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Social Packets on Social Informatics and Computing

Social Packets on Social Informatics and Computing. S . Felix Wu wu @cs.ucdavis.edu http:// www.facebook.com/ sfelixwu. Social Computing. Systems leveraging Social Informatics How can Social Informatics be maintained and leveraged for applications? Social-Centric Kernel

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Social Packets on Social Informatics and Computing

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  1. Social Packetson Social Informatics and Computing S. Felix Wu wu@cs.ucdavis.edu http://www.facebook.com/sfelixwu

  2. Social Computing • Systems leveraging Social Informatics • How can Social Informatics be maintained and leveraged for applications? • Social-Centric Kernel • How to protect the fairness/value of the Social Informatics/Resource layer? Social Packets

  3. Degree Rank Social Packets

  4. Social Rank/Diversity Social Packets

  5. Social-aware Search • It’s not just about which set is the best for the application users. • It’s an interactive platform between the users (or their representing communities)and the contents/digital objects! Social Packets

  6. Ego-centric Social Network Social Packets

  7. Social Packets

  8. Social Packets

  9. Social Informatics Social Interactive Network Content API This is still “soft” and “revising”… Social Packets

  10. Social Packets

  11. {"id" : "262907633759444_264463230270551", "from" : {"name" : "Occupy UC Davis", "category" : "Community", "id" : "262907633759444"}, "message" : "Demand an internal investigation. To file an official complaint, you need to go to the police station in person. Sift through the videos. Write down all the badge numbers and names you can make out from the videos. The officers responsible will be held accountable.”, "type" : "status", "created_time" : "2011-11-19T05:46:39+0000", "updated_time" : "2011-11-19T14:07:11+0000", "likes" : {"count":7}, "comments" : {"data" : [ {"id" : "262907633759444_264463230270551_3351721", "from" : {"name" : "**Name_0000000010790021**", "id" : "**ID_0000000010792**" }, "message" : "The only thing there is to demand is the complete destruction of the UCP and the resignation of our Chancellor”, Social Packets

  12. Social Packets

  13. {"id” : "15704546335_10150171185276336", "from” : {"name” : "Fox News", "category” : "Media news publishing”, "id” : "15704546335"}, "message” : "Breaking News: The White House releases President Obama's long-form birth certificate. Obama to comment at 9:45a ET -- Watch live on Fox News Channel.", "actions” : [{"name” : "Comment", "link” : "http:\/\/www.facebook.com\/15704546335\/posts\/10150171185276336"},…], "created_time” : "2011-04-27T13:07:55+0000", "updated_time” : "2011-11-19T01:34:55+0000", "likes” : {"data":[…],"count":2052}, "comments”: Social Packets

  14. 10772 comments, 16567 likes from 5604 individual users {"id” : "15704546335_10150171185276336", "from” : {"name” : "Fox News", "category” : "Media news publishing”, "id” : "15704546335"}, "message” : "Breaking News: The White House releases President Obama's long-form birth certificate. Obama to comment at 9:45a ET -- Watch live on Fox News Channel.", "actions” : [{"name” : "Comment", "link” : "http:\/\/www.facebook.com\/15704546335\/posts\/10150171185276336"},…], "created_time” : "2011-04-27T13:07:55+0000", "updated_time” : "2011-11-19T01:34:55+0000", "likes” : {"data":[…],"count":2052}, "comments”: Social Packets

  15. 10772 comments, 16567 likes from 5604 individual users {"id” : "15704546335_10150171185276336", "from” : {"name” : "Fox News", "category” : "Media news publishing”, "id” : "15704546335"}, "message” : "Breaking News: The White House releases President Obama's long-form birth certificate. Obama to comment at 9:45a ET -- Watch live on Fox News Channel.", "actions” : [{"name” : "Comment", "link” : "http:\/\/www.facebook.com\/15704546335\/posts\/10150171185276336"},…], "created_time” : "2011-04-27T13:07:55+0000", "updated_time” : "2011-11-19T01:34:55+0000", "likes” : {"data":[…],"count":2052}, "comments”: Social Packets

  16. Social Packets

  17. On November 18, 2011 November 6-12 of 2011 Social Packets

  18. November 20-26 of 2011 November 6-12 of 2011 Social Packets

  19. Social Packets

  20. Social Packets

  21. Possible Interesting SI’s • Key topics/concepts within a community • Formation of opinions • Types of Interactive patterns • Content/Social Influence • Information propagation and cascade • Spiral of silence • Diversity and Minority Representation Social Packets

  22. Possible Interesting SI’s • Key topics/concepts within a community • Formation of opinions • Types of Interactive patterns • Content/Social Influence • Information propagation and cascade • Spiral of silence • Diversity and Minority Representation • BTW, friendship and profile Social Packets

  23. Applications • Search Engine • Wikipedia • Email • Social-aware Cloud Computing • Malware/Anomaly analysis • Social File Systems Social Packets

  24. Social Packets

  25. Social Interactive Network Content API Social Packets

  26. Content-1 Social Interactive Network API Content-2 Social Interactive Network Social Packets

  27. Remarks • This is conceptually nothing too new. • But, maybe much more explicit and larger scale • Focusing on “Social Structure + Content” • Multidisciplinary Research • Will this approach be really useful while we still need to understand the impact to our human society? • Assuming we will have a practical/trustworthy realization of SI. Social Packets

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