indicates that the movie appeals more to the younger audience + 5.4 pts ** + 12.0 pts ** +18.2 pts ** + 9.4 pts ** + 7.7 pts ** + 17.7 pts ** + 9.7 pts ** + 22.2 pts ** Sample Size Primary Target Control=299 Primary Target Exposed=437 Secondary Target Control=182 Secondary Target Exposed=263
** Significant change at 95% confidence # Significant change at 90% confidence Target Audience: Brand Attributes • Both the primary audience and the secondary audience experienced significant increases in multiple Brand Attributes + 8.6 pts # + 8.2 pts # + 6.4 pts # + 9.7 pts ** + 6.0 pts # Sample Size Primary Target Control=299 Primary Target Exposed=437 Secondary Target Control=182 Secondary Target Exposed=263
Gender • Two thirds of the exposed sample were female Sample Size n=723
** Significant change at 95% confidence # Significant change at 90% confidence Gender: Brand Metrics • Overall, the campaign resonated better with females, driving increases in every Brand Metric including Purchase Consideration • Since the campaign ran on Defamer and Gawker, which are female targeted sites, it makes sense that the advertising on those sites resonated better with females + 22.8 pts ** + 6.7 pts ** + 6.9 pts # +14.1 pts ** + 19.5 pts ** + 5.8 pts ** + 9.9 pts ** + 13.5 pts ** Sample Size Female Control=325 Female Exposed=487 Male Control=185 Male Exposed=236
Gender: Brand Attributes ** Significant change at 95% confidence # Significant change at 90% confidence • In addition, females experienced a significant increase in every Brand Attribute after exposure to the campaign • Baselines were higher for females than males prior to exposure to the campaign, which indicates that females had a higher affinity with the movie prior to exposure to the campaign + 6.9 pts # + 9.8 pts ** + 6.2 pts ** + 7.0 pts ** Sample Size Female Control=325 Female Exposed=487 Male Control=185 Male Exposed=236
Movie Goers • Half of the exposed respondents reported that they see movies in the theater at least once a month Sample Size n=723 Segments based on question: How often do you go see movies in the theater?
Movie Goers: Awareness Metrics ** Significant change at 95% confidence # Significant change at 90% confidence • Respondents who see movies at least once a month or a few times a year experienced significant increases in the awareness metrics • Baselines are very high for respondents who see movies at least once a week indicating that these respondents had a higher affinity with the movie prior to exposure to the campaign and that increases are very difficult to attain for this segment + 13.1 pts ** + 18.0 pts ** + 23.8 pts ** + 8.5 pts ** + 20.4 pts ** + 6.1 pts ** Sample Size At least once a week Control=43 At least once a week Exposed=49 At least once a month Control=229 At least once a month Exposed=298 A few Times a year Control=238 A few times a year Exposed=376 Segments based on question: How often do you go see movies in the theater?
Movie Goers: Association and Persuasion Metrics ** Significant change at 95% confidence # Significant change at 90% confidence • Respondents who see movies at least once a month experienced significant increases in Director Association and Brand Favorability, while respondents who see movies a few times a year experienced significant increases in the Director Association and Purchase Consideration • 75% of respondents who see movies at least once a week are favorable towards the movie and are likely to see the movie + 7.6 pts ** + 7.2 pts ** + 7.2 pts # + 10.9 pts ** Sample Size At least once a week Control=43 At least once a week Exposed=49 At least once a month Control=229 At least once a month Exposed=298 A few Times a year Control=238 A few times a year Exposed=376 Segments based on question: How often do you go see movies in the theater?
Movie Goers: Awareness Metrics ** Significant change at 95% confidence # Significant change at 90% confidence • As in the previous slides, respondents who see movies at least once a month or a few times a year experienced significant increases in multiple Brand Attributes + 7.4 pts # + 9.3 pts ** + 8.7 pts ** + 12.5 pts ** + 9.1 pts ** Sample Size At least once a week Control=43 At least once a week Exposed=49 At least once a month Control=229 At least once a month Exposed=298 A few Times a year Control=238 A few times a year Exposed=376 Segments based on question: How often do you go see movies in the theater?
Matched Director • 84% of the exposed respondents correctly identified that Knocked Up was directed by the same person who directed The 40-Year-Old Virgin Sample Size n=723 Segments based on question: Which of the following movies, if any, was directed by the same person who directed The 40-Year-Old Virgin?
Matched Director: Awareness Metrics ** Significant change at 95% confidence # Significant change at 90% confidence • Respondents who correctly matched the director became more top of mind aware that Knocked Up comes out June 1 while respondents who did not correctly match the director became significantly more aware of the movie • Both respondents who were and were not able to correctly match the director became more aware of recent online advertising + 13.5 pts ** + 12.4 pts # + 16.0 pts ** + 17.7 pts ** Sample Size Matched Director Control=400 Matched Director Exposed=609 Didn’t Match Director Control=110 Didn’t Match Director Exposed=114 Segments based on question: Which of the following movies, if any, was directed by the same person who directed The 40-Year-Old Virgin?
Matched Director: Persuasion Metrics ** Significant change at 95% confidence # Significant change at 90% confidence • Though there were no significant increases in the persuasion metrics, we can see that respondents who correctly matched the director have much higher baselines • The association of the director of Knocked Up as the same director as The 40-Year-Old-Virgin was influential in persuading respondents to be favorable towards the movie and to want to see the movie Sample Size Matched Director Control=400 Matched Director Exposed=609 Didn’t Match Director Control=110 Didn’t Match Director Exposed=114 Segments based on question: Which of the following movies, if any, was directed by the same person who directed The 40-Year-Old Virgin?
Media Analysis: Brand Metrics Significant decrease at 90% confidence Significant increase at 90% confidence • Both media properties contributed to the success of the campaign • Defamer outperformed Gawker, driving additional increases in Purchase Intent and a Brand Attribute
Creative Size Significant decrease at 90% confidence Significant increase at 90% confidence • Due to sample size limitations, the analysis could not isolate the effect of one exposure to the campaign, so the results show all creative sizes to be effective • There is overlap between the various creative groups
Creative Placement Significant decrease at 90% confidence Significant increase at 90% confidence • All of the creative placements except Run of Network were effective at increasing all of the Brand Metrics and Attributes • However, since the analysis could not isolate the effect of one exposure to the campaign, the groups are likely to be cross contaminated
Definition of Brand Metrics and Attributes • Unaided Brand Awareness: When thinking of movies opening the weekend of June 1st, what movie comes to mind FIRST? • Aided Brand Awareness: Have you heard of the following movies? • Online Advertising Awareness: Have you seen any ONLINE ADVERTISING for the following movies within the past 30 days? • Director Association: Which of the following movies, if any, was directed by the same person who directed The 40-Year-Old Virgin? • Brand Favorability: What is your overall opinion of each of the following movies? • Purchase Intent: How likely are you to go see the following movies in the theater? • Brand Attributes: Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each about the movie “Knocked Up”. • Is a movie I really want to see • Looks funny • Is a movie I would recommend to a friend • Has a great cast
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Attribution/ For QuestionsYour InsightExpress Team: Report Author: Molly Hislop mhislop@insightexpress.com (678) 977-0485 Project Manager: Nichol Carranza ncarranza@insightexpress.com (415) 321-3707