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Secure Smart Cities topic . New interesting emerging topic for society, industry, authorities, research and academia, citizens. The topic includes: security, smart ICT environments, Living Lab framework, City planning and managements, techno-social system of systems approach
Secure Smart Cities topic • New interesting emerging topic for society, industry, authorities, research and academia, citizens. • The topic includes: security, smart ICT environments, Living Lab framework, City planning and managements, techno-social system of systems approach • It requires a broader definition of security. Societal security. • Requires complex cross sector approach considering urban environments and related market ecosystems • New regulatory, policies, legal environments are to be established • It includes overlapping local and international focus areas • It will require systematic multi-disciplinary cross sector development including all key stakeholders interests. Interoperability. The citizens play a key role. • Needs a Forum and partnerships, new PPPs collaboration models.
European Alliance of Secure Smart Cities and Living Labs for Societal Security initiative Meeeting 16.06.2014 Mesusskeskus, Helsinki , FINLAND
Objectives • The Alliance is aiming to join international forums, Industrial organizations and groups, public authorities and user organizations to establish a European Alliance of Secure Smart Cities and Living Labs for Societal Security. • The Alliance is aiming to establish collaboration and exchange of best practices and experiences between: • Smart Cities and Living Lab communities (users, industry, research, international forums) • Security and Safety communities (users, industry, research, international forums) • ICT communities (industry, research, international forums) • The Alliance is establishing a multidisciplinary forum and partnership that will create a platform for development of innovative technologies, methods and tools. It will allow the integration of smart systems and environments into modern European society to make it more secure and resilient. • Digital Services Demo Site at Helsinki-Vantaa International airport in Finland
Approach • The Alliance promotes Living Lab, multidisciplinary, system of system approach and cross sector and international interoperability
The Societal Security topics considered • Public safety and emergency management systems and tools • Intelligent city planning and monitoring systems and tools • Smart border crossing at sea, land and airports • eHealth and telemedicine • Secure and safe intelligent traffic systems (ITS) • Intelligent critical infrastructure monitoring and protections systems • Intelligent environmental monitoring • Intelligent ICT systems, networks and applications, Future Internet and IoT • Techno-societal system of systems research for resilience and security
Federated structure • The federated structure of the Alliance will include Regional Centers, Pilots and associated Living Labs. • The Regional Centers and Pilots will provide local focus related to the specific regional needs, environments, and cultures. • Each Regional Center will decide on it focus areas, priorities and strategies.
Interested organisations Interested , Living Labs, Cities/communes admin.: • Italy (Trento, Lombardia, ) • Sweeden (LL in Luleo) • Norway (Trondheim) • Sothern France • Switzerland • Netherlans • Belgium Interested forums: ICT4 Peace, GRF, ISCRAM, ENoLL members (see above), ERTICO, TIEMS Discussion with Industry is starting Strong intrests recived from Smart Cities and Communities Stakeholders platform (EC) Universities ?
Alliance development plan and next steps • to invite key relevant forums and organizations to participate in the Alliance and its partnership. The MoU between different international forums will create a multidisciplinary forum of forums for dissemination and exchange of news and information. • to set up a number of workshops and public events to bring together interested communities and stakeholders. • to establish the Alliance Core Group. The Core Group meeting to be hosted at one of the planned events where the partnership agreement between the Core Group members, participation in Demo Site and in Regional Centers and Pilots will be discussed. • to establish Alliance secretariat and legal entity
Structure of European Alliance of Secure Smart Cities and Living Labs for Societal Security. COST ACTION Project structure. cooperation in education • WP1. Societal Security applications domains: • Security and Public Safety • Health • Infastructure • Environment • Emergency management • others WP3. Sociology, political and behavioral science, user research WP5. Smart ICT Environments and ICT Systems • WP2. • Risk Management , Resilience, System Analysis, System of Systems WP4. Business and market ecosystem research Service Research, Policies, Foresigh, Innovation WP6. Urban planning, design, management, monitoring research cooperation Implementation WP7. Federated Secure and Safe Smart Cities Living Labs
European Alliance and partnership: • Cities, • Universities • Industry Network of Federated Smart Secure City Living Labs. Alliance and partnership • Internation cooperation: • Alliance, • Research, • Education, • Disseminaton Trondheim Stockholm Helsinki BeNeLux cities Trento Nice • Local adoptation: • City/Commune administration • Local Univesrity(s) • Industry, SMEs Singapore SIELA ry
Local vs. international dimensions of Smart Secure City Living Lab International: • Critical mass of international expertise • Exchange of best practices and experiences between City Admin., authorities • Research and educational cooperation between universities, industry, SMEs • Federated structure • Intenational (EU) policies and regulations • Cross border cooperation • Methodologies, strategy development for research and education, business development Local: • Based on local ecosystem (universities, industries, authorities) • Addressed local priorities, needs and culture • Regional partnership and involvement in regional development programmes and national projects • Citezents focus SIELA ry
Research Collaboration • NordForsk NCoE TRANSCAPACITY Nordic group 50+ partners • COST ACTION cross domain proposal = Alliance structure (next) page. Call opens by Atumnt 2104. In preparation. Coordianted by Laurea UAS • H2020 , 3 proposals inprepartion– DL 28.08.2014 • INTERREG (Cross-regional) • ERDF (Local) • Industrialy funded projects
