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Twelfth Night. Characters, structure, and themes. Title “What You Will” is like “As You Like It” Does it mean “Whatever is your pleasure”? Is it the ending that is as we like it? what we will? Is the world they inhabit as we will? Golden world?
Twelfth Night Characters, structure, and themes
Title “What You Will” is like “As You Like It” Does it mean “Whatever is your pleasure”? Is it the ending that is as we like it? what we will? Is the world they inhabit as we will? Golden world? Are the characters? Rosalind and Viola most perfect Twelfth Nightor What You Will
Twelfth NightDominant images Viola/Cesario Orsino Olivia
Twelfth NightPlot structure • Main Plot – wooing • Orsino/Olivia through Cesario (Viola) • Olivia/Cesario into Olivia/Sebastian • Viola (as Cesario)/Orsino • Olivia/Sebastian (whom she thinks is Cesario)
Twelfth NightSubplot structure • Subplots • Feste’s singing and begging • Sir Toby’s drunkenness • Sir Andrew’s wooing of Olivia • Malvolio’s Puritanism • Maria’s Jest • Feste’s revenge
Twelfth NightViola’s interaction w/other characters Antonio Captain 3.4, 5.1 1.2 Viola Sebastian 5.1 1.2, 2.4,5.1 1.5, 3.1,3.4, 5.1 Orsino Olivia 2.1 Orsino’s men 1.4 Malvolio 3.5, 5.1 2.4, 3.1,5.1 Sir Toby Feste Sir Andrew Maria
Twelfth NightOlivia’s interaction w/other characters Antonio Captain Viola Sebastian 1.5 4.1, 4.3, 5.1 Orsino 5.1 Olivia 1.5, 3.4, 5.1 Orsino’s men Malvolio 1.5 1.5 1.5, 5.1 Sir Toby Feste Sir Andrew Maria
Twelfth NightFeste’s interaction w/other characters Antonio Captain Viola Sebastian 2.4, 3.1, 5.1 Olivia 4.1, 5.1 Orsino 1.5, 5.1 Orsino’s men Malvolio 2.4, 5.1 1.5, 2.3, 4.2, 5.1 Sir Toby 1.5, 2.3, 4.2, 5.1 Feste Sir Andrew Maria
Twelfth NightToby’s/Andrew’s/Maria’s interactions Antonio Captain Viola Sebastian 3.1, 3.4, 5.1 4.1, 5.1 Orsino Olivia Orsino’s men 1.5, 3.4, 5.1 Malvolio 1.5, 2.3, 4.2, 5.1 Sir Toby 1.5, 2.3, 4.2, 5.1 Feste Sir Andrew 1.3, 1.5, 2.1, 2.5, 3.4, 5.1 Maria
Twelfth NightMalvolio’s interactions Antonio Captain Viola Sebastian 2.1 Olivia Orsino 1.5, 3.4, 5.1 Orsino’s men Malvolio 2.3, 4.2, 5.1 1.5, 2.3, 2.5, 3.4, 5.1 Sir Toby Feste Sir Andrew Maria
Twelfth NightOrsino’s interaction w/other characters Antonio Captain Viola Sebastian 1.4, 2.4, 5.1 Orsino 5.1 Olivia 1.4 Orsino’s men Malvolio 2.4 Sir Toby Feste Sir Andrew Maria
Twelfth NightIntegration of all Characters Antonio Captain Viola Sebastian Orsino Olivia Orsino’s men Malvolio Sir Toby Feste Sir Andrew Maria
Orsino’s / masculine Talk of hunting Music/emotion Love is unrequited Wooing through intermediary (Cesario) Direct wooing (Viola) Olivia’s / feminine Talk of grief Jesting /tricks Love is impossible Wooing through intermediary (Malvolio) Direct wooing (Olivia) Supposed wooing (letter to Malvolio) Twelfth Nighttwo worlds
As You Like ItCouples • realistic • Viola/Orsino • romantic • Olivia/Sebastian • Sexual • Sir Toby/Maria • Inappropriate • Malvolio/Olivia and Sir Andrew/Olivia and Olivia/Viola
Twelfth NightFoiling • Character foiling • Viola/Olivia, both lost brothers • Viola/Olivia/Orsino—all have love unrequited • Viola/Feste, both travel freely between households • Viola/Sebastian, both lost sibling, are strangers
Twelfth Night -- Act I Scene 1 Orsino sad Scene 3 Sir Toby drunk Maria aids Scene 2 Viola sad To serve Orsino Scene 4 Viola and Orsino Scene 5 Maria/Feste Feste/Olivia Olivia/Malvolio Olivia/Cesario (Viola)
Twelfth Night -- Act II Scene 1 Antonio/Sebastian Scene 2 Malvolio/Cesario Scene 3 Sir Toby/Andrew Maria/Feste Malvolio Scene 4 Orsino/Viola Feste Scene 5 Maria’s Jest Malvolio letter
Twelfth Night -- Act III Scene 1 Viola/Feste Sir Toby/Andrew Viola/Olivia • Scene 3 • Sebastian/ • Antonio Scene 2 Sir Andrew to Challenge Cesario Scene 4 Olivia/Malvolio, yellow stockings Sir Toby to care for Malvolio Olivia/Cesario Viola challenged by Sir Andrew Antonio rescues Viola
Twelfth Night -- Act IV Scene 1 Feste/Sebastian Sebastian fights Sir Toby Olivia breaks up fight Scene 3 Olivia and Sebastian marry Scene 2 Malvolio’s torment Feste as
Twelfth Night -- Act V Scene 1 Feste/Fabian Feste/Orsino Viola/Orsino/Antonio Olivia/Orsino/Cesario Sebastian/Sir Toby/Sir Andrew Viola/Sebastian Malvolio Feste’s Song
Twelfth Night themes • Masculinity and Femininity • Nature of love (unrequited), of wooing • Grief • Loyalty • Revenge • Puritanism: no fun, no drink, no song
Rosalind Father absent Cousin/sister Celia Disguise for fun and protection Gets Orlando to woo her as Ganymede. Teaches him about love Both masculine and feminine Viola Father dead, brother lost Alone Disguise necessary for modesty Wooes Olivia for Orsino, Admits love for him, teaches him how to love Both masculine and feminine Twelfth Night and As You Like Itcomparison of main characters