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AGN demography and evolution. Fabio La Franca. Dipartimento di Fisica. Universita` degli Studi ROMA TRE. Schmidt & Green 1983: i primi passi. ~200 AGN1. 20 years after…and two order of magnitude larger samples. Schmidt & Green 1983. Croom+04, 2dF QSO Redshift Survey. ~24000 AGN1.
AGN demography and evolution Fabio La Franca Dipartimento di Fisica Universita` degli Studi ROMA TRE
Schmidt & Green 1983: i primi passi ~200 AGN1
20 years after…and two order of magnitude larger samples Schmidt & Green 1983 Croom+04, 2dF QSO Redshift Survey ~24000 AGN1 ~200 AGN1
Parameterization • SIMPLE POINTS: • There is no difference in PDE vs. PLE for power-law LF; • But LF will eventually turn over for the total number to converge; • The real LF is likely more complex
Parameterization • Quasar LF: double power-law
Schmidt & Green 83, ~200 AGN1 LF & Cristiani 97 ~ 1200 AGN1 Boyle, Shanks & Peterson 88, ~700 AGN1 Croom+04 ~24000 AGN1 L(z)=L(0)e6.15 20 years of evolution of the evolution of the QSO (AGN1) luminosity function PLE: L(z)=L(0)(1+z)3.4
Hao et al. 2004 NLR H and [OIII] LF What’s the Faint End Slope of QLF? • Faint slope measurement • Ranges from -1.o to -2.0… • lead to large uncertainties in in the total luminosity and mass density of quasar pop. z=0
Fan+04 SDSS Schmidt, Schneider & Gunn 1995 High redshift QSO (AGN1) density optical (grism) selection See also Fontanot+07
Miller, Peacock & Mead 90 Dunlop & Peacock 90 High redshift QSO (AGN1) density radio selection
Often rapidly varying: small emission region Broad spectral energy distribution • Non-stellar emission produced at the core of a galaxy (not always visible at optical wavelengths) • Broad wavelength SED: bright from X-rays (even gamma rays) to radio wavelengths, unlike stars • High-excitation emission lines not found in star-forming galaxies • Sometimes highly variable, indicating very compact emission region High-excitation emission
Before XMM and Chandra: the X-ray LF from ROSAT (Miyaji, Hasinger, Schmidt 2000) 0.5-2keV --> mainly AGN1 Previous works from Einstein data: e.g. Della Ceca+92
X-ray background the need for the AGN2/absorbed population
AGN2-thin AGN1 AGN2-thick X-ray background the need for the AGN2/absorbed population Comastri, Setti, Zamorani, Hasinger 1995 Some other CXRB synthesis models: Matt & Fabian (94); Madau, Ghisellini & Fabian (94); Gilli+99; Pompilio, LF & Matt (1996); Treister & Urry (05); Gilli, Comastri & Hasinger (07)
X-ray Evidence for Absorption • X-ray observations show Type 2 AGNs have larger column densities of gas than Type 1 AGNs (they are more absorbed) Type 1 AGN Type 2 AGN There is rough correspondence between optical AGN1/AGN2 classification and column densities
First Spectroscopic identification of Chandra sources XBONG (X-ray Bright Optically Normal Galaxy) Fiore, LF, Vignali et al. (2000)
The Lx-z plane and the modeld LF, Fiore, Comastri+05
The fitting method The number of observed AGN in the LX-z space is compared with the number of expected AGN taking into account: 1) a spectroscopic completeness correction, and 2) and an NH distribution and corresponding X-ray absorption effects. spectroscopic completeness correction X-ray absorption dependent sky-coverage NH column density distribution
Luminosity Dependent Density Evolution (LDDE) (see previous results from Ueda et al. 2003) Lower luminosity AGN peak at lower redshifts: DOWNSIZING (see models of galaxy and AGN formations) LF, Fiore, Comastri+05 Marconi+04
Brusa+09 X-ray AGN LF 0.5-2 keV: Hasinger, Miyaji, Schmidt 05 Downsizing of AGN activity • Quasar density peaks at z~2-3 • AGN density peaks at z~0.5 - 1 • Most of BH accretion happens in quasars at high-z • Most of X-ray background in Seyfert 2s at low-z See also: -Ueda+03 (selection effects included) -Barger+05 -Silverman+08 -Della Ceca+08 -Ebrero+09 (selection effects included) -Yencho+09 -Aird+10
