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The case studies . SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. EUROPE. A comparative project. Various contexts in sending countries Country concerned by international migration for a long vs. a short timeDifferent geographical and economic contexts (sahelian vs. equatorial country)Different political histories from colonial times to contemporary events? all in all, different types of migrants (labor mig., family mig., asylum seekers)Various ties between sending and receiving countries: With post-colonial links (S1147
1. MAFE ProjectMigrations between AFrica and EuropeCris BEAUCHEMIN (INED, Paris)
2. The case studies
3. A comparative project Various contexts in sending countries
Country concerned by international migration for a long vs. a short time
Different geographical and economic contexts (sahelian vs. equatorial country)
Different political histories from colonial times to contemporary events
? all in all, different types of migrants (labor mig., family mig., asylum seekers)
Various ties between sending and receiving countries:
With post-colonial links (Senegal and France, Congo and Belgium)
Or without such links: newer and growing flows
Various contexts in receiving countries, with differences in matter of
Migration policy, integration regimes, socio-economic contexts
4. Scientific objectives (1) Objectif 1. A better understanding of migratory logics
1.1. Departure determinants
To test empirically the various migration theories (and also opposite common wisdoms)
neo-classics vs. NELM, etc.
In line with Masseys analyses
To study choices of destination
Domestic vs. international
Various European destinations (role of migration and integration policies? of socio-economic contexts?)
1.2. Circulation and determinants of return
To show circulation patterns (description)
To study the determinants of return migration
The role of remittances
The impact of integration conditions
5. Scientific objectives (2) Objectif 2. Impacts of international migration in sending countries
2.1. International migration and urban development
Role of migrants in urban transformations: architectural changes? investments in community amenities? New neighborhoods?
Changes in the urban economy: In what extent are (return) migrants actors in economic development (new type of activities, entrepreneurship)?
2.2. International migration and social change
Articulation between international migration and family building (marriage, children). Transnational families?
Gender relations: impacts of male migration in the sending countries? Impacts of growing female migration flows?
6. Methodological objectives To produce
Reliable and representative data
Mostly quantitative data, but
The ethnosurvey principles
On various populations
Migrants (themselves), non-migrants, return migrants
Documented as well as undocumented migrants
Both in sending and receiving countries
With linked samples (a community based survey)
A common design for various national contexts
Allowing to study the determinants and consequences of migration at various levels
Multilevel data collection (individual, HH, community, region)
Event histories collection : residential, family, labor, migration, investments (housing, business) histories
7. Sample objectives In sending countries (non-migrants, return mig. & visiting mig.)
10 communities
Congo: only in Kinshasa and its surrounding region
Senegal: in the whole country (drawn in the 2002 census)
Communities selected to take into account the various migratory contexts (high/low prevalence, old/new flows)
200 households per community (random sample)
2 people per HH
? All in all, 2000 HH questionnaires , 4000 ind. quest. per country
In receiving countries (migrants)
Around 80 migrants per origin community (?)
Technical solution: snowballing through
origin HH
other migrants in destination places
migrant associations
A real challenge
to overcome the lack of confidence of the respondents
to control for selection biases
8. Where are we in the project? A survey design still in evolution / discussion
Sample design to be precised
Questionnaires tested a 1st time and in progress
Next step : test in november 2006, pilot in 2007
? survey feasibility?
New scientific objectives could be developed
Ex. 1: undocumented migration
Ex. 2: international migration and rural development (esp. in Senegal)
Funding research: a dispersed and on-going process
Various French funds already obtained
To start data collection on Senegalese migrations
European Commission : FP7
To complete the needs in matter of data collection
Meeting in Paris in January 2007
And all other opportunities
9. A collaborative work between various European and African institutions For data collection:
To organize the survey in each country
To approach the population / to create a confidence relationship
To track and interview the migrants
2007: Pilot on Senegalese migrants
2008-2009: survey on Senegalese, Congolese and Ghanaian populations
For analyses:
Country per country
Comparative approach
For fund raising
Collectively: to participate in the responses to European calls (FP7)
Individually: to find additional funds for PhD students, post-doc
10. Who are we?
11. Thank you!cris.beauchemin@ined.fr