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Transform the Datacenter into a dynamic, service-oriented delivery center

Transform the Datacenter into a dynamic, service-oriented delivery center. Antony Cassano . On-demand enterprise: Virtualization of the Datacenter resources and Secure access to private information over any kind of networks using any type of devices. Access infrastructure:

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Transform the Datacenter into a dynamic, service-oriented delivery center

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Transform the Datacenter into a dynamic, service-oriented delivery center Antony Cassano

  2. On-demand enterprise: Virtualization of the Datacenter resources and Secure access to private information over any kind of networks using any type of devices. Access infrastructure: A core business system because it solves a major business problem: right information, securely, easily, instantly to every one, whenever, wherever. Key Business benefits: Improved operational efficiency Cost reduction Security Visionary concept

  3. What is Application Delivery? Provide Desktops as a Service Deliver Applications Build Dynamic Datacenters Users Apps Best Performance. Highest Security. Lowest Total Cost.

  4. Application Delivery Infrastructure

  5. Conventional Approach Apps Users Security PCs Network Servers Management

  6. Turning datacenters into delivery centers Point-of-Access Point-of-Origin Any Network Users Apps

  7. Turning datacenters into delivery centers Virtualise Point-of-Access Point-of-Origin Stream Share Any Network Users Apps

  8. Turning datacenters into delivery centers Protect Point-of-Access Point-of-Origin Control Any Network Users Apps

  9. Turning datacenters into delivery centers Optimize Point-of-Access Point-of-Origin Accelerate Any Network Users Apps

  10. Turning datacenters into delivery centers Measure Point-of-Access Point-of-Origin Monitor Support Any Network Users Apps

  11. Turning datacenters into delivery centers Dynamic coupling of people and applications over the network Point-of-Access Point-of-Origin Any Network Users Apps

  12. Off-shoring&Outsourcing RegulatoryCompliance Lower Costof Operations CorporateSecurity Mergers &Acquisitions BusinessContinuity BranchExpansion WorkforceMobility Application & Desktop Delivery Practice Business Needs EFFICIENCYManaged Capital & Operating Expenses ACCESS STRATEGY RUN the Business AGILITYIncreased Revenue & Profitability ACCESS TACTICS GROW the Business

  13. Changes the economics of desktop computing & datacenter operations Citrix Delivery Center

  14. XenServer XenDesktop NetScaler XenApp High performance server virtualization Windows desktop virtualization App virtualization for Windows Advanced web app delivery XenDesktopreduces desktop TCO by 40% with greater agility XenApp cuts application TCO by 50% and increases productivity NetScaler accelerates web apps by 5x, cuts web servers up to 60% XenServerreduces server operations & capital costs up to 50% Citrix Delivery Center

  15. Areas to Look for IT Cost Savings Needs

  16. Desktop Cost Savings

  17. Through 2012, organizations will spend over 30% of their IT budgets in procuring and supporting client computing.

  18. Key Costs Impacting Traditional PCs • IT Operations - Support, Security and Management • Administration – User and IT Training, Disposal • Hardware and Software • End User Costs (not shown) - Fixing issues Analysts estimates total TCO per desktop of $5,867 ($2,218 direct + $3,649 end-user costs)

  19. Desktop Management Savings with Virtualization

  20. App Management Savings with Virtualization

  21. Datacenter Cost Savings

  22. XenDesktopreduces desktop TCO by 40% with greater agility XenApp cuts application TCO by 50% and increases productivity NetScaler accelerates web apps by 5x, cuts web servers up to 60% XenServerreduces server operations & capital costs up to 50% Citrix Delivery Center

  23. Areas to Look (Listen) for IT Cost Savings Needs

  24. "Show me EXACTLY where the savings come from - don't talk to me about how you can create a VM in minutes and migrate while it's still running. Those are features - show me the CORRESPONDENCE between the features and the money saved." Today’s customer statement for Server virtualization

  25. Just 15%? Really?

  26. 2008…things heat up

  27. 2009…Citrix goes nuts

  28. What Costs Should You Consider for TCO? Data center space Power & cooling Networking Servers Storage Software Service levels Services Environmental Administration

  29. CAUTION! Always be suspicious of TCO and ROI numbers

  30. The vision: Real Time Enterprise • A key trend remains the real-time enterprise (RTE) — that is, businesses that sense opportunities and problems faster, and respond to them more quickly and precisely, than do traditional business models. • RTI features lower costs, and creates greater agility and higher service levels.

  31. Unisystems Infrastructure Solutions Overview Assessments

  32. Unisystems ITS Assesments Overview Assessments

  33. Virtualization Assessment

  34. DataCenter Blueprinting Assessment Dependency Maps Across Hosts and Applications

  35. Storage Assessment • The Storage assesment is a service that helps organisations to classify and manage their data and provide a clear picture of their storage, archiving and backup environments.

  36. SEPARATE The components of delivery CENTRALIZE & VIRTUALIZE as much as possible OPTIMIZE network for app delivery The Essentials

  37. The Essential SIMPLIFY What the end user sees

  38. Justify it Leverages existing infrastructure Aligns multiple projects Increases Application Control Improves App and Data Security Saves $$$ Proven with over 200.000 customers and 70 M desktops worldwide More than 1000 customers in Greece & Balkans and 55.000 desktops

  39. End to end Citrix Application delivery implementation Full virtualization of production servers using Citrix XENserver Para-virtualization Technology Centralization of all bank’s applications using XEN app (ex Presentation Server) Thin clients Main Target: Minimized Administration, Bandwidth and Help desk costs, Increase security with better user experience Piraeus Bank: Case study Web Apps Windows Apps Citrix XEN Server Branch Users Branch Office End Point Access Point

  40. The way forward Unisystems together with our Technology Partners can assist you to: Analyze your current infrastructure (Server, Desktop & Application Delivery Readiness Assessment) Help evaluate the Desktop & Application delivery technology Design the new Data Center architecture (end to end) Implement, manage and support the new virtual infrastructure

  41. www.unisystems.gr

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