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Explore the pivot in graph data on the web by utilizing existing standards like RDF, SPARQL, and Linked Data to ensure compatibility and efficiency. Transition smoothly from RDF 1.1 to RDF 2.0, enabling secured and trusted distribution of graph data.
Graph Data on the Web:extend the pivot,don’t reinvent the wheel Olivier Corby et al. Inria – Wimmics team
OWL Think in terms of an “RDF 2.0” RDF XML RDFS N-Quad TriG CSV-LD R2RML JSON LD N-Triple Turtle/N3 URI, IRI, URL, HTTP URI RDF XML • RDF and Property Graphs are not in opposition • They are requirements for an RDF 2.0 specification • RDF 2.0 backward compatible with RDF 1.1 stack of standards • There should not be another stack of graph data standards GRDDL JSON SPARQL LDP SHACL RDFa Linked Data HTML HTTP Fabien Gandon, A Survey of the First 20 Years of Research on Semantic Web and Linked Data, 2018
Make Graph Data Interoperable • Additional argument to triples • Modality, timestamp, provenance, uncertainty • Triple as subject or object of triple • Assign URI to Triple • Named graph with entailment regimeGraph Data Entailment • List datatype value • SPARQL based rule language for RDF : construct where • NB: AI on the Web requires knowledge-level interoperability
Secured and Trusted Graph Data Distribution • Generalize SPARQL service clause to other sources that deliver RDF graph data • Annotate SPARQL query with list of SPARQL endpoints URI • Semantics for SPARQL federated queries :bnode, named graph, duplicate results, property path, etc. • Standard canonical RDF graph representation • Signing RDF graph
Graph Data Developer Friendly and Viewable • API for graph data • RDF graph style sheets à la CSS and Fresnel • Transformation Language for RDF • Linked Data Script Language • cf. open source Corese semantic Web factory andserver since 1999: http://corese.inria.fr/