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Increased Achievement Through Attention to School Health and Fitness

Increased Achievement Through Attention to School Health and Fitness. A Principal’s Perspective Friday, February 10, 2006 Dr. David Jones. Learning from our Experience:. You must build in support for the mission and for the team

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Increased Achievement Through Attention to School Health and Fitness

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Increased Achievement Through Attention to School Health and Fitness A Principal’s Perspective Friday, February 10, 2006 Dr. David Jones

  2. Learning from our Experience: • You must build in support for the mission and for the team • Attention to School Health and Fitness has a direct impact on student achievement • There are rich resources available to support your work *

  3. Why Center on School Health? “Schools have more influence on the lives of youth than any other social institution except the family, and provide a setting in which friendship networks develop, socialization occurs and norms that govern behavior are developed and reinforced.” Healthy People 2010 http://web.health.gov/healthypeople/

  4. Support for the Mission and Team • Support for the team leader • Weekly meeting • Release time • Connecting to district resources • Recognition

  5. Support for the Mission and Team • Support for the team • Attend every meeting • Look for release time • Do not overuse the same staff • Recognition

  6. Support for the Mission and Team • Support for the school’s work • Time at Staff Meetings/LID Days • Funding • Maintain the vision • Models collaborative process • Keep it fun

  7. Staff Wellness • Focus was on providing frequent activities to reduce physical and emotional stress on adults. • Formed a committee to identify needs (survey), brainstorm possible solutions, and put a plan into action. • We started with this area, since it would provide early and easy success, and was highly visible

  8. A Few Examples of our Activities: Staff Wellness • Massage therapy after school • Bowling team • Welcome Back Picnic • Dinner on the Beach, Lunch in the Trees, Winter Breakfast • Rock Climbing • Hawaiian Day • Festivas Celebration and Competition • Monthly social activities organized by departments • Yoga, Weight Lifting, Pilates, Relaxation Sessions • Weekly Tips for Healthy Eating • Administrator’s Breakfast • PTSA Soup Day

  9. Impact on Student Achievement:Eisenhower MS, in 2000 • 18% free or reduced lunch • 19.79% minority students • Assessment Scores (percent at standard) • 40% Reading • 23% Math • 43% Writing • No students of color passed the state math assessment

  10. Our Two-Prong Attack Academic Create structures which assure educational excellence for all Remove all barriers to learning • School Health • Become a “Healthy School” • (Attend to the Eight Components of a Healthy School)

  11. Our School Now (Fall, 2005) • 18% free or reduced lunch 38% • 19.79% minority students 37% • Assessment scores (percent at standard) • 40% Reading 72% • 23% Math 53% • 43% Writing 68% • No students of color passed the state math assessment Minority student performance is much more similar to overall school population.

  12. Math WASL Trends, by Level

  13. Reading WASL Trends, by Level

  14. How Academics and Health Relate Health Instruction Staff Wellness School Environment Physical Education Community Family Academic Program School Food Services Family & Community Environment Counseling & Social Services Health Services

  15. There are rich resources available • Pam and OSPI • Community mentors • American Lung Association • American Cancer Society • County Health Department • American Red Cross • Documents created by the CDC. (http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/shi/default.aspx)

  16. Resources: Web Site • http://docushare.everett.k12.wa.us/docushare/dsweb/View/Collection-948 Seventeen PowerPoint presentations, surveys, documents and other resources which will help you get started at your site.

  17. Active For Life, Intro to Staff Becoming a Healthy School Bullying and Harassment Lesson Community Outreach CT Assoc of Schools Creating a School Health Council Eight Components of a Healthy School External Evaluation Healthy School Worksheet Mission Statement NMSA Presentation Nutrition Committee Report Staff Invite to CHEF projects Staff Wellness Survey Status Report Survey of Student Safety PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint Word Document Word Document Word Document PowerPoint PowerPoint Word Document PowerPoint Word Document Word Document Word Document Sample of Documents on Web Site

  18. How Academics and Health Relate Health Instruction Staff Wellness School Environment Physical Education Community Family Academic Program School Food Services Family & Community Environment Counseling & Social Services Health Services

  19. Making a Difference for Kids • In healthy schools, children are more alert, more focused on learning, and miss less school. • Students in healthy schools learn lifelong healthy behaviors to prevent the leading causes of death: heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

  20. Making a Difference for Schools • In healthy schools, staff are absent less often. • Sustained effective school reform is more likely when adults have already experienced the positive effects of working together on programs addressing the health of the entire school. • A consistent, coordinated focus on the eight components of school-wide health has a direct, positive impact on achievement scores

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