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Eyes on the prize

Healthy Tip I 29. Eyes on the prize. Engage one another in healthy activities. Check in to see how things are going and whether help is needed. Remind ourselves of our vision and why we are working to achieve it. Ask what it would take to get back on track.

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Eyes on the prize

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Healthy Tip I 29 Eyes on the prize • Engage one another in healthy activities. Check in to see how things are going and whether help is needed. • Remind ourselves of our vision and why we are working to achieve it. Ask what it would take to get back on track. Keep people motivated in developing a healthy culture. Find tools, tips, recipes for healthy living & more atinsidekp.kp.org/healthyworkforce

  2. Healthy Tip I 30 Cut out 100 calories per day… • 1 lb of body weight is the equivalent of 3,500 calories. • Small 100 calorie changes add up to make a big impact. • You’ll find 100 calories in: • 8 ounces of soda (2/3 can) • 1.5 Tablespoons of Ranch dressing • 2 pats of butter • ½ medium doughnut • 1 ounce of cheese • 1 Tablespoon of peanut butter • 4 Hershey kisses • What 100 calories will you cut out? And you could lose 10 pounds over a year. Find tools, tips, recipes for healthy living & more atinsidekp.kp.org/healthyworkforce

  3. Healthy Tip I 31 Calorie Quiz – Test your calorie IQ Maintaining your weight is simple math. • How long would you need to run at 5 miles per hour to burn off the 154 calories in one cup of French fries? • 18 minutes • 34 minutes • 49 minutes • Find more quiz questions at insidekp.kp.org/healthyworkforce • Download the Burn it Off! Fitness Calculator at kp.org/widgets Find tools, tips, recipes for healthy living & more atinsidekp.kp.org/healthyworkforce

  4. Healthy Tip I 32 Sound sleep • Get a good night’s sleep. • You’ll feel at your best, and studies show it can even influence your weight. • Your body regulates appetite better if you get enough sleep. • Improve your sleep. Set a sleep schedule and stick to it. • Set a goal of getting 7 ½ to 8 hours per night. Find tools, tips, recipes for healthy living & more atinsidekp.kp.org/healthyworkforce

  5. Healthy Tip I 33 Practice Gratefulness Research shows people who track what they feel thankful for feel better about their lives and are more optimistic. • Try these activities: • Write three things you are thankful for. Do this every day for a week. See if you feel more positive. • Let people know you’re grateful for them. Call them. Send a note. • Make a list of things you take for granted. • Start searching your days for things to be grateful for. It’ll change your mental filters. Find tools, tips, recipes for healthy living & more atinsidekp.kp.org/healthyworkforce

  6. Healthy Tip I 34 Losers never looked so good The first step of weight loss – maintain don’t gain. • “Don’t get worse” is advice that can improve your health. • Focus on not gaining more and then start thinking about your next step. • Small goals can make a big difference. If you need to lose weight, losing just 5 percent to 10 percent of your body weight can have a big impact on your health. Find tools, tips, recipes for healthy living & more atinsidekp.kp.org/healthyworkforce

  7. Healthy Tip I 35 Skip the soda The first step of weight loss – maintain don’t gain. • Soda doesn’t contain any essential nutrients and can contribute excess calories to your diet. • A 150-pound person would have to run on a treadmill at 5 miles per hour for 45 minutes to burn off the calories in one large soda. • In a study with rats, even diet soda was associated with obesity, because the sweet taste may encourage eating more high-calorie foods. Find tools, tips, recipes for healthy living & more atinsidekp.kp.org/healthyworkforce

  8. Healthy Tip I 36 Don’t ‘supersize’ me Watching portion sizes is key to managing weight. Learning a few easy tricks can help keep you on track. • Fill ½ of your plate with veggies and fruit, ¼ with protein and ¼ with grains and starches. • When eating out, ask for a take-out container and save half your meal for another day. • Order the small size, rather than the large, and you can save hundreds of calories per day. Find tools, tips, recipes for healthy living & more atinsidekp.kp.org/healthyworkforce

  9. Healthy Tip I 37 Green thumb Clean your air at work and home with healthy plants. • Nurture a plant in your office area. • Plants cleanse the air of chemicals and pollutants. • Their natural beauty can also bring us comfort and calm. • Give plants as healthy gifts or rewards that keep on giving . Find tools, tips, recipes for healthy living & more atinsidekp.kp.org/healthyworkforce

  10. Healthy Tip I 38 Acid test Set and then test your goals to improve the health of your workplace. • Test these goal setting steps: • Set a goal • Set a timeline • Select ways to change your habits to reach your goal • Develop measures to evaluate your change and success • Collect meaningful data on the changes you’ve made • Test your changes to maintain your achievement Find tools, tips, recipes for healthy living & more atinsidekp.kp.org/healthyworkforce

  11. Healthy Tip I 39 Buckle up Wear your seat belt when you drive. Make sure your passengers do, too. • Failure to wear seat belts contributes to more fatalities than any other single traffic safety-related behavior. • Seat children in the backseat. • Make sure your child is buckled into a safety seat if he or she needs one. Find tools, tips, recipes for healthy living & more atinsidekp.kp.org/healthyworkforce

  12. Healthy Tip I 40 Love of learning Engage in lifelong learning for better health. • Research shows that individuals engaged in lifelong learning are likely to be healthier, both physically and mentally, than individuals less engaged in learning. • Routinely explore topics that interest you. • Don’t be afraid to something new! • What is your lifelong interest? Find tools, tips, recipes for healthy living & more atinsidekp.kp.org/healthyworkforce

  13. Healthy Tip I 41 Sea change The Labor Management Partnership (LMP) fosters healthy culture change at KP. • The LMP formed in 1997 as a way to transform the relationship between the unions and the organization, returning to the cooperative spirit from the company’s founding. • Learn more at www.LMPartnership.org Find tools, tips, recipes for healthy living & more atinsidekp.kp.org/healthyworkforce

  14. Healthy Tip I 42 Celebrate good works Celebrating accomplishments builds an environment in which people are inspired to do their best. • Maintain a 4:1 ratio for positive reinforcement vs. negative feedback. • Use rewards–either symbolic or concrete–that people value. • Recognize small successes as well as big ones. Find tools, tips, recipes for healthy living & more atinsidekp.kp.org/healthyworkforce

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