COST ACTION proposal COST ACTION Trans Domain Proposal (TDP) "European Secure and Safe Smart Cities and Living Labs multidisciplinary Research Network" (ESSC) • European citizens and community need to understand how future smart ICT systems could be integrated into modern society to improve its security, safety and resilience. Such demand open a new paradigm in multidisciplinary research on techno- social systems, resilience, risk communication and management, societal security and usability. The techno-social system of systems includes smart ICT environments and different societal groups at local, national and international levels. The smart ICT systems provide a big potential for improvement of societal security particularly in large metropolitan areas. The integration of smart ICT networks and systems has many societal, organizational and technological challenges. The understating of modern techno-social systems behavior and their dynamics, the insight into capabilities and risks of smart systems integration into modern society can provide an important contribution to European security and safety in the near future. • The research on this complex topic should combine system level academic research and applied application focused research that will be based on Living Lab approach and methods. The Living Lab will allow to study the needs and expectations of European citizens and organizations in Societal Security and will allow their proactive participation in the design and system integration processes. • The multidisciplinary approach of the Action is essential for establishing strategic research agenda for European techno-social systems security research and could contribute the future research agendas in the areas of societal security, ICT and service design. • The topic requires the development of new concepts, approaches and establishing of multidisciplinary collaboration between research groups that usually rarely collaborate with each other. • The Action will contribute to the development of techno-social system of system concept of European societal security and its applications including public safety and health, environment monitoring, infrastructure and borders protection. It will create a network of research experts and groups to consolidate the multidisciplinary expertise that is necessary to be able to tackle this complex area of high societal importance.
Educational collobartion • Univeristies • Netherlanda • Belgium • Italy • Norway ? • Finland ?
External Collboration • The TIEMS Chapter structure could be an efficient tool for collaboration • Chapters in Finland, Italy , Benelux in Europe coudl eb prt of the Alliance regional structure • External coloobarion of Allince with China/East Asia , Japan, US coiuld eb supported by TIEMS network • Telco with Industrial Alliance /TIEMS Chapter in China
Alliance participation • The Alliance Members are the organizations registered in EU and EEA countries and are participating and contributing to the activities of the Alliance. They could be active at regional and/or international levels and are universities, public organizations, associations, SMEs or venture capital funds and companies. The Alliance Members are those who sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of the Alliance. • The Core Partners are the initial partners of the first framework partnership agreement to be signed with the Alliance. They are fully committed to the Alliance application and will raise the necessary co-funding. The Core Partners will be the members of the legal entity for the Alliance and will manage and control it through their membership in the Executive Steering Board. They can participate in activities at any Regional Centre and regional Pilot and are responsible or involved in the activities of their respective Regional Centre. They must fulfill minimum criteria regarding contribution to remain Core Partner. • The Associated Partners obtain general information from the Association but are not members of the Alliance. Associate partners might have specific tasks at the Alliance level that are not addressed by the Alliance regional activities, Centers and Pilots. These organizations might be linked to a specific region due to their geographical location. The associated partners are signing the MoU agreement as Alliance Associated Partner.
Alliance partnership • The Alliance partnership consists of Alliance Core Group members and addressed the complexities of future techno-social systems, the latest technology trends and new market areas. The partnership is open to organizations that are strategically interested in multidisciplinary collaboration between leading academia, industry and research organizations for the purpose of innovation, demonstration, system integration, research and training including new systems, components, service and applications development in the areas of Societal Security. • The partnership and the digital services demonstration site will create and provide a Living Lab environment where new products and services could be developed, demonstrated and tested in a realistic setting and optimized according to the user needs of different regions, user groups and stakeholders.
Partnership benefits The main benefits of the partnership for its participants include: • the participation in the multidisciplinary group and in collaboration between different stakeholders who rarely meet and talk with each other • the possibility to deliver new services and products that only could be developed and/or provided jointly by the group with complimentary multidisciplinary expertise and in-depth understanding of the latest technologies and the complex user and societal needs. • the partnership could provide services and products for complex operational environments with cultural, organizational diversities and complex risks. - the in-depth understanding of users requirements and societal needs in new services considering local, national and international aspects of societal security
The examples of new products and services • techno-social and enterprise level public safety and security systems and organizational concepts including: multi-dimensional situation awareness systems and tools, risk communication and management systems for different market segments such as environmental risk management, public safety, nuclear safety, border management and cross-border risk communication • urban planning and management systems and tools including urban infrastructure monitoring and management, intelligent traffic systems, integrated security systems, telemedicine and healthcare • international emergency management systems and tools including decision support, risk monitoring and prevention tools, multidimensional network centric disaster relief management systems • development of public private partnerships (PPP) and Living Labs in the different areas of societal security adopted to regional, national and international markets, environments and ecosystems
Organizational structure of the Alliance • The Alliance structure will include a number of committees and working groups developed according to the members needs. • The Alliance detailed membership rules, fees will be established and formalized on the legal framework.
Alliance org Structure • Board • Working Groups • Advisory Board • Regional Living Lab City Centers • Alliance Core Group and Partnership • Secretariat • Confrences/workshops • Funding
Contact information TIEMS Finland Association - siela@nic.fi