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Possessive Adjectives. Remember the possessive adjectives from Spanish 1? You learned my, your, his, her, our, their: Possessive Adjectives from Spanish 1:. Our family = nuestra familia . His shirt = su camisa . Their shirt = su camisa . All of your homework = su tarea.
Possessive Adjectives Remember the possessive adjectives from Spanish 1? You learned my, your, his, her, our, their: Possessive Adjectives from Spanish 1:
Our family = nuestrafamilia. • His shirt = sucamisa. • Their shirt = sucamisa. All of your homework = sutarea.
Remember… The possessive adjectives match the ITEM they are describing, NOT the people owning the item. Their house = SU casa. (one house, so “su” is singular, even if 100 people own it).
Possessive adjectives also have a long form. It is more expressive, and you use it to call special attention: Cenamos con un amigo mío= We are eating dinner with a friend OF MINE.
Possessive pronouns also show personal relationships. • To form a possessive pronoun: • Use the long form of the possessive adjectives. • Add el, la, los, lasaccording to the gender and number of the NOUN it replaces. • Put the adjective AFTER
Ex: Mis zapatos son bonitos, pero me gustan los tuyos también. (my shoes are pretty, but I like yours too) 1. This dress is long, but hers is short. ____Este vestidoes largo, pero el suyoescorto______
2. Those strawberries are delicious, and yours are good, too. ____Esasfresas son ricas, y lastuyas son buenas, también._____ 3. My calculator does not work (serve). May I use yours? Micalculadora no sirve. ¿Puedousar la tuya?_
Don’t use the definite article (el, la) before SER Ex: The dog is mine = El perroesmío. she is a friend of mine = ellaesunaamigamía He has his car, and you have yours = Éltienesucoche, y tutienes el tuyo. They are relatives of ours = Ellos son parientesnuestros. This book is not good. Do you want to read ours? = Este libro no esbueno. ¿Quieres leer el nuestro?