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LCD Calorimeter Design Issues. Gary R. Bower/Ron Cassell, SLAC Chicago LCD Workshop January 8, 2002. Calorimetry for jets. At NLC energies almost all physics events produce high mass particles (W, Z, t, H?,?)
LCD Calorimeter Design Issues Gary R. Bower/Ron Cassell, SLAC Chicago LCD Workshop January 8, 2002
Calorimetry for jets • At NLC energies almost all physics events produce high mass particles (W, Z, t, H?,?) • Their most likely decay modes are into hadronic jets of charged and neutral final state particles. • Reconstructing the high mass particles accurately requires accurately measuring these final state particles. • Charged particles within tracker acceptance will be well measured. • The challenge is the neutrals and the forward charged particles. G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop
Energy distribution in jets G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop
Unprecedented opportunity • The parameter space of calorimeter design optimization is large. • Shower simulations are cpu intensive. • Recent advent of cheap computing power offers the opportunity to fully explore the design parameter space. G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop
Tools required • One wants to be able to rapidly and easily ask and answer questions with simulations. • Need a flexible simulation tool (Gismo, Geant) and a large cpu batch farm. • Need many people who can commit enough time to do serious studies. • Shower simulation programs (EGS, Gheisha) verified with test beam data. G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop
Gheisha problems • The Gheisha hadronic shower simulation has been very widely used in HEP for many years. • We discovered numerous coding errors in the program’s logic (not in physics models). • We have acquired quite a bit of anecdotal evidence that other users have found that Gheisha fails to correctly simulate real detector data. G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop
Example Gheisha Problems • 2 GeV anti-proton on active dense hydrogen target deposits ~ 7GeV of ionization energy. • Large disparity between deposited ionization energy of pion and proton. • Non-conservation of energy in pi-nucleon interaction. • No charge exchange for pi-< 200MeV, too low for pi+<1GeV (no illustrative plot below). G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop
2 GeV Pbar on active hydrogen Total Ionization Energy Green: before fix Yellow: after fix G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop
5 GeV Pi- & P Ionization Energy Before fix: yellow = pi-, green = p, SD hadronic cal* After fix: blue = pi-, red = p, SD hadronic cal* *arbitrary sampling fraction. G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop
5 GeV Pi on active hydrogen. Ionization energy Before fix = red, After fix = blue G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop
Result of fixing errors • Energy distributions are more gaussian. • LCD resolutions and linearity improved. • BUT this proves nothing until the old and fixed versions of Gheisha are tested against real detector data. G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop
LD Description G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop
SD Description G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop
Old and new pi linearity Old range: LD=15%,SD=20% New range: LD=8%,SD=4% G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop
Old and new pi resolutions G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop
Caveat on pi improvements • The L detector improvements are entirely due to fixes in Gheisha. • The S detector improvements are partially due to a different technique for determining sampling fractions. • Old way: same sampling fraction used for both em and had showers • New way: different sampling fractions for em and had showers. G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop
Gamma resolutions G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop
Back to the design study program • Goal: build an EM Cal and reconstruction software that can isolate individual photons. • Goal: build EM and Had Cals and reconstruction software that can isolate individual hadronic showers and identify which showers are due to neutral hadrons. • Goal: minimize error in measuring shower energies. • Goal: minimize error in measuring location of showers. G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop
Isolation of gammas G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop
Refinement of gamma isolation • Further studies have shown increasing the cell energy threshold narrows the shower size and allows significant improvement in isolation rates (which are already very good). G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop
Some Design Space Parameters • Sampling vs. fully active. • Cell size and shape. • Detector depth. • Digital or analog. • Radiator/Active material choices and layer sizes. • Readout technology. • Cost/benefit studies. G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop
Cal Benchmark Tests • Accuracy of event selection. • Measurement of Higgs’ CP state. G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop
Event Selection L Detector % Efficiency % Correct ID* *assumes equal cross section for all 5 processes. G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop
CP=E Truth CP=E Truth CP=O Truth CP=O Truth CP=E Data CP=E Data 0.76 0.74 1.94 0.74 CP=O Data CP=O Data 1.41 0.86 0.76 0.47 Higgs’ CP state ChiSq pdf pi/pi case unsmeared ChiSq pdf pi/pi case 5% smearing of Z jet momentum G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop
Summary • Establishing a validated accurate hadronic shower simulation program is absolutely essential for Had Cal studies. • Isolation of gammas is easy. • Isolation and measurement of neutral hadronic showers is main job of Had Cal and needs much work. • Optimization of design requires study of a very large parameter space. • Tests of optimization should be against specific important benchmark physics measurements. G.Bower - Chicago LCD Workshop