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Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet 计算机网络 - 自顶向下方法与 Internet 特色

Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet 计算机网络 - 自顶向下方法与 Internet 特色. Forewords. About the Course. Bilingual Course Is not Computer English or Networking English >=50% given in English Final Exam and Grading close-book and in English .

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Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet 计算机网络 - 自顶向下方法与 Internet 特色

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  1. Computer NetworkingA Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet计算机网络-自顶向下方法与Internet特色 Forewords

  2. About the Course • Bilingual Course • Is notComputer English or Networking English • >=50% given in English • Final Exam and Grading • close-book and inEnglish. • Final Exam: 80% • Homeworks and lab reports : 10% • Present at the classes and the labs: 5% • Quiz: 5%

  3. Instructor • MA Hongwei 马宏伟 • mahongwei@sdjzu.edu.cn, XX216 • 13953189978 86361381(office) • Office Time • Monday. Thursday 14:00-16:00 • Teaching assistant • LI Zhifang 李志方, XX316

  4. Contents and Scheduling • Computer Networks and the Internet: 5 Periods • Application Layer: 9 Periods • Transport Layer: 10 Periods • The Network Layer: 11 Periods • Link Layer and LAN: 9 Periods • Review 4 Periods • Labs: 16 Periods

  5. Textbook, References Books • Textbook: • Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet (third edition), Higher Education Press • Reference books • 计算机网络:自顶向下方法与Internet特色(第三版),机械工业出版社 • A.S Tanebaum, Computer Networks, 4th edition, 清华大学出版社

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