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Ваша семья Your family

Ваша семья Your family. Мама Папа Сын Дочь Бабушка Дедушка Внучка Внук. Mother (Mummy, Mum) Father (Daddy, Dad) Son Daughter Grandmother (Granny) Grandfather (Grandpa) Granddaughter Grandson. Брат Сестра Двоюродный брат (сестра) Муж Жена Теща (свекровь) Тесть (свек о р ).

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Ваша семья Your family

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ВашасемьяYour family Мама Папа Сын Дочь Бабушка Дедушка Внучка Внук Mother (Mummy, Mum) Father (Daddy, Dad) Son Daughter Grandmother (Granny) Grandfather (Grandpa) Granddaughter Grandson Брат Сестра Двоюродный брат (сестра) Муж Жена Теща (свекровь) Тесть (свекор) Brother Sister Cousin Husband Wife Mother-in-law Father-in-law My (first) name is… My second name (surname) is… I have a family of four. I’m married. I’m single. My uncle’s name is John. My aunt’s name is Anna. I’m an only child. My parents are divorced. I have a step-father (step-mother).

  2. Ваша профессияYour profession Хирург Архитектор Бухгалтер Дизайнер Страховой агент Агент по недвижимости Юрист Биржевой маклер Пожарник Surgeon Architect Accountant Designer Insurance agent Estate agent Lawyer Stock broker Fireman Специалист по кадрам Специалист по связям с общественностью Шеф-повар Инженер Ветеринар Программист Электрик HR manager PR manager Chef Engineer Vet Programmer Electrician What are you? (What do you do? What’s your job?) I work in a bank.I work for IBS.What does that involve?I’m in charge of (I’m responsible for) deliveries. How much do you earn?My salary is $1000.What are your working hours?I have a nine-to-five job. I work overtime.

  3. Ваша квартираYour flat Многоэтажный дом Загородный дом Квартира Комната Двух(трех-)комнатная квартира. Первый этаж Второй этаж Гостиная Block of flats Country house Flat / apartment Room Two-room (three-room) flat. Ground floor First floor Living-room Спальня Кухня Лестница Балкон Центральное отопление Светлый / темный Огромный / крохотный Bedroom Kitchen Stairs Balcony Central heating Light / dark Huge / tiny How many rooms are there in your flat?There are four rooms in our flat.We have a wonderful view of the city.The flat overlooks the street. We rent the flat. How much is the rent?We own the flat.The flat is in good condition. The flat needs decoration. The flat is quiet and cosy.

  4. На уроке At the lesson Повторить Повторить материал Отвечать на вопрос Писать контрольную Опытный учитель Практические навыки Дать домашнее задание To repeat To revise the material To answer a question To write a test Experienced teacher Practical skills To set the home task Тема урока Записать Важный Объяснить Доска Тетрадь Знание предмета Задавать вопрос Theme of the lesson To put it down Important To explain Blackboard / whiteboard Notebook Knowledge of the subject To ask a question What’s the theme of the lesson? Please put it down, it’s very important. Could you explain it once again, please? Let’s have a look at the blackboard. Open your notebooks and copy the words. The knowledge of the subject will help you in the future. May I ask a question? Could you repeat it, please? I didn’t hear. You should revise the material before the test. How’s your new teacher? He’s quite experienced, he gives a lot of practical skills.

  5. В гостинице At a hotel Администратор Зарегистрироваться Заказать номер Одноместный / двухместный номер Номер с ванной / душем Полный пансион Полупансион Только завтрак Receptionist To check in To book / reserve a room Single / double room Room with a bath / shower Full board Half board Breakfast board Горничная Носильщик Дать на чай Разгар сезона Прибыть в отель Выписаться из отеля Ключ от номера Maid Porter To tip High season To arrive at the hotel To check out Room key Do you have any vacancies? What kind of room would you like? How would you like to pay? Do you accept credit cards? I’ll pay cash. Please complete the guest registration card. Sign here. Put it on my bill. What’s the check-out time? Is dinner included?

  6. Кафе самообслуживания Self-service café Голодный Поднос Очередь Закуска Суп Основное (второе) блюдо Гарнир Десерт Hungry Tray Queue Starter Soup Main course Vegetables Dessert Тарелка Вилка Ложка Нож Стакан Чашка Салфетка Plate Fork Spoon Knife Glass Cup Napkin I’m starving. To stand in a queue What do they have for a starter? There’s vegetable salad. What would you like for the main course? How much is it? I’m a veggie. Have you got a veggie option? What vegetables have you got? Let’s sit by the window.

  7. Место, где вы живете The place you live in Город Городок Столица Промышленная зона Загородом Отдельный дом Дом на 2 семьи Городской дом City Town Capital Industrial area In the country Detached house Semi-detached house Block of flats Деревня Экологически чистый район На окраине города Рядом с парком Около центра В пригороде На тихой улице Village Ecologically clean area On the outskirts Close to the park Near the city center In a suburb In a quiet street Where do you live? It’s a twenty minutes’ walk from the center. We live near the sea / in the mountains. How long does it take you to get home? It takes me half an hour. I live in the downtown / uptown. It’s an agricultural area. My house is far from the road. How do you get to work? By car / train.

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