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Arab Region Internet & Telecom Summit Muscat, Oman, 28 – 30 May 2001

Arab Region Internet & Telecom Summit Muscat, Oman, 28 – 30 May 2001 Overview of Internet in Arab States Abdulilah Dewachi Regional Adviser Telecommunications and Networking adewachi@escwa.org.lb

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Arab Region Internet & Telecom Summit Muscat, Oman, 28 – 30 May 2001

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Arab Region Internet & Telecom SummitMuscat, Oman, 28 – 30 May 2001 Overview of Internet in Arab States Abdulilah Dewachi Regional Adviser Telecommunications and Networking adewachi@escwa.org.lb The views expressed in this presentation are those of the regional adviser and do not necessarily represent those of UNESCWA

  2. The Digital Divide 86% world GDP 93% Internet users Income 1% world GDP 0.2% Internet users

  3. Internet Access by Region November 2000Nua Internet Survey Arabs are 3% of world population

  4. Internet share of population by region March 2000(UN Secretary General Report)

  5. Internet generated revenue 1994 – 2002(Billions USD)

  6. Arab States Sub-regions • Eastern Arab States (7) • Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, WB&G, Yemen • North African Arab States (9) • Algeria, Comoros, Djibouti, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia • Gulf States (6) • Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, SA, UAE

  7. Population

  8. Technical Infrastructure

  9. Five indicators • Fixed lines • Mobile lines • PC’s • Internet hosts • Internet users

  10. World reference

  11. ESCWA Region

  12. GCC Region

  13. Eastern Arab States

  14. Regional breakdown

  15. Internet Hosts Growth(Jan 99 to Jan 01)

  16. Internet Hosts (Jan 2001)

  17. Internet Hosts (Jan 2001)

  18. Internet Users

  19. Internet Users

  20. Internet User growth

  21. Internet Service Providers

  22. Monopoly in telecom

  23. Cost of Internet connection

  24. Cost of Internet

  25. Voice Over IP Officially allowed in: • Egypt • Saudi Arabia • Oman

  26. Available modes of connection • Dialup • The most common mode of connection • ISDN • Available in most countries but not used extensively • Leased • Available but expensive • ADSL, Broadband, Cable, Satellite, Etc. • Only few countries • VPN

  27. Mobile connection Could be very interesting in the absence of robust hard infrastructure • Special prepaid cards • About to be introduced in some countries • (e.g. Lebanon) • WAP • Limited interest and popularity • GPRS and 3G • ?

  28. Soft (socio-economic and educational) Infrastructure

  29. Seven “Soft” indicators • Human Development Index • Gender Development Index • School Enrollment Ratio • Adult Literacy • Education Index • Internet hosts • Internet users

  30. World Reference

  31. Arab States

  32. GCC States

  33. Middle Eastern Arab States

  34. North African Arab States

  35. The 3 Sub-regions

  36. Internet Usage Profiles Place of access • 72% of users acces the net at home • 22% go online at work • 4% from educational institutions • 2% from Internet cafes

  37. Internet Usage Profiles Educational Level • 27% high-school or less • 44% bachelors degrees • 18% graduate diplomas or masters • 3.5% PhD or doctoral degrees

  38. Internet Usage Profiles Age • 31.9% are between 21 and 26 • 37.7% are between 27 and 35 • 15.7% are between 36 and 45 • 4.5% over 60

  39. Internet Usage Profiles Distribution across professions • 15% IT and telecom engineers • 11.1% other engineers • 10% computer technicians • 5.4% management and consultants

  40. Women on the Internet • United States of America 38% • Brazil 25% • Japan 17% • Russia 16% • China 7% • Arab States 4%

  41. Internet Applications in the Arab Region

  42. Electronic Commerce Electronic Government The Arabic Language Quality of Web Sites Content

  43. Electronic Commerce Electronic Government The Arabic Language Quality of Web Sites Content

  44. US ECOMMERCE 1998 - 2003

  45. Goods purchased over the Internet in the Middle East year ending April 1999 $95m

  46. E-banking status of the top 100 Arab banks

  47. Problem Areas • Government Role • Facilitator • Regulator and legislator • User • Local habits • Credit cards creditability • Freight charges

  48. Problem Areas • Trade barriers • Disintermediation • Local and regional market • Import or export?

  49. EIU e-business readiness rankings

  50. Electronic Commerce Electronic Government The Arabic Language Quality of Web Sites Content

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