LDDE found also for optically selected AGN1 once the faint end of the LF is probed Bongiorno, Zamorani+08 See also e.g. Fontanot+07, Shankar & Mathur 07
Downsizing in all bands Hopkins, Richards & Hernquist (2007) Bongiorno+10 find LDDE also for the AGN2 [OIII] LF
General Evolutionary Trends Hopkins, Richards & Hernquist (2007) • And a calculator: www.cfa.harvard.edu/~phopkins/Site/qlf.html
INCREASE WITH THE REDSHIFT The fraction of absorbed AGN as function of LX and z assumed *) predicted *) Assuming no luminosity and redshift dependences DECREASE WITH LUMINOSITY Earlier evidences of a decrease of the fraction of absorbed AGN with luminosity from Lawrence & Elvis (1982) and Lawrence (1991). Confirmed by Ueda et al. (2003). LF, Fiore, Comastri+05
The fraction of absorbed AGN as function of LX and z - Type 2 fraction a strong function of luminosity a) At high (quasar) luminosity: type 2 <20%; optical color selection is highly complete since all are type 1s, and includes most of luminosity AGN population emitted in the Universe b) At low (Seyfert) luminosity: type 2 ~80%; optical color selection miss most of the AGNs in the Universe in terms of number
The decrease of absorbed AGN with increasing luminosity (possible explanations) Model 2 Model 1 The Receding Torus Model: the opening angle of the torus increases with ionizing luminosity (e.g. Simpson 1998; Lawrence 1991; Grimes et al. 2003) The gravitational effects of the BH/Bulge on the molecular gas disk of galaxies Lamastra, Perola & Matt (2006)
z L The fraction of absorbed AGN as function of LX and z Best fit: assuming L and z dependence We confirm the evidences of a decrease of the fraction of absorbed AGN with luminosity and find for the first time an increase of absorbed AGN with redshift. LF, Fiore, Comastri+05
The fraction of absorbed AGN as function of LX and z 1815 AGN with intrinsic LX>1042 erg/s Lx~45 Lx~44 Z~2.5 Lx~43 Z~1.8 Z~1.2 Z~0.7 Z~0.3 Melini, Thesis RmTre, 2009 Confirmed by: Treister & Urry 06, Ballantyne 06, Hasinger+08, Della Ceca+08 See discussion on possible selection effects in Akylas+06
Tueller, Mushotzky+08 (SWIFT/BAT) Tueller, Mushotzky+08 (SWIFT/BAT) See also: Beckmann+06 and Sazonov+07 using INTEGRAL (20-40 keV) The very hard (14-195 keV) XLF CT about 20% A sample of ~500 SWIFT/BAT AGN are going to be investigated by the INAF/Brera and INAF/Palermo-IASF groups
Highly obscured Mildly Compton thick INTEGRAL survey ~ 100 AGN Sazonov et al. 2006
The very hard (>20 keV) XLF Malizia+09 (INTEGRAL/IBIS) Taking into account the selection effects the NH distribution is fully compatible with [OIII] selected samples (e.g. Risaliti+99) Estimate a fraction of CT AGN >25%
The fraction of absorbed AGN as a function of flux and the synthesis of the CXRB L & z dependence (LDDE) LF, Fiore, Comastri+05
The studies of the local galaxy bulges allow to estimate the z=0 BH mass funtion Both the z=0 BH mass function and the cosmic X-ray background are the “fossil” integrated result of the AGN evolution, i.e. of the total of accreted mass and of the total energy released in the Universe via accretion X-ray background z=0 BH mass function Integrated luminosity history Integrated history of accretion Marconi et al. (2004)
Putting things together: Soltan’s argument • Soltan’s argument: QSO luminosity function Y(L,t) traces the accretion history of local remnant BHs (Soltan 1982), if BH grows radiatively Total mass density accreted = total local BH mass density
Luminosity density Bolometric correction (Marconi et al. 04) Accretion rate density Luminosity density evolution ε=0.1, radiative efficiency Mass density in BH BH mass density evolution Accretion history of the Universe Marconi et al. (2004): 4.6 (+1.9;-1.4) M๏Mpc-3 McLure & Dunlop (2004): 2.8 (+/- 0.4) M๏Mpc-3
The history of BH mass density accretedduring quasar phase Yu and Tremaine 2002
~(3-13)107 yr QSO mean lifetime • The mean lifetime of QSOs is comparable to the Salpeter time (the time for a BH accreting with the Eddington luminosity to e-fold in mass).
Expanding Soltan’s Argument Fitting QLF with local BHMF
Evidences for missing SMBH While the CXB energy density provides a statistical estimate of SMBH growth, the lack, so far, of focusing instrument above 10 keV (where the CXB energy density peaks), frustrates our effort to obtain acomprehensive picture of the SMBH evolutionary properties. Gilli et al. 2007 43-44 44-44.5 Marconi 2004-2007 Menci , Fiore et al. 2004, 2006, 2008
Central engine Dusty torus Completing the census of SMBH • X-ray surveys: • very efficient in selecting unobscured and moderately obscured AGN • Highly obscured AGN recovered only in ultra-deep exposures • IR surveys: • AGNs highly obscured at optical and X-ray wavelengths shine in the MIR thanks to the reprocessing of the nuclear radiation by dust
The MIR 15um LF from ISO AGN1: L(z)=L(0)(1+z)2.9 AGN2: L(z)=L(0)(1+z)1.8-2.6 Matute, LF, Pozzi+06
IR surveys • Difficult to isolate AGN from star-forming galaxies • (Lacy+04, Barnby+05, Stern+05, Polletta+06, Gruppioni+08, Sacchi, LF, Feruglio+09 and many others). See e.g. discussion of the wedge (Stern) selection in Gorgantopoulos+08 or the analysis by Brusa+10 Georgantopulos+08 Stern+05 selection Martinez-Sansigre+05 Sacchi, LF, Feruglio+09 Lacy+04 selection
MIR selection of AGN Gruppioni+08 Gruppioni+08 SED library from Polletta+07 The problem is: 1) to separate the AGN from the galaxy SF contribution: e.g. Polletta+08, Fritz+06, Pozzi+07+10, Vignali+09 2) Need to deeply observe in the X-ray band in order to measure the column densities
see also Daddi+07 MIR selection of CT AGN Fiore+08 Fiore+09 CDFS X-ray HELLAS2XMM GOODS 24um galaxies COSMOS X-ray COSMOS 24um galaxies R-K Open symbols = unobscured AGN Filled symbols = optically obscured AGN * = photo-z
MIR AGNs Fiore+08+09 Stack of Chandra images of MIR sources not directly detected in X-rays Sacchi, LF+09 VLT observations showed that about 70% of the 300<X/R<1000 DOGs have an AGN optical spectrum • F24um/FR>1000 R-K>4.5 • logF(1.5-4keV) stacked sources=-17 @z~2 logLobs(2-8keV) stacked sources ~41.8 • log<LIR>~44.8==> logL(2-8keV) unabs.~43 • Difference implieslogNH~24 See also Lanzuisi+09 Sacchi, LF, Feruglio+09
CDFN-CDFS 0.1deg2 Barger et al. 2003; Szokoly et al. 2004 -16 E-CDFS 0.3deg2 Lehmer et al. 2005 EGS/AEGIS 0.5deg2 Nandra et al. 2006 C-COSMOS 0.9 deg2 Flux 0.5-10 keV (cgs) -15 ELAIS-S1 0.5 deg2 Puccetti et al. 2006 XMM-COSMOS 2 deg2 HELLAS2XMM 1.4 deg2 Cocchia et al. 2006 Champ 1.5deg2 Silverman et al. 2005 -14 SEXSI 2 deg2 Eckart et al. 2006 -13 XBOOTES 9 deg2 Murray et al. 2005, Brand et al. 2005 Pizza Plot Area
AGN host galaxies Obscured (no AGN1) AGN in the most massive and redder galaxies A significant fraction of obscured AGN live in massive, dusty star-forming galaxies with red optical colors AGN preferentially reside in the red sequence and in the “green valley” (Nandra+07, Silverman+08, Hickox+09) Brusa+10
Z>3 AGN counts Lower bound: 22 spectro-z Upper-bound: adding 10 EXOs Dashed line: Expectations from XRB models extrapolating Hasinger+05 LF Solid line: Exponential decay introduced at z=2.7 (Schmidt+95) Flat evolution completely ruled out Tightest constraints to date (largest and cleanest sample) Models: Gilli, Comastri & Hasinger 2007, A&A
Space densities Red curve: predictions logLx>44.2 AGN (unobs+obs) [Gilli+07 using Hasinger+05 and La Franca+05] Dashed area: (rescaled) space density for optically selected bright QSO [Richards+2006, Fan+2001] Blue curve: Silverman+08 LF, I<24 sample Brusa+09
La Franca+05 = X L 1.4GHz/LX P(R| LX, z) from LF, Melini & Fiore, ApJ, subm La Franca+05 (& Brusa+09 at z>2.7) Brusa+09 The radio LF and the sub-mJy radio counts
The sub-mJy radio counts and the radio LF LF, Melini & Fiore, ApJ, subm