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Implementing the Australian Curriculum at Y7 in 2012. Robyn Ryan MLC ryanrj@mlc.vic.edu.au. The Australian Curriculum at MLC. 2010 AC group convened – Director of Learning and Curriculum; Heads of English, Maths, Science and Humanities; meetings each month
Implementing the Australian Curriculum at Y7 in 2012 Robyn Ryan MLC ryanrj@mlc.vic.edu.au
The Australian Curriculum at MLC 2010 • AC group convened – Director of Learning and Curriculum; Heads of English, Maths, Science and Humanities; meetings each month • UbD adopted as framework for curriculum mapping across the College with common template for use by subjects teams • Subject team review of draft AC curriculum documents at Y7 and 9 • College PD sessions and Department meeting sessions allocated to AC and UbD • History – set of common key questions and understandings developed Y7-12 • Y7 History - Initial decisions/ draft planning of curriculum combining previous MLC and AC topics and content etc in UbD format
2011 and 2012 curriculum planning and implementation 2011 • UbD framework merged with Atlas online curriculum documentation system across College • Time allocation for Y7 and 9 AC team leaders • Completion of Y7 and 9 draft AC courses via UbD for 2012 • Mappingof courses across the year • Allocation of teacher pairs to developing draft UbD for each of the 5 sections of the course • 2 x time release PM planning sessions to share, review, revise and document via Atlas ready for 2012 2012 • Y7 and 9 AC implemented in English, Maths, Science and History 2013 • Y7, 8, 9, 10* AC in English, Maths, Science and History
Initial curriculum drafting and design process • Team reading and review of AC documentation with elaborations • Summary of observations – content, skills, timing etc • Audit - Current curriculum and AC compared – table summary • AC – identified new elements to be incorporated • Depth studies - Team decisions as to relative merit of the various choices, consideration of current materials, resources etc • Updating and revisions to planning with subsequent versions of the AC 2011-2
Initial drafting and implementation planning - comments and reflections from other 2012 AC schools?
Overview planning for the Australian Curriculum at Y7 • Subject allocation 4 x 75 min lessons per cycle* for the year = 34 weeks (17 cycles) = 68 lessons total approx. • 10% overview = 8 lessons (In 2 sections – introductory and review) • 90% 3 x depth studies (Investigating the Ancient Past; The Mediterranean World; The Asian World) = 60 lessons = 18-22 lessons per topic approx.
Overview of new AC Y7 History curriculum 34 weeks (68 lessons approx) 4 x 75 min lessons per cycle* • Overview 1 – introductory 2 weeks ( 5 lessons) • Depth study 1: Investigating the Ancient Past (Intro to History, Ancient Australia, Egypt) 11 weeks (22 lessons) • Depth study 2: The Mediterranean World – Greece 10 weeks (20 lessons) • Depth study 3: The Asian World – China 9 weeks (18 lessons) • Overview 2 – review and comparison 1.5 weeks (3 lessons)
Overview of Y7 curriculum - comments and reflections from other 2012 AC schools?
Semester 1 2012Report assessment tasks Overview: • Overview P1: Out of Africa review task 20% Depth study 1: Investigating the Ancient Past: • Investigating the Ancient Past review task 20% • History Mystery (Egypt) task 40% • Egypt document study 20%
Reflections and observations at the end of Semester 1 Overview P1: • The overview can be viewed as the links and connections between the depth studies but need to address overlap between overview and depth study and reduce in 2013 • Overview P1 – Was addressed by way of PP introductions, text work, teacher lectures, short whole class comprehension exercises but need to cut down detail / depth to allow for more interactive and creative ways of delivering content ; detail level of texts can be reduced • 2013: Out of Africa theory (1); Types of evidence(1); Personal and family history and timelines (1); Key features of ancient societies (1); Overview and timeline of major ancient societies (1) • Remove Darwin theory of evolution
Reflections and observations at the end of Semester 1 Depth Study 1: Investigating the Ancient Past: • Was used as a vehicle to explore Egypt but this required large number of lessons to provide context for research • Not all Egypt mystery topics equally easy to resource (Kadeshetc) • Ancient Australia and heritage sites component needed to be more adequately covered – ran out of time • Ancient Australia research and presentation activity • Conserving the ancient past activity • 2013: Include archaeologists and historians; types of sources; historical controversies; Ancient Australia; conservation • Merge Overview and Investigating the Ancient Past review tasks • Broaden History Mysteries task to include Ancient Australia and world heritage sites • Remove: Class study lessons on Egypt
Reflections and observations at the end of Semester 1 Semester 2: Choice of European civilisations: • The AC reduces the ability to study more than 1 European civilisation – have to choose between Greece and Rome – will review after study of Greece in 2012 and may choose to study Greece and Rome in alternate years?
Y7 AC Semester 1 - comments and reflections from other 2012 AC schools?
Resources for Semester 1 areas • Much existing material utilised • Student text - Oxford Big Ideas Y7 – pack with student text, workbook, obook; teacher text – arrived in school end of 2011 • Supplemented materials for Overview P1 and Depth Study 1, particularly methods of historians, Ancient Australia – use pdfs of Pearson extracts, previous materials etc • HTAV Ancient and Medieval teacher resource pack • Dialogue Education – Teaching History CDROM of PPs – Ancient Australia • Use of other Y7 texts as they become available - Nelson, Macmillan, Jacaranda etc
Resources for Semester 1 - comments and reflections from other 2012 AC schools?
Ongoing planning for 2013 and beyond • Collaborative team use of the UbD framework to refine each section of the course and review and revise assessment tasks for each section • Updating of documentation via online Atlas documentation repository • Expand resources and activity bank for Ancient Australia and heritage sites • End of 2012 meetings: Determine 2013 selection of assessment tasks across the 2 semester reports; allocate tasks across topic areas and nominate pairs to review and circulate draft versions for team consensus
Ongoing planning - comments and reflections from other 2012 AC schools?