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Common Core State Standards. Moore Public Schools Fall 2011. Standards Development Process. College and career readiness standards developed in summer 2009 Based on the college and career readiness standards, K-12 learning progressions developed
Common Core State Standards Moore Public Schools Fall 2011
Standards Development Process • College and career readiness standards developed in summer 2009 • Based on the college and career readiness standards, K-12 learning progressions developed • Multiple rounds of feedback from states, teachers, researchers, higher education, and the general public • Final Common Core State Standards released on June 2, 2010
What are the Common Core State Standards? • Aligned with college and work expectations • Include rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order skills • Build upon strengths and lessons of current state standards • Internationally benchmarked so that all students are prepared to succeed in our global economy and society • State led – coordinated by NGA Center and CCSSO
PARCC • Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers • Consortium of 25 states
PARCC States Governing States Participating States
Why Common, Next-Generation Assessments? • While the Common Core State Standards are a critical first step, they alone will not bring about the instructional changes necessary to improve student achievement and attainment • Creating common assessments grounded in common standards is the logical next step • Assessments aligned to the Common Core will help ensure the new standards truly reach every classroom
PARCC Assessment will… • Include “through-course” assessments in each grade in addition to end-of-year tests to produce a more complete picture of student performance • Provide a common measure of college and career readiness, including a college-ready cut score • Leverage new technologies in assessment and reporting to get timely and actionable student data to educators and parents
PARCC Assessment will… • Include a range of item types that allow for the assessment of higher-order skills and measure the CCSS in full. • Measure students’ mastery of CCSS and mitigate challenges associated with student mobility by ensuring students will have the same expectations wherever they live
PARCC Timeline for Implementation • 2010-11 School Year: Launch and design phase • 2011-12 School Year: Development begins • 2012-13 School Year: First year pilot/field testing and related research and data collection • 2013-14 School Year: Second year pilot/field testing and related research and data collection • 2014-15 School Year: Full operational administration of PARCC assessments • Summer 2015: Set achievement levels, including college-ready performance levels
Design and Organization Three main sections • K−5 (cross-disciplinary) • 6−12 English Language Arts • 6−12 Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Shared responsibility for students’ literacy development Three appendices • A: Research and evidence; glossary of key terms • B: Reading text exemplars; sample performance tasks • C: Annotated student writing samples
Design and Organization Strands Reading Literature Reading: Informational Text Writing Speaking and Listening Language An integrated model of literacy Technology requirements blended throughout • PASS Headings • Reading / Literature • Writing, Grammar, Usage, Mechanics • Oral Language / Listening and Speaking • Visual Literacy
Design and Organization College and Career Readiness (CCR) Anchor Standards • Broad expectations consistent across grades and content areas • Based on evidence about college and workforce training expectations • Range and content
Reading Comprehension (standards 1−9) • Standards for reading literature and informational texts • Strong and growing across-the-curriculum emphasis on students’ ability to read and comprehend informational texts • Aligned with NAEP Reading framework Range of reading and level of text complexity(standard 10, Appendices A and B) • “Staircase” of growing text complexity across grades • High-quality literature and informational texts in a range of genres and subgenres
Writing Writing types/purposes (standards 1−3) • Writing arguments • Writing informative/explanatory texts • Writing narratives • Strong and growing across-the-curriculum emphasis on students writing arguments and informative/explanatory texts • Aligned with NAEP Writing framework
Key Advances Reading • Balance of literature and informational texts • Text complexity Writing • Emphasis on argument and informative/explanatory writing • Writing about sources Speaking and Listening • Inclusion of formal and informal talk Language • Stress on general academic and domain-specific vocabulary
Key Advances Standards for reading and writing in history/ social studies, science, and technical subjects • Complement rather than replace content standards in those subjects • Responsibility of teachers in those subjects Alignment with college and career readiness expectations
Intentional Design Limitations What the Standards do NOT define: • How teachers should teach • All that can or should be taught • The nature of advanced work beyond the core • The interventions needed for students well below grade level • The full range of support for English language learners and students with special needs • Everything needed to be college and career ready
Design and Organization Standards for Mathematical Practice • Carry across all grade levels • Describe habits of mind of a mathematically expert student Standards for Mathematical Content • K-8 standards presented by grade level • Organized into domains that progress over several grades • Grade introductions give 2–4 focal points at each grade level • High school standards presented by conceptual theme (Number & Quantity, Algebra, Functions, Modeling, Geometry, Statistics & Probability)
Design and Organization • Content standards define what students should understand and be able to do • Clusters are groups of related standards • Domains are larger groups that progress across grades
Design and Organization Grade Level Overviews
Key Advances Focus and coherence Focus on key topics at each grade level. Coherent progressions across grade levels. Balance of concepts and skills Content standards require both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. Mathematical practices Foster reasoning and sense-making in mathematics. College and career readiness Level is ambitious but achievable.
Literacy Common Core • Literacy Standards for History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects • Reading • Writing • Standards include: • Knowledge and skills needed for communication within the content areas • Progressions of learning across the grades
Sample #1 – Focused Literacy Analyze how Abraham Lincoln in his “Second Inaugural Address” examines the ideas that led to the Civil War, paying particular attention to the order in which the points are made, how Lincoln introduces and develops his points, and the connections that are drawn among them.
Sample #2 – Focused Literacy Cite strong and thorough textual evidence from John Keats’s “Ode on a Grecian Urn” to support an analysis of what the poem says explicitly about the urn as well as what can be inferred about the urn from evidence in the poem. Based on a close reading, draw inferences from the test regarding what meanings the figures decorating the urn convey as well as noting where the poem leaves matters about the urn and its decoration uncertain.
Sample #3 – Extended Research/Writing Compare what the latest science tells us about Genetically Modified food against the arguments offered for and against Genetically Modified food. Evaluate the hypotheses, data, analysis, and conclusions of each side, including determining the extent to which each side in the debate over Genetically Modified food relies on the available science, argues from an economic perspective or appeals to political and emotional concerns. Verify the data from each author and corroborate or challenge the conclusions with other sources of information.
Sample #4 – Extended Research/Writing Read and view different examples of case-making materials related to the GM food debate. Take a position and cite specific textual evidence from your sources, attending to important distinctions each author makes and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account. Defend your conclusion from counter-claims. Create a presentation of your analysis that highlights key evidence and your strongest claims.
Sample #5 – Extended Research/Writing “In plays, no one arrives on or leaves from the stage without contributing in some way to the complexity of the play.” Consider the author’s choices of how to have characters enter or exit in the section of the play offered here as well as in scenes from two other plays you have studied and compare the significance and impact of arrivals and departures from the stage.
Sample Performance Tasks for Informational Texts (Grades 2-3) • Students describe the reasons behind Joyce Milton’s statement that bats are nocturnal in her Bats: Creatures of the Night and how she supports the points she is making in the text. [RI.2.8]
Sample Performance Tasks for Informational Texts (Grades 4-5) • Students compare and contrast a firsthand account of African American ballplayers in the Negro Leagues to a secondhand account of their treatment found in books such as Kadir Nelson’s We Are the Ship: The Story of Negro League Baseball, attending to the focus of each account and the information provided by each. [RI.4.6]
Sample Performance Tasks for Informational Texts (Grades 6-8 ) • Students trace the line of argument in Winston Churchill’s “Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat” address to Parliament and evaluate his specific claims and opinions in the text, distinguishing which claims are supported by facts, reasons, and evidence, and which are not. [RI.6.8]
Sample Performance Tasks for Mathematics Our school has to select a girl for the long jump at the regional championship. Three girls are in contention. We have a school jump-off. Their results, in meters, are given in the accompanying table. Hans says, “Aisha has the longest average. She should go to the championship.” Do you think Hans is right? Explain your reasoning.
Sample Performance Tasks for Mathematics Drag-and-Drop: How would you balance the scale pictured below? Drag the weights from below the scale onto the scale to make it balance. 1 lb. 1 lb. 1 lb. 1 lb. 1 lb. 1 lb. 1 lb. 1 lb.
Sample Performance Tasks for Mathematics A regular trapezoid is presented in the figure below. Using the drawing tool found in the lower left hand corner of your screen, connect the two points that would connect the line of symmetry for this figure. B C A H D G E F
Sample Performance Tasks for Mathematics Which statement is true about the relation shown on the graph? • It is a function because there exists one x-coordinate for each y-coordinate. • It is a function because there exists one y-coordinate for each x-coordinate. • It is not a function because there are multiple y-values for a given x-value. • It is not a function because there are multiple x-values for a given y-value.
Resources • http://www.corestandards.org/ • http://www.parcconline.org/ • http://sde.state.ok.us/Curriculum/CommonCore/default.html • Curriculum Pages on MPS Website • Common Core App by Mastery Connect for Smart Phones
Questions and Comments Rick Cobb, Director of Curriculum Coordinators: • Ginger Howe • Jennifer Mankins • Rebecca McLaughlin • Pat Morgan • Patrice Powdar • Shirley Starkey