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INTRODUCTION The twentieth century witnessed two terrible world wars. After the first world war(1914-1918),it was realized that an organization should be created to prevent future wars and hence the League of Nations was formed. But it failed to achieve its objectives. Within twenty years of its formation, the second world war(1939-1945) broke out. This prompted the nations of the world to make another attempt to form an international organization. From 25th April to 26th June 1945,representatives of 50 nations met in San Francisco,USA to draw a Charter or a set of rules for a new world organization, called United Nations The charter was signed on 26th June 1945 by 50 nations including INDIA. The United Nations formally came into existence on 24th October 1945.Since than,24th October is celebrated as The United Nations day every year.Today,the United Nations is world’s largest international organization.
Under the charter,the United nations body has six organs- The general Assembly The security Council The Economic & Social Council The Trusteeship council The International Court of Justice & The Secretariat Principal organs of UN
1.The General Assembly All the member states are represented in the General Assembly, each having one vote The main functions of the General Assembly are- To discuss the powers and functions of other organs To elect ten non-permanent members of security council To elect the Judges of the ICJ To admit new members & To appoint secretary General
2 The security council It is mainly responsible for ensuring peace in the world It is composed of 15 members of which 5 are permanent members and 10 are elected by the General Assembly The five permanent members are the USA,the UK, Russia,China,and France The 10 permanent members are elected by the General Assembly for two years and are not eligible for immediate re-election Each member of the security council has one vote VETO-The approval of all the permanent members is necessary on important matters. If any permanent member casts a “veto”to show its disagreement then no decision can be taken
3 The Economic and Social council The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) is the UN’s welfare council,which coordinates the economic and social activities It seeks to build a world of greater prosperity,stability and justice. It organizes major international conferences and prepares draft The ECOSOC is composed of 54 members Each year the General Assembly elects,its one-third,that is 18 members for a period of 3 years
4 The Trusteeship Council The Trusteeship Council of UN may be called the “Protector of Dependent Peoples” who are not yet able to govern themselves. Such territories are to be administered under the Trusteeship Council system by the member states. By the end of 1994 ,all the original 11 trust territories of the Trusteeship Council have become independent.
5.The International Court of Justice The International Court of Justice popularly known as the “World Court” is the principal judicial organ of the UN The Court is not open to private persons and parties. It settles legal disputes between states and gives advisory opinion to the UN. The Court comprises 15 judges who are elected by the General Assembly and the Security Council No two judges can be appointed from one country at a time The judges serve a 9 year term and may be re-elected The seat of the International Court of Justice is at the Hague in the Netherlands.
6.The Secretariat The secretariat performs all the day-to-day functions of the UN. It administers the programmes and policies laid down by various organs of the UN. It keeps all records. Its chief Administrative Officer is the Secretary General. He is appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of five-year term, which is renewable. The Secretariat known as the UN office, has its headquarters in New York,USA. Arabic,Chinese,English,French,Russian and Spanish are the six official languages of the UN.
HUMAN RIGHTS & THE UN Human Rights are those rights to which every individual is entitled as a human being. Human Rights are often referred as basic rights, birth rights,natural rights and moral rights.They imply the rights relating to life,liberty,equality and dignity of the individual. The United Nations Universal Declaration on Human Rights(UNDHR) was adopted on 10 December 1948.Since then it is observed as Human Rights Day throughout the world Rene Cassin,the distinguished FrenchJurist who drafted UNDHR was awarded the Nobel Pease Prize in 1968 for his work on Human Rights
India’s Response to Human Rights The impact of the UNDHR is evident on the drafting of the Indian constitution The Preamble declares four aims in the governance of India- (1)JUSTICE-social,economic and political. (2)LIBERTY of thought,expression,belief,faith and worship. (3)EQUALITY of status and opportunity and (4)FATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation. For the protection of Human Rights,India has set up a National Human Rights Commission(NHRC) in 1993.It deals with the cases of violation of Human Rights.
Constitution & Human Rights Our Constitution guarantees Six Fundamental Rights: 1. Right to Equality, 2. Right toFreedom, 3. Right to freedom of religion, 4.Right against exploitation, 5.Cultural and educational rights and 6. Right to constitutional remedial rights are justicable in nature Indian cultural values based on the respect for all religion-Sarva Dharma Sambhav,the philosophy of non-violence and mutual co-existence also provide moral safeguards for the protection of Human Rights.