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Presentation by Finance Department Government of Maharashtra on KOSHWAHINI The Treasury Information System

Presentation by Finance Department Government of Maharashtra on KOSHWAHINI The Treasury Information System. Koshwahini Comprises Data warehouse of Treasury Expenditure & Receipts Treasury Net: Workflow in the Treasury Reconciliation with Accountant General.

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Presentation by Finance Department Government of Maharashtra on KOSHWAHINI The Treasury Information System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Presentation byFinance Department Government of Maharashtra onKOSHWAHINIThe Treasury Information System

  2. Koshwahini Comprises Data warehouse of Treasury Expenditure & Receipts Treasury Net: Workflow in the Treasury Reconciliation with Accountant General. E scroll from the Banks for payment reconciliation LOC: Monitoring PWD, Forest, Irrigation Accounts Budget Distribution System Pension Payment System

  3. Holistic Approach to Financial Management Monthly Account e-vouchers challans Central Server System A.G. DAT MIS VLC Koshwahini Data Warehouse Non Try. Transaction Treasury Office Processes e scroll standardisation of e- formats & e- advice Bills e- paybill other bills Bills rejected with querries e- scroll challans e- scroll paid cheques RBI/SBI DDO Copy of challans Challans with Cheque/cash cheques DDO/Public

  4. The Numbers …… • Offices: One PAO in Mumbai, 33 District Treasuries, 295 sub-Treasuries. • 12000 Drawing & Disbursing Officers. • 85 lac Challans & 35 lac Vouchers every Year. • Number of Schemes: • > 10,000 Payment Schemes • > 1,200 Receipt Schemes • Number of State Government Pensioners : More than 4.5 lac

  5. Bill Submitted by D.D.O Counter Scroll Bills along with Scroll Corresponding Auditor Audit Summary Passed bills Objected Bills Compilation Data Objection slip/Register Cheque Drawn Section Delivery Counter Cheque Delivery Section Cheque Reconciliation Ex-AACT

  6. WORK FLOW IN TREASURY Bills submitted by DDO Counter Electronic Pay Bill Scroll Audit Passed Bill Objected Bills Contd..

  7. Passed Bills Cheque Drawal Section PD/PLA Electronic Sub Treasury Data Cheque Delivery Section Compilation Data LOC Monthly Pension Bills Cheque Reconciliation RBI/SBI Electronic Scroll Contd…

  8. Objected Bills Objection slip / Register Mails to DDO Delivery Counter

  9. Koshwahini Modules

  10. Bills in Process /Token Status

  11. Nandurbar Bills in Process 22/12/2005

  12. Bills in Process /Token Status

  13. Detail Head wise pending Bills Report

  14. Bills in Process /Token Status

  15. Region / Districtwise Pending Bills As On 23/12/2005

  16. Koshwahini Modules

  17. Management Reports

  18. Sub Detail Head wise Expenditure (Telephone Bill )01/04/2005 to 30/11/2005

  19. Koshwahini Modules

  20. Outstanding Cheques

  21. Status of Outstanding Cheques(Up-to-Date of Data Loaded)

  22. Koshwahini Modules

  23. Major Headwise->   Expenditure 01/04/2005 -- 30/11/2005/  E -School Education Department/ 

  24. Koshwahini Modules

  25. Compiled Receipt Module

  26. Majorhead Wise ReceiptNashik 1/11/2005 to30/11/2005

  27. Workflow for Pension Audit register,MIS queries & reports PPO Pensioner Pension Automation System A.G. Office PPO e PPO CPO GPO District Treasury CPO GPO Monthly Pension Bills Queries & Reports ECS Pension Vouchers E monthly Accounts Payment Statement Bank ECS details

  28. KOSHWAHINI: TREASURY INFORMATION SYSTEM DIRECTORATE OF ACCOUNTS & TREASURIES, FINANCE DEPARTMENT, GOVT. OF MAHARASHTRA. MESSAGE OF HON. DR. C.RANGARAJAN CHAIRMAN – XII th FINANCE COMMISSION. I was delighted to see the presentation on “KOSHWAHINI”. This is a pioneering effort to improve the functioning of the treasuries. It is a good example of the application of IT to a very important area. The programme shows great imagination and a good understanding of the details. I congratulate every one concerned on this bold initiative. Sd/- December 24, 2003. Mumbai. C. Rangrajan

  29. Holistic Approach to Financial Management Monthly Account e-vouchers challans Central Server System A.G. DAT MIS VLC Koshwahini Data Warehouse Non Try. Transaction Treasury Office Processes e scroll standardisation of e- formats & e- advice Bills e- paybill other bills Bills rejected with querries e- scroll challans e- scroll paid cheques RBI/SBI DDO Copy of challans Challans with Cheque/cash cheques DDO/Public

  30. Way Forward….

  31. Way Forward… • Electronic Pay Billing. • E Budget Distribution System. • Website for Pensioners • Strengthening of Koshwahini • Virtual Treasury • Central Treasury – Treasury Net

  32. To Sum Up…… A.G. G.O.M A.G Final Accounts Treasury Accounts Decision Support System Ways & Means Control Pay bill Server e-Pay Bill e-Scroll R.B.I. /S.B.I. District Treasury

  33. Budget Finance Department Budget Allocation department Wise Consolidation of Demands H.O.D H.O.D Budget Preparation C.O C.O Budget Book Printing Budget data D.D.O Budget Distribution Budget Estimates

  34. Thank You

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