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Joint Contingency Acquisition Support Office (JCASO). OCS Community of Interest Tim Freihofer 24 March 2009 . Agenda. JCASO OVERVIEW RELATIONSHIPS & SUCCESS FACTORS FUTURE ENGAGEMENTS AUSTERE CHALLENGE 09 TERMINAL FURY 09. JCASO Mission and Functions .
Joint Contingency Acquisition Support Office (JCASO) OCS Community of Interest Tim Freihofer 24 March 2009
JCASO Mission and Functions • Maintain a trained, technically competent, deployable cadre of acquisition experts who remain operationally focused and are able to chop to a CCDR upon order. • 30 permanent military, civilian and contractor personnel with expertise in: planning; contingency contracting; contingency financing; contract law and civil engineering • Provide CCDRs an element aligned with the theater chain of command tasked with: • Acquisition program management during combat operations, post conflict operations and contingency operations. • Providing Joint focus and cross service coordination in theater • Providing initial contract management • Contract coordinating element for LOGCAP/AFCAP/CONCAP • Providing a clearing house for contract actions above pre-defined thresholds • POC for all contracting and contractor issues in the JOA • Transitioning to the Joint Theater Support Contracting Command providing smooth transition into phase 4, stability and reconstruction operations • Participate in CCDR exercises to refine CONOPS and review of OPLANS, CONPLANS in concert with the Joint Operational Contract Support Planners (JOCSP)
Acceptance and integration into CCDR Staff CCDRs JFCOM INTERAGENCY OSD & JT STAFF SERVICE & CSA ACQUISITION COMMUNITIES JCASO Integration into joint training, joint lessons learned and coordination with Joint Force Providers & C2 Support for Interagency & OGAs Operational feedback, Analysis of policy & doctrine Acceptance & Partnering with Services, DLA & DCMA JCASO Relationships & Success Factors
JCASO – Future Engagements • Accomplishments: • JCASO CONOPs & DoDI 3020.41 Adjudicated • Military / Civilian Position Descriptions Completed • Approval for Funding and Staffing via PBD 704&705 • Engagement with COCOM’s, State Department, and community of interest • Next Steps: • Begin Staffing; Washington Headquarters Service impacting provisional staffing • Combatant Command planning and exercise participation FY 2010 2009 2008 2010 JCASO FOC IA 10 ? JTF PO ? PANAMAX 10 ? DoS -Acquisition -Executive -Stability Ops JCASO / OCS CONOPs integration IOC SOUTHCOM NORTHCOM TRANSCOM CONOPS / DoDI 3020.41 Adjudicated Military/ Civilian PDs AC 09 TF 09 CENTCOM, EUCOM, PACOM, AFRICOM Visits
Austere Challenge 09 • EUCOM has a J4K (Lt Col Ray Barben) • JCASO deploying 4 person OCS team to EUCOM HQ • JCASO providing OCS management to GCC • 409th CSB (COL Liesenring) providing OCS mgt to the JTF (JOA) • JCASO will monitor JARB, JCSB and JLB
Austere Challenge 09 OCS C2 • EUCOM requests JCASO OCS enabler • JCASO sends JOCST to EUCOM • EUCOM assigns JOCST to J4 • EUCOM builds “purple” staff element around PARC to act as JTF’s OCS expertise • JCASO • Reach-back capability
Terminal Fury 09 • PACOM does not have Contract Management Staff Officer • JCASO deploying 4 person OCS team to PACOM • JCASO providing OCS management to GCC • SCO to form Joint OCS org and provide OCS mgt to the JTF (JOA) • JCASO will monitor JARB, JCSB and JLB
Terminal Fury 09 OCS C2 OPCON HCA COORD • PACOM requests and receives OPCON of JCASO; assigns to J4 (JOCST) • PACOM J4 runs CLPSB / PCCOWG • PACOM chops SCO OPCOM to JTF • Warner 854 and JP 4-10 language: • JTF Cdr Runs JARB • Head Program Mgt / Contingency Contracting = JCASO • SCO Runs JCSB • JCASO • Reach-back capability PACOM Service Channels PACOM J4 JOCST JTF SCO