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CSE 378 Computer Hardware Design

CSE 378 Computer Hardware Design Prof. Richard E. Haskell Email: haskell@oakland.edu Tel: 248-370-2861 Web site: www.cse.secs.oakland.edu/haskell Follow VHDL -> CSE 378 link Office Hours: Tues. and Thurs., 4:00 - 5:15 p.m. 115 Dodge Hall CSE 378 Computer Hardware Design

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CSE 378 Computer Hardware Design

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  1. CSE 378Computer Hardware Design • Prof. Richard E. Haskell • Email: haskell@oakland.edu • Tel: 248-370-2861 • Web site: www.cse.secs.oakland.edu/haskell • Follow VHDL -> CSE 378 link • Office Hours: • Tues. and Thurs., 4:00 - 5:15 p.m. • 115 Dodge Hall

  2. CSE 378 Computer Hardware Design • Lecture: 5:30 - 7:17 p.m., Tues., Thurs. • Room: 202 Dodge Hall • Lab: Tues. 12:00 - 3:00 p.m., or Tues. 7:30 - 10:30 p.m., or Thurs. 7:30 - 10:30 p.m. • Room: 133 SEB

  3. Course Goals • Learn to design digital systems using VHDL • Learn to synthesize VHDL designs to Xilinx Spartan 3 series FPGAs • Learn to use VHDL design tools: • Xilinx ISE 6.2i • Aldec Active-HDL Simulator • Learn to design a small microcontroller

  4. Course Objectives • Design combinational circuits using VHDL • Design sequential circuits using VHDL • Synthesize VHDL designs to Xilinx FPGAs • Simulate VHDL designs using Aldec Active-HDL • Design a stack-based microcontroller using VHDL and synthesize it to a Xilinx FPGA

  5. List of Topics • Digital Logic Basics • Combinational Logic Circuits & Design • Sequential Circuits • Registers and Counters • RAMs and ROMs • Xilinx FPGAs • Register Transfers and Datapaths • Sequencing and Control • Design of a stack-based microprocessor

  6. Text and Materials • No required text: Class handouts and all PowerPoint lectures will be provided • Required: Spartan-3 board available from www.digilentinc.com • Enter OU378 in the Value code field • Required: A USB portable storage device with capacity of 64 MB or more.

  7. References • Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, 3rd Ed., by M. Morris Mano and Charles R. Kime, Prentice Hall, 2004. • The Student's Guide to VHDL, by Peter J. Ashenden, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., San Francisco, 1998. • Embedded System Design: A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction, by Frank Vahid and Tony Givargis, Wiley, 2002. • An Introduction to Modern Digital Design, by Richard E. Haskell and Darrin M. Hanna, Oakland University, (CSE 171 text).

  8. References (cont.) • Haskell, R. E. and D. M. Hanna, “A VHDL Forth Core for FPGAs,” Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol. 28/3 pp. 115-125, Apr 2004. (available of class website). • VHDL Tutorial: Learn by Example http://www.cs.ucr.edu/content/esd/labs/tutorial/ • VHDL Tutorial http://www.aldec.com/Downloads/ • Xilinx Spartan-3 FPGA Family: Data Sheet (available on class website) • S3 Board Reference Manual http://www.digilentinc.com/Materials/BoardProducts.html

  9. References (cont.) • The FPGA Journal: www.fpgajournal.com • Additional free information about the EDA industry can be found at:www.edaboard.comwww.eg3.comwww.chipdesignmag.comwww.edacafe.comwww.eetimes.com • www.google.com

  10. Labs • Eight weekly labs • Results must be demonstrated to the lab instructor by the due date for full credit • VHDL listing and simulation results must be signed by and turned into the lab instructor

  11. Projects • Groups of three or four will design and implement a digital system based on the microprocessor core designed in the class • The project will be demonstrated to the class during the normal final exam time • Results will be described in a written project report, a poster, and an oral PowerPoint presentation to the class

  12. Course Web Site • Course materials can be downloaded from the following course website • www.cse.secs.oakland.edu/haskell/ • follow the VHDL -> CSE 378 link

  13. Grading based on • Labs -- 25% • Homework -- 10% • 2 Exams -- 20% each • VHDL project • Project design -- 10% • Written report -- 10% • Oral Presentation -- 5%

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