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Understanding Recessions and Unemployment: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn about types of unemployment, factors affecting job loss, and how to navigate tough economic times. Discover insights on labor force participation, explore unemployment rates, and find practical tips to manage finances during recessions.

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Understanding Recessions and Unemployment: A Comprehensive Guide

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Recessions and Unemployment

  2. “It’s a recession when your neighbor loses his job; it’s a depression when you lose your own.” • -President Harry Truman

  3. Labor Force • Does not include: • People under 16 years old • People who cannot work • People who have stopped looking for work

  4. Is your retired grandfather unemployed? • No- he is not looking for work

  5. Is a woman who stays home with her kids unemployed? • No- she is not looking for work

  6. An aunt serving in the Armed Forces is posted in Afghanistan. Is she considered unemployed? • No- she is not a member of the civilian labor force because she is serving in the military

  7. A thief serving time in prison lost his job when he was convicted. Is he unemployed? • No- those serving time in prison are not in the adult population and hence not in the labor force

  8. Is a full time college student unemployed? • Not unless he or she is not working and looking for a job.

  9. Unemployment should not hit 0% • Why? • Competition

  10. When the economy is strongest- unemployment should be from 3-5% • What is the unemployment rate right now? • http://data.bls.gov/pdq/SurveyOutputServlet • www.bls.gov (Bureau of Labor Statistics) they calculate unemployment rate

  11. Types of Unemployment • Structural • Industry becomes obsolete • Workers with certain skills have nowhere to go

  12. Seasonal • Landscapers, farmers, tourism jobs • Downtimes of the year

  13. Frictional • People entering job market or have decided to leave a job to seek “Greener Pastures” • Largest segment of unemployment figure during periods of strong economy, high employment time

  14. Cyclical • Industry hit hard by downturn in the economy • Auto workers laid off during recessions

  15. http://pewsocialtrends.org/pubs/733/luxury-necessity-recession-era-reevaluations (Luxury of Necessity- this is a fantastic article that goes through items that people originally reported as being a necessity, but in the recession, changed their opinion to say luxury and not necessary- I highly recommend reading this, and looking at the charts) • online.wsj.com/article/SB124096661843766403.html (you will have to copy and paste this to get to the site- article is about the Yankees lowering their prices for seats during the recession because it didn’t look good to have that many empty seats!) • http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/family/budget/deal-with-recession (This has all sorts of tips on how to save money during a recession, and even some career advice in a bad economy)